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Messages - Bkraft

Before Covid hit, I scored a good deal on 1000 rnds of Silver Bear JHP on Gunbroker. I actually got it so cheap FMj would have been more expensive?.  So I use it as both range ammo and carry ammo   :D

That stuff in the mag in the pic obviously isn?t Silver Bear. I think that?s some Hornady loads I had laying around.
I do love the P64. I have a couple that get carried frequently.
Just picked up this Ultra CDP from Kimber and it didn?t take long before it began to follow the EDC theme.
Looks like a great trade to me!  I?ve had two CZ82s (I got the second one cause I thought something must be wrong with the first one  ;D ).  I just do not like those pistols. And I love steel frame fixed barrel pistols.
I?ve been watching this one with interest. I?ve got quite a bit of .22WMR I think this may be a fun pistol.
As best as I can tell, they presumably were all shipped to England as none were used by US Forces, but I do not know that for a fact.

There is, however, a ?B? stamped underneath my serial number which is the British Acceptance Stamp, so that more or less confirms that it went to England.
Went to the local gun show today. I was really disappointed with the prices I was seeing on both firearms and ammo. Even for the current market, I thought things were fairly high across the board.

Toward the end of my walk through the building, I came across a vendor with two stainless steel Interarms PPKs for 475 each. That was the first and only deal I had seen that day. I already have a PPK, though and wasn?t sure I needed to spend the money on another so I passed.

On making my way back to the exit, I stumbled on this little table I must have missed on the way in.  There were a couple older rifles there, and I?m a sucker for milsurps, so I stopped to look.

I have to preface this by saying that about 12 years ago, my wife talked me into selling a Longbranch No4Mk1 Enfield that I had just purchased and I did, thinking I?d just grab another one later.  This was just before Enfield prices began to climb and, go figure, the Longbranch has some rarity and really jumped.  I never replaced that gun. ProbBly my only regretted sale.

Anyway, I see this sporterized No4Mk1 on the table.  Bolt was zip tied shut as a lot of these old rifles are at shows.  Price tag on it was just over 300?.  Which wasn?t bad.  I had some small talk with the guy and went back to looking  at the rifle.  He said, I?d take 250 for that. That was all it took.

So I get it home, cut the zip tie and pull back the bolt. Super clean chamber, bolt slides easily.  Grabbed a light and peered down the bore.  Super shiny with crisp clear rifling. Now I?m really happy. Finally replaced my No4Mk1 and it?s looking good.

Then I noticed the ?US Property? stamp on the top side of the Reciever. That?s odd.  What is that doing on a British rifle?  So I start to research a little more?. I notice the No4Mk1* stamp (with the * - like my old Longbranch).  Serial number has a ?C?, block ?S? stamp in the side of Reciever?.   

Yep, I just paid 250 for a Savage Arms built Lend Lease Enfield.

Barrel wasn?t cut.  A stock and bands is mostly all I?ll need to put this back in military condition. It?s a clean, very old sporterization, but this rifle deserves to be restored.
Looked at the Max a few weeks ago. I really liked it.  Thinking I may pick one up at some point.
New as in factory new? Or new to you?

Sounds like you need a new mag catch assembly.  The older .32 Guardians wouldn?t work with the finger grip floor plate mags without the mag catch upgrade.

This sounds exactly like your situation.  Contact NAA and they?ll get you fixed up.
Are these still available?  If so, I?ll take them.
I?ve got to admit?. I?m probably an old fudy dudy, but I?ve never been a fan of someone getting an EDC weapon and then putting a light, RMR, ect.

If it?s a carry weapon, and you need it, chances are it?s going to be close quarters and you?re not going to need a sight anyway.  Not to mention all these tacti-cool bolt ons just provide plenty of additional surfaces to get snagged while your trying to get the weapon out.

All that said, I just picked up a Springfield XDs Mod 2 in .45 and, low and behold, the slide came from the factory with an OSP cut.  I just couldn?t help myself.  So I picked up this Holosun thinking my astigmatism would thank me for it.

I still hold the opinion that this is completely ridiculous for a carry weapon?.    And yet, I kinda like it.

Quote from: RogueTS1 on November-18-21 10:11
Love it Bkraft. 418 was Bond's first service pistol until it was replaced by the 7.65 mm PPK in Dr. No.  8)

Sorry, it?s not 7.65?. But close
Quote from: RogueTS1 on November-12-21 10:11
QuoteI do have a Beretta 418

Photos please.  8)

Since you asked?.   ;D  Actually, this is the only pic I have of them on hand at the moment.

Really appreciate all the great insights in this thread.
Thanks for all that. 

I?ve been reading and watching all the you tubes I can. 

I?m probably not normal in the fact that I like a heavier gun.  My favorite concealed guns are steel frame fixed barrel pistols like the Walther PPK or Radom P64 ?and I hear people describe those as ?heavy? a lot.  Personally, I like the feel of them over my newer polymer guns like the Sig 365 and Walther CCP. 

People tend to not like the P64 (or the PPK to some extent) as they say the pistol is too small, too heavy and recoils hard into the webbing of the hand due to the fixed barrel.  Me on the other hand, I love the way they shoot.  I?ll put a couple hundred rounds down range at a time and never blink.

Not to say any of these are like the Guardian.  I don?t really have much of a comparison, but I think I?m more likely to not mind the recoil.

I do have a Beretta 418 and Walther Model 5 which are probably closer in size to the Guardian, but both are also chambered in .25ACP.  Recoil is pretty much non-existent.

I was noticing that neither .32 nor .380 JHP from the Guardian seemed to expand all that much.

I think I?m leaning towards the .32
My LGS has the Guardian in stock in both .32ACP and .380 available.

I?m on the fence.  I have other guns in both .32ACP and .380, so neither would be a new caliber for me (already have both types of ammo on hand).

I?m sort of partial to the .32, but question whether I should go .380 for the additional stopping power.

ANy thoughts on firing them?  Noticeable difference in felt recoil between the two?

Anything I should think of before I go down to check them out?
We have a very real copperhead problem here in NC. I carry my .22 Magnum with the first two rounds as CCI shot shells. The rest are hollow points.
I love my cross draw you guys made for me.  I bought it specifically because I typically carry my primary weapon at 5:00. When I?m seated in a vehicle, it?s impossible to draw from that position, especially with a seatbelt in place. I carry my .22 magnum in cross draw as a back up weapon and specifically for when I?m seated in the car and can?t get to my primary.

I absolutely love it. It?s so comfortable and provides just the right fit to keep the hammer from poking me.

Here's my Beretta 418, Walther Model 5, and NAA .22 Magnum
Quote from: OV-1D on August-01-21 13:08
  Never ,ever a reload for anything I have unless I was the one reloading them (which I don't , no equipment) . Too many dummies reloading for a quick buck and sale at gun shows . Besides who you turn to when the gun goes kaputs , no savings in the long run . Trusting someone you don't know is ridicules , naaahhhh .

OV-1D, I think you misunderstand what I wrote above.  Those bulged cases ARE NOT reloads.  They are not even remans.  The only reason I mentioned reloading was to explain why I picked up all the brass and noticed this at all.

Those bulged rounds are brand new modern manufacture PPU 9x18 FMJ ammunition. 

For the record, if I fire reloads, I only fire my own and I am pretty anal about what I do.
I've got a Radom P64 that i keep in my daily carry rotation.  I've had it for probably close to 10 years.  I've never noticed an issue with it.

I don't believe I have an issue with it now... I'm attributing this to the ammo. 

After my last range visit, (I always collect my brass for reloading) I came home and was sorting and found these cases.

Basically, every PPU 9x18 round I fired and picked up has a case that looks like this with a bulge at the bottom.  I also fired Lake City and steel cased Tula.  The Lake City is brass cased and looks fine.  The steel cased Tula looks fine.  It's only this PPU and it's every round.

I was thinking that if the bullet was over crimped, the bulge would be closer to the neck.  Do you think this could be from loading a little hot?  Again, these are not my reloads.  This is brand new PPU straight out of the box.  First time fired brass.

Quote from: heyjoe on July-30-21 18:07
The Walther Model 9. Smaller than the Seecamp, even smaller than the baby browning

Nice 9!  I've got a Model 5 that is just slightly larger than your 9.  I'll have to dig it out of the safe one of these days and take a pic next to my NAA .22 Magnum for comparison.

Rick, I think I had seen you post a picture of a Beretta Bobcat .32 before as well.  Any personal opinions about the Bobcat vs the Seecamp.  A local dealer here has both and I'm debating....    Sort of leaning to the Seecamp, but it is about $100 more.
When I first got my .22 magnum, I had a lot of trouble with the pin.  I basically carried it around the house with me for a few days and many times during the day I'd keep pulling it out, removing and replacing the cylinder and putting the hammer down into the safety notch.  After awhile, it became second nature, got much easier, and I do quite well with it now.

Glad your getting things squared away with NAA.  I'm sure they'll take care of you.  Out of curiosity what ammo were you running?  I've heard of people having trouble with varmint rounds that are higher velocity.  It's why the manual says not to use them.  Other than that, I'm not sure.

Good lick!
Just be glad she's stuck on mini's.  My wife has decided to. Start collecting Kimber Micro's  ;D
FAQs / Re: How To Post Pics
July-20-21 19:07
The easiest way is to wait until you are no longer a probationary user... then you'll have the option for adding the, right to your post. Otherwise, you'll have to choose one of the available pic hosts on the web, and link to that.
After my fiasco a couple weeks ago with FTF's and FTE's and whatnot after taking my wife's M&P EZ to the range right out of the box without cleaning it, I decided to give my new CCP M2 a field strip and clean before taking it out.

That has got to be the dirtiest patch I've ever seen come out of a new pistol  ;D  And thats just from wiping down the feed ramp, locking block, and inside of the slide.  I hadn't hit the chamber and barrel yet.

Quote from: MR_22 on June-27-21 07:06
Quote from: Bkraft on May-07-21 14:05
Cool!  I've got a couple of those that came with some of my Mosins!

Dude, you got a Mosin with a scope? I'm jealous! Is is all original?

It's an original Tula MO marked ex-sniper. The filled holes for the scope Mount in the receiver were drilled out and a repro PU scope was installed.
Very nice!  I've got a JM stamped Marlin 30-30, but I've been looking at the Henry Big Boy in .45-70.  What a great gift.
Quote from: OV-1D on June-25-21 15:06
She coat those leads with nail polish ? :):):):):)  And matching earmuffs , WOW . :):):)

Haha! Looks like it.  Those are Federal Syntech rounds. 130gr TSJ - polymer coated
And the wife decides she wants to tag along....

NAA Products / So much stag….
June-25-21 13:06
I picked up these two Boker knives recently to go with my mini.  I think I may be starting to have a stag problem....

Boker Gnome and Boker Scoutwith my .22 Magnum

And that worked fine....  Go figure
Test area / Playing with my photos
June-25-21 13:06
Seems like every time I post a photo here, it appears sideways.  Trying to figure out why and how to fix it...
Not anymore.... But they're out there.
Thanks for fixing that. The image is oriented correctly from the source. I'm not sure why it posted that way. 
Went to the range today with a couple friends. Between the three of us there were probably about 15 different hand guns that we were firing. When the guy next to us left, he gave us about 10 clay pigeons and we had the course to ourselves, so we set the pigeons out on the berm. (Pistol berm is 25 yards out). 

My first friend took out an M&P Shield, took aim, threw up some dirt, but didn't hit any pigeons. 

My second friend pulled out his Glock 23 and sent a half dozen rounds at the berm.  Lots of dust clouds, but all the pigeons remained. 

They called me forward to the line and told me to try.  Meant as a joke, I actually reached down and picked up my NAA .22 Magnum w/ 5 rounds of Fiocchi FMJ.  Both friends started laughing rather loudly.  I raised the muzzle, took aim....  they were still laughing at the report of the shot and the laughter abruptly stopped when one of the pigeons disintegrated in an orange cloud. 

Luck? (25 yards with .22WMR?  ;D Probably!) But I didn't fire again and rubbed that one in pretty well. 

Second round through, I took out another one on my next attempt using my Radom P64...  but nobody thats seen me shoot that doubted I would make that shot.

All in all, fun day despite a little rain.

Picture of my P64 just because