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Messages - Jimbobcc

NAA Products / Re: Reversing front sight
September-03-19 17:09
Does anyone know how to remove the front sight? Anybody done it?
NAA Products / Conceal a mini master?
September-02-19 13:09
Just curious if anyone conceal carries the mini master.
Sounds so cool that only a picture will justify it, holster pic?
NAA Products / Re: Your first Mini
August-31-19 18:08
Just picked up my black widow. Will post a pic as soon as i get 15 post in
So I have read in multiple places, including I think my naa manual, to not dry fire these handguns. I would have to assume that snap caps would be ok. Anybody have any input before I load up snap caps?
NAA Products / Re: Polished minis?
August-30-19 17:08
Well I just learned how to use the search function. I apologize for the inconvenience. Anyone got pics of just polished pugs or black windows?
NAA Products / Polished minis?
August-30-19 17:08
I've noticed some minis look dull and some look shiny, bling, bling. Is it just that they are sold this way or has anyone polished a dull mini?
Just curious what everyone's deciding factor was for getting their first naa.

My first ccw was the ruger lcp in .380. I sold it after fully accepting that I just don't shoot it well. Jams were very frequent. Also it never felt right in my pocket. Hard to explain, but it was slightly too big for me in my pocket. I even thought of purchasing it again and "manning up" after the ruger lcp2 came out. Nope didn't do.

Purchased a glock 43 for hip carry and its perfect for me on my hip most of the time. I love it. I shoot great with it and carry it well. But. . .

There are times when the company around me may freak out it they knew I was carrying, seen the bulge, or if by accident my shirt came up to high.
Also sometimes in dress clothes, going for a jog, business establishments with non legal no carry signs.

So as I was walking out of my local gun range one day, after renting the lcp to remind myself why I don't like it. There they were. 2 naas right beside the door. I thought well those are a gimmick. 2 days later seen this forum. 2 days after, I order the black widow.

Haven't even took it to the range yet. Soon with pics for everyone
NAA Products / Reversing front sight
August-28-19 19:08
So I have noticed in pictures of the black widows front sight that some slant in different directions. Some like this, >, like mine, and others like this <. I would prefer mine to slant like <, so that it would be less prone to snagging.

Has anyone done this? Can naa perform this? Is this just a thing of the past? Where they originally sold in a different slant or if I see this, does it mean someone was able to rotate the front sight themselves?

Thanks for any input.
Yep, I chose the fixed sights with both 22mag and 22lr cylinders.
I went to the LGS seen about 15 NAAs sitting there, which all looked awesome. They didnt have the black widow in stock. So it will be a week before I can pick it up. I can already tell I want at least one more, but honestly 2 more seems ideal. Gotta start holster shopping and already like the multiple grip options. Pics will come soon.
NAA Products / Another new guy here.
August-22-19 19:08
Whats up guys. I'm moving quick. I started reading yalls forum yesterday and already put down my preorder for a black widow today. Looks like I gotta start a few other threads so I can post pics and stuff.