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Messages - Skip Ellis

NAA Products / Re: Odd Pug
November-29-21 15:11
Quote from: Bigbird48 on November-29-21 15:11
Thats weird that a gun that new would have the wrong grips on it. Maybe the dealer needed original grips for his gun and swamped them out , then lied to the customer about it, shady dealer maybe.

Appears that way. I wouldn't think it would sit in the store from March until last Friday. Maybe someone in the store tried to remove the grips and screwed it up, then replaced them with whatever they could find. Dealer absolutely lied to us about them 'coming that way'. I wasn't familiar enough with all the different versions to know any better and my buddy knew even less but we were happy to find a Pug in the first place we looked and the black finish on top of it so, with the proper grips, he's a happy camper now. He got to shoot the LR cylinder yesterday and was real happy with his purchase so it all ended well.
NAA Products / Re: Odd Pug
November-29-21 14:11
WOW!! Kudos to Jessica and the folks at NAA - the new grips for my buddy's Pug went out in today's mail. Found out it was made in March of 2021 so it's been sitting somewhere for awhile. It was supposed to come with the slip on rubber grips but I had her send the two piece so we don't run into problems putting them on. You just don't get service like that anymore.
NAA Products / Odd Pug
November-26-21 14:11
A friend bought a new Pug with both cylinders in a LGS today and got, what I thought, was a decent deal. However, a couple things struck me as  odd:
1.) the gun is powder coated black which I had not seen but figured it was OK since there are some custom things out there
2.) both grips have crude 'X' marks scratched in them but there appears to be finish over the scratches. The dealer told him they come that way. Is this some oddball variant that I haven't seen or heard of or is the guy lying to him? also, Also the inside of the grips don't match each other where they meet the frame.

This was obviously a new gun.  Tagged in the showcase as new and had the right box/SN and lockbox with keys and all the paperwork which appear untampered with.

NAA Products / Who's got Pugs?
September-18-20 20:09
Anybody know of any online dealers who have Pugs with both cylinders in stock? Any sight configuration/ported OK.
graelky - more like the boot grip kind of thing but I haven't seen any I really like. I've got a bunch of cocobolo stashed from some other projects - might try making my own if I go the Pug route.
Maybe another problem is, that on every EDC site I visit, they seem to bad mouth .22 ammo as being unreliable, regardless of the brand of firearm involved. One guy said he'd fired thousands of rounds of .22 rim fire with only 2 FTF - everyone jumped on him and said that wasn't good enough. Most seem to want 5000 rounds of center fire with NO FTF or FTE. I really don't see that happening, plus, some of us just don't have the opportunity or funds to shoot that much. If I buy a gun, I go to the range and shoot enough rounds to make sure it goes 'BANG' when I pull the trigger, then it goes in the holster or pocket. I, personally, can't afford to practice a lot with center fire ammo, the nearest range is 45 minutes away, and they don't allow hand loads. I owned a Guardian .32 for a short while but it was too heavy for pocket carry and got sold. Right now, I'm on the fence between a Taurus Mod 85 or a NAA pug with the Pug being in the lead....I just wish there were some nicer grips available.
Quote from: OV-1D on March-28-19 10:03
Quote from: uncle_lee on March-28-19 03:03
Current manufacturer established circa 1976, and currently located in Provo, UT. Distributor and dealer sales.
North American Arms was originally founded under the name Rocky Mountain Arms circa 1974-1975 by noted handgun entrepreneur Dick Casull. During 1976-1977, the company's name was changed to North American Arms, and it became part of the Tally Corp. of Newbury Park, CA. North American Arms was relocated from Salt Lake City to Provo, UT in 1978, and moved again in 1984 to Spanish Fork, UT. During 1986-1987, Teleflex Corp., an aerospace company, bought North American Arms' parent company, the Tally Corp. In 1992, Teleflex decided to sell off the gunmaking company, and North American Arms was purchased by Sandy Chisholm, a Teleflex employee. The company relocated again in 1994 to Provo, UT.

  Son of a gun I never knew Sandys last name all along , thanks Unc . I wonder if that last name had anything to do with John Waynes cowboy name in the movies "John Chishlom " ? Inquiring minds need to know . :)

Nope - John Chisum was a real rancher (1824-1884). Jesse Chisholm marked the the Chisholm Trail in 1864. Another interesting one: Sons of Katie Elder - Katie Elder, also known as "Big Nose Kate" (among other things) was a real hell raiser back  in the day and  might have even been "Mrs. John H. 'Doc' Holliday at one point (maybe). She was originally from Hungary and died in 1940 in Prescott, Arizona under the name Mary Cummings. saloon girl, prostitute, etc, etc, etc. Some real interesting characters back then and Hollywood has never been real interested in historical accuracy.
NAA Products / Re: North American?
March-23-19 19:03
Quote from: autofull on March-23-19 17:03
im old, im an american and i agree. three countries.

FAQs / Re: Help with photos
July-11-18 11:07
Thanks, Bill!
FAQs / Help with photos
July-11-18 08:07
I can get a photo uploaded from my computer to 'attachments' but can't get it into a post. I know I've done it before but now can't - what am I doing wrong?
NAA Products / Multi Purpose Holster
July-11-18 07:07
Does anyone know of a good leather pocket (or otherwise)  holster for a Pug or Black Widow  that incorporates the standard extra rounds pocket along with a pouch for your EDC knife (Boker switchblade)? I think it would be handy to incorporate everything into one convenient, easy to grab package. Rick, are you listening?

Or maybe add this to a holster: 2" blade, 5" O.A.

The aftermath/liability is what scares me and tends to make me always look for avoidance over confrontation. As someone said "the jury trial is a crapshoot even with the best counsel" and you might get a wild eyed liberal judge if you go that route and appeals are expensive. Carrying doesn't bother me and I spent a year in SE Asia with a weapon at arm's reach every moment and I was never afraid to use it. I do own a weapon and carry on a fairly regular basis when I feel the need, but I'm retired, don't go out at night much, and usually to pretty safe areas so, sometimes, it just doesn't seem necessary - that's why I'm looking into Pugs and BWs - to get something that I'll carry regardless. Hardest part for me is remembering not to carry it into forbidden areas like the courthouse, VA clinic, etc. Unfortunately, while I have been a so-called 'gun nut' for most of my life, being on a fixed income with only SS and Agent Orange disability (fortunately only 30%), I cannot really afford range time and ammo for a lot of practice, plus the nearest range to me is 45+ minutes each way. I wish it were different as I love to shoot, but it is what it is. I'll usually check out a new firearm to make sure it goes 'bang' then trust my experience to be able to use it effectively if the need arises. Another reason for the Pug/BW - cheaper ammo. Oh, and I DO clean my weapons on a regular basis whether I use them or not.
NAA Products / Brass Grip 'Thingies'
July-05-18 17:07
For any of you who like to make your own grips, where does one get the above mentioned brass 'thingies' that the grip screw goes into? They appear to be a press fit - is that correct? I've got a bunch of cocobolo, ebony, and quilted maple left over from some of my guitar builds and thought it might make some nice looking grips. Have to decide between getting a Pug or BW first...starting to lean more toward the BW but still like the looks of the Pug.
I've sent USPS to an FFL with no problem.I told the lady at the post office that it was a firearm and showed her a copy of the recipient's license which matched the mailing address on the package and she couldn't have been less interested- just took it and wished me a nice day. I guess it's no different than sending one back to NAA for repairs where there's no change in ownership.
Great looking grips!
Thanks billmeek - I'll check it out. I really don't care about the LR cylinder as I'll just carry the magnum and don't go to the range as it's too far away and too expensive. Whatever I get, I'll check it out to see if it goes 'bang', then use it for EDC so the 'magnum only' would be fine. It's not something I would consider a fun range gun anyway. If I had a range nearby and could afford range time and ammo, I'd pick a High Standard Victor or other higher end target pistol but those days are gone for me.
NAA Products / Bug Out II or Pug?
June-20-18 12:06
I know, I know - buy both...but right now I can only buy one. Pug in .22 mag or Bug Out II in .22 mag? Is there really that much difference? Will use for EDC and rarely the range (too far away and too expensive). I know I can't go wrong either way but what would be your first choice? Might even consider the Sidewinder.
They went quick - I just went to the website and they're 'out of stock'. Oh, well...I'll keep looking.
NAA Products / Re: PUG Price?
June-12-18 10:06
Would really rather buy locally so I can fondle first. Just e-mailed a friend at LGS to work me up a price for the Pug with both cylinders - he'll have to special order but I'm assuming most of the distributors have them. I'll post when I find out the $$$.
NAA Products / Shipping Procedure
June-11-18 11:06
I see a lot of talk about shipping the NAA's back and forth from Utah for upgrades, repairs, etc. Just wondering what the actual rule is
about doing this - must a FFL be involved or, since there's no change of ownership involved, can you send and receive freely on your own?  If I was selling or buying, yes, I would need to go through an FFL (except local FTF deals - even then, I do paperwork and require a CCW). What do you all do?  (I should probably know this 'cause I used to have an FFL but it was many years ago and I haven't read the rules in a long time)

As an aside - I sold my Guardian .32NAA so I'm looking for a Pug with both cylinders if anyone is interested in selling.
I've done my last two sales face to face from ads on Armslist. I require a Florida CCW permit and I made up a form that both the buyer and I sign - one copy to each of us, that lists the date, CCW permit number, make, model, serial number, and any accessories included  It also states that "I know of no reason that would preclude the buyer from legally owning the firearm" and that," to the best of my knowledge, the weapon will function as designed". Also noted is that there is no warranty either expressed or implied. Last sale was to a retired sheriff and he seemed impressed that I would go to the trouble of making up such a thing but I think it protects everyone concerned.
NAA Products / PUG Price?
June-07-18 12:06
Will be selling my .32NA Guardian this evening and starting the search for it's PUG replacement. Would rather have one with both cylinders. My LGS does transfers for a very reasonable $15 so  I've got that covered. Just wondering which online dealer has the best pricing on the shipping would be a plus, also. Bud's seems like a good bet and my guy is already on file with them. Any other suggestions?
I'm the same way - I like the Guardian .32NAA (a lot) , but I don' like pulling my pants up all the time and it's heavier than what my wife wants for her purse so it's being sold in favor of probably a Pug and/or a BW
Somebody MUST want one of these! Make me an offer so I can buy a Pug.
NAA Products / Re: Pug Grips
June-01-18 11:06
RougueTS1 -  that's exactly what I had in mind - are those NAA?
NAA Products / Pug Grips
May-28-18 11:05
I'll be getting a Pug convertible once I sell my Guardian .32NAA. Does anyone make 'secret service' type grips for the Pug or do I have to break into my stash of cocobolo and start carving?
NAA Products / Re: .32 NAA Ammo
May-18-18 12:05
I heard back from Hornady and they have no plans to discontinue manufacturing ammo for the .32 NAA. Unfortunately, I bought it for my wife and it's just too heavy for her so it's on the block for sale or trade for a Pug.
A box of Hornady ammo will be arriving today so the package will be ready to ship to your FFL immediately.......or...FTF if you're in my area and have a FDL and CCW permit.
I would probably trade for a .22 mag Pug if anyone's interested.
NAA Products / Re: .32 NAA Ammo
May-12-18 10:05
Wary62 - any idea where I can get dies? I've been a  reloader for years and wouldn't have a problem doing it. I don't have a press any more but I guess a Lee loader would work?  What powder do you use?
Quote from: MR_22 on May-11-18 13:05
Looks like a great deal. Where are you located, in case a face-to-face sale is possible?

West coast of sunny Florida.
Let's try $300.00 shipped to your FFL. ...or... $275.00 FTF in the SW FL (Bradenton/SRQ area (with FDL and CCW permit). I need to sell this before I can buy a Pug.

I have a super clean NAA .32naa for sale. Comes with original box, paperwork, fired round, belt pouch, and two mags, etc. I'm also throwing in a box of Hornady SD ammo to sweeten the deal. Bought this for my wife but it's heavier than what she wants to deal with so it has to go so I can get here some sort of plastic gun.

NAA Products / .32 NAA Ammo
May-10-18 11:05
Just ran into a super deal on a mint .32NAA but was wondering about availability of ammo down the road. I'd hate to get stuck with a weapon that I couldn't use. I've run onto several companies that stock it but believe there's only one manuf still making the round. What are thoughts?