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Messages - Randy

Hey Louie,

Good to 'see' you. Hope all has been going well for you.
I too bought it with the intention of converting it to my Blackberry Tablet since I don't have a Kindle. DRM kind of got in the way of that but I was able to read it on my PC. It is a nicely done and interesting story. Congratulations and good luck with it.
Me too.  :)
The .32NAA has been sold.
Emails sent. Thanks Bill.


FWIW, the wax I ordered through Amazon arrived today. The only setback is that I had eye surgery today so it may be a day or two before I can 'see' how well it works. :)   
Hey, you all sold me on trying it at least. I just ordered a can through Amazon last night. Thanks in advance.


I may be interested in the pocket if it becomes available. Let me know.

I've been around for years and still had less than 300 post count. I lost over 200 of them but I don't worry over post count. I'm the 'quiet type' anyway.   :-X
NAA Products / Re: New arrival test
October-09-12 15:10
Hi Yoda,

Just doing the same. 
Test area / Other Archives
September-28-10 19:09
Hey Dar, nice picture. (The guns, not the sock) Is that "rock" in the back a nugget? We'll all be panning in your back yard.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
June-07-10 04:06
That certainly wouldn't be boring to watch. That would be quite a feat to hold a 5 inch group at 2640 yards with a 30.06. For a round that typically drops 40-60 inches in 500 yards, that would require quite an arc. I would guess all the holes would be down into the top of the filter. If he was putting them through the front of the filter, he should have been awarded the military contract for his "souped up" bullets.  


NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
December-06-09 08:12
Congratulations Riadat! Wish you the best.


NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
October-11-09 19:10


   I have a similar story that happened recently that came out better but had a potentially worse outcome.  


   I was using my tractor and bush-hog cutting some roads on my property. I had a Pug in a clip-on fabric holster. I'll bet you can see where this is going. I would check occasionally for Pug and phone. After cutting several swaths, I checked and phone was there, holster was there, but Pug was gone. I did remember once feeling a "bump" on the right floor board and looked down but saw nothing. It's not too uncommon for the blade of the rotary mower to fling a stick or something at me.  


   I went back to the area that it happened and there it was in the grass. The blade had not hit it. I'm pretty sure if it had, I would need a new Pug.  


   The first thing I thought of were the new holsters Madhat had just made for it, that I had received that same day and had not even opened the package yet. I'm thinking "I've got new holsters for a gun I don't have anymore"!  


   The next time I will be using Madhat's holster and that won't happen.  


I have a DB380 and a DB9 and both have been great. Zero problems with either so far.
Grips received.


   Thanks Louie.
I have three Rangers and one is a rare 'tested' version.
Sorry UL. I waited over 3 hours, then couldn't resist.  


   PM replied to.

   Thank you Louie.
Louie, I'll take them.
"Taps" playing in background.
WOO-HOO! Road trip! And a brand new (to me) caliber.


   Thanks again AK.
Yeah Joe, there is no doubt in my mind I will enjoy it. I've been wanting to get one of your holsters for a while anyway. I guess the timing was right for my first one.
I'll take #1 Hogleg Huckleberry


   I'll take the breaktop holster.


Stories / How many mini's do you have?
September-23-12 14:09
Thank you. I just realized there is also a Black Jack and a Sheriff missing from the photo too.
Stories / How many mini's do you have?
September-23-12 13:09
Got some of the NAA family together for a photo. Not available at picture time were 3 PUGS, a Black Widow, and a 1 5/8" Mag Mini.  "> NAA Family
I have not had experience with that holster but it looks like I'm in a minority here as I carry a PUG in my right back pocket. Same situation, all my other pockets are full and right back pocket works pretty well for me. Quite often when I'm around the house I'll carry in a belt clip hip  holster but when going out and about, it's always there in my pocket. I carry it in a MadHat holster, almost always in jeans. This holster is not currently available from him but I would think there are other good ones out there that would work as well. As far as the one you have pictured, I guess extra ammo may be a good idea but a reload is not probable IMO and it doesn't look as comfortable as one without the extra pouch. It comes down to what ever works for you.
Congrats on #3 Mike, and welcome to the addiction. I'm sure you 'can stop anytime you want' but I see several more in your future.
I haven't made a photo of it but I've seen it. Using the knurled pin release, with the cylinder swung out, press it towards the cylinder. It lifts the empties about 1/4". Point the muzzle up and some will probably fall out. If some remain, just pull them out.  


   I think it would be important to use a screwdriver that fits the screw head. (As in gun screwdrivers) Mine was fairly snug. If the screwdriver slips, it will mar the screw head. Swapping the cylinders is simple after the screw removal. It comes with an extra screw if you need it. It's packed in the box, under the foam, with the nice note from Sandy.
Well, I see we agree on at least one thing UL. You can certainly stick your minis any where you want.  


   I understand about the hours to load. It does take some time till you get the hang of it.  


   I don't understand the 'can afford one or two minis' statement. I don't see a connection there to 'shooters' and 'collectors'.
I guess to a purest, it may make a difference, but I don't see it. I intend to shoot mine because that is what I got it for. On a revolver such as this one, I don't see where shooting it harms it in any way. If something breaks, NAA will fix it like new. If I am buying a gun from an individual, it is used. Whether I'm told "It's never been fired" or "It hasn't been shot much" wouldn't make much difference in my offer price. Usually, 'carrying' one detracts more from it than firing it.  


   If you buy it to put it in a shoe box or a safe, that's fine too. It's fulfilling its intended purpose. Or if you buy it for an investment, more power to you.  


   I just can't help it; I'll have to shoot mine. Just my opinion, take it for what it's worth.
NAA Products / The Hunt for EB Number 1
September-28-12 06:09
There ya go, that's the way to do it!. Congrats UL on the new addition.
NAA Products / The Hunt for EB Number 1
September-28-12 04:09
Top left boot grip, top right standard grip. Only pic I have for now. I need to get a better close up.  "> SW & BT
NAA Products / The Hunt for EB Number 1
September-27-12 19:09
I have one pic in a holster. They will fit in a 'western' style holster. It will fit snugly in my Patriotjoe PUG holster but the strap won't snap. Strap needs to be a little longer to snap.  "> SW with boot grip


   This is a pic in a MadHat (actually Ms. MadHat) holster.