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Messages - skarrd

Thank you for this story,just thank you,i am still chuckling.needed it,
hmmm,i guess i got lucky with my *88*,as it hasn't ever gummed up on me had any slide bar probs.,or feeding/ejecting issues,and i have put,easily,3-400 rounds of all kinds of ammo through it,[all 2 3/4 shells]from birdshot to buckshot,and slugs.IMHO it was the best150.00 i've spent in the last 5 years
Test area / Other Archives
March-18-11 22:03
here's a couple of mine more when time n money permit

NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
February-26-11 00:02
well that didnt come out to well,sorry but you can get the idea.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
February-26-11 00:02
or you could possibly modify an existing pocket holster.after i installed a pocket clip on my Kel Tec[380]the pocket holster seemed like a good project fo the mini mag.trced an outline,had it stitched at shoe repair place,an voila,pocket could slightly modify for lazer as well.
i disremember the author[possibly Jeff Cooper] of this statement,but,"the only weapon a man possesses is between his ears,whatever is in his hand is just a tool*
Stories / Cut loads and wax loads
April-12-12 19:04
about 30-35 years ago an older gentleman showed us how to *cut*shells,for the 20 guage's,since we didn't have access to *slugs*at that time,they worked fairly well out of my old sawn off H&R single bbl.
i like the grips on the 1 1/8,they work well on the Pugly[as far as *jump*]how are they on the 1 1/8?2nd ,most important who made your slingshot??i want one!!!
neat rig there Joe,like all your work i LIKE IT!!
NAA Products / NAA Fan List
July-06-11 15:07
i only have 4,but i really like all of them however*stubby*has become my favorite,and it seems to be a little more accurate than the 1 5/8's barreled one,the BW is my river walking gun{when i look for arrowheads and such]the pug and 1 5/8are mostly safe queens for now,,,,
NAA Products / New Topics...
July-06-11 15:07
this looks good,should be interesting.
NAA Products / My Pocket Holster
June-28-11 22:06
cool,and chicago screws too.thanks for the link.
NAA Products / My Pocket Holster
June-28-11 09:06
awesome.i like it.5 min epoxy,hmmmm,i'll have to give that a try.and were do you get the *blue jean rivets*?really do like the outlineing,,
and a south Texas welcome also Carl,i'm gonna show your post to my daughter,maybe.......

   anyway,glad to have ya on board.

   and along with Grayelky Happy Birthday!
NAA Products / Collection For Sale
April-29-11 09:04
DANG!and i'm nowhere near N.Y. DANG!
NAA Products / Mrmadhat,Im not dead
August-23-11 19:08
oops i meant 50 bucks,,,,,,
NAA Products / Mrmadhat,Im not dead
August-23-11 19:08
actually i dropped 80 bucks as well,and have to say,if 80bucks is rally so important to you that you have to kick someone when they are trying to get back up doesnt say much for your character.i will trust to what the folks who know him best say about HIS character and wait for what was ordered[yes and paid for too]money isnt everything,but if its really killing you maybe we can take up a*kwitcherwhining*collection for you.sheesh!
NAA Products / Mrmadhat,Im not dead
June-28-11 09:06
it gets better,hang tight my friend.
NAA Products / Mrmadhat,Im not dead
June-25-11 23:06
time heals most wounds,and although none of us can know anothers pain,i am sure most of us here have been in turmoil and heartache situations.we're with ya Bud,hang tight my friend the ride gets better.
NAA Products / Mrmadhat,Im not dead
June-21-11 15:06
well thank you all,ilove Jasons work,mine is NO where close to his,and doubtful will it ever be,but i did learn proper applications,tools,and types of leathers,and since i occasionally turn out a knife or dog harness,this is great.i am still rooting for ya too Jason,life is always a tumble hang in there.
NAA Products / Mrmadhat,Im not dead
June-20-11 12:06
oh and here are some pics of said holsters;







NAA Products / Mrmadhat,Im not dead
June-20-11 12:06
these are just my feelings/opinions as to Jason at Madhat;i ordered and payed for a couple holsters at the begining of Mar.and i also have not had any replys to my emails or updates on product,i have learned of his problems and understand them,with that being said,i am not too worried about receiving the holsters[or refund]i either will or i wont.However the interim of waiting and not knowing has caused me to learn a few more things about leather working[thru some Tandy classes n acouple youtube vids]i probably wouldn't have bothered with otherwise.i have created a couple holsters for myself and 2 friends,already.i would still love to receive the Madhat holsters i ordered,but if it doesnt happen,for whatever reasons,there are no regrets or hard feelings,actually i would like to thank Jason for sending me down a path of knowledge.i have learned something i will use the rest of my Jason i wish you Good Luck in your future,and God bless.
take your time,all will happen as its sposed too,just take care of youself first,,,
jason please take care of you and your loved first,i am in no rush[other tan just the kid in a candy store type]for the holsters[i made a couple,uhmmm*serviceable ones}so i can wait.

NAA Products / Mrmadhat,Im not dead
April-26-11 15:04
to repeat what Jerry25403 said i also have an order in with you just need an update on them and when they might be ready i will try and turn pm's on,if i cant i will try to email you with my info at the address above.


   Steven K.
NAA Products / Mrmadhat,Im not dead
April-24-11 18:04
glad your still among us,we wish you and yours the best,take care.