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Messages - jacob gold

#1    ........ Video of malfunction    ..... Slide break    ................. Slide fracture      .......  Problem area
Larry Seecamp died and so did the warranty. To do any repair today is $80 in shipping, $60 hr gunsmith, and parts. Ammo is $30 a box of twenty. I can see Whalley's point (new owner) on charging for repairs. My repair is $260 so it's not worth it.

As far as the new Whalley guns - I have no idea as to quality. My back up guns are a S&W snubnose (worthless), a Sig 232 (great gun but too big), and a RM380  (super gun). The plastic striker fires are silly, and the mini 1911s do nothing for me.

Anyway it's off to the gunshows to look at a NAA 32