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Messages - HamsterDance

Awesome. I have always liked shooting 22 revolvers, and I also want to get a CCW for when I travel to less desirable places for work. All the review videos everyone seems to have expectations of these guns exceeded with a smile. I didn't realize that my Firearm Safety Certificate wasn't housed online, so now the only way to retrieve it is if I remember the name of whoever gave it. The laws here are crazy and make no sense.
Thanks for the info and the welcome. I was wondering, what do you mean by "the short magnum is a B*tch"? 😂
Thanks so much for the feedback. So if I want one with a barrel under 4 inches, I'd have two get one of the two submitted to the DOJ, but if I get one with a 4 inch or longer barrel then they all are legal in California? 
Hi everyone!
I'm looking to get my first gun, and I really like the Sidewinders with the 4 inch barrel. I called a local gun store to ask about a listing I saw, and he said that only the NAA-22MS / Stainless Steel and NAA-22LR / Stainless Steel with 1.125" barrels are legally able to be sold in CA. This is based off of info at

I am so bummed! Any tips on the best place to get my hands on a legal NAA gun? Does it literally have to be Stainless Steel, or can it be gold plated? Is it just those two or could a gun place in CA be selling a grandfathered model that is different?

Thank you