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Messages - Bjt140

NAA Products / Re: New to the group
June-20-19 06:06
Lol if my wife yells at me, at least I have proof it can be worse!

Love the grips and holsters! I just need to figure out which one I want to carry and start shopping for it's accessories. 

I also have a fiber laser so I really want to add some scrollwork to it as well! Just need to figure out my designs and which one to laser!

Probably the best group I've joined, thanks everyone! Sorry my only pic is of an old parts and price list, but thought it was nostalgic lol
NAA Products / Re: New to the group
June-19-19 16:06
Just missed that one, but I think my local shop has one at 170 and if not there are a couple of black widows for that price point.
NAA Products / Re: New to the group
June-18-19 20:06
You guys are killing me already lol, is $200 for a like new pug a decent deal? Also, can you run. 22 mag and 22lr on one?

NAA Products / Re: New to the group
June-18-19 13:06
Thanks Bj!

I will take a look and grab something soon.
NAA Products / Re: New to the group
June-18-19 10:06
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

Looks like I will be keeping my new old mini lol. Do you guys think its worth getting it updated, or just leave it as it was originally?

I definitely like how the Pug looks! The shop I got this from has a couple Black Widows, if memory serves me right they are priced right around $170 but I am not sure on their age. There was also another older mini that seemed a little worn for 165, maybe ill grab that to test my engraving skills on.

This seems like it may be an expensive new hobby, these are relatively cheap per piece which is gonna be my issue because one is cheap and 5 adds up lol

I will definitely check out the holsters too, is there a link to a website for those?

Thanks everyone!
NAA Products / Re: New to the group
June-17-19 20:06
Thanks Smokeless Joe!

Thought about sending this one in to NAA to have it looked at and updated, but I kind of like the original aspect of it too.

I already want another one, what is a good carry option in your opinion? It's been a few days and I want another lol
NAA Products / Re: New to the group
June-17-19 14:06
Thanks Ricks Place! I believe this one is pushing 43 years old!

Most likely I'll keep it original, and grab another to carry and engrave on. These little things are pretty great!
RogueTS1- Can you buy from a shop and do a form 1? I'd be more than happy to go that route if possible! Thanks
NAA Products / Re: New to the group
June-17-19 12:06
Thanks Ruger!

Are these older ones of value? I like the idea of keeping it as my first, and if of higher value it'll be well taken care of. However, the shop has a few more that may be from the same consignment group and if they carry a higher value I may just scoop them up as well.

I was really hoping to engrave this one, but I may leave it alone for now. My laser will find another soon enough!

Just got a used one, now I am looking for a new one so I can hopefully have 3 with some luck!

I am hoping to add one asap as well. Hoping there isn't a flood of applications now, hate the idea of buying something I can have for a year!
NAA Products / New to the group
June-17-19 10:06
I've been looking for a mini for some time and finally bought a used one over the weekend. Was planning on carrying it daily, but now that I've dug into what I thought looked like a newer 22lr I may have to buy a different one.
What do you guys think, buy a new one and keep this one or buy a new one and sell this one? Not sure if it holds more value or not, but this is from the Newbury era.
Either way, these are going to be an addiction I can already tell!