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Messages - coinchop

Test area / Other Archives
October-05-10 21:10
I bought a lot of antique pocket watches

   before I figured out I couldn't own every old

   watch out there. My oldest watch was made in

   1869. Its coin silver, hunter case, key wind.

   Wish it could talk. If your into watches they

   are like guns, you want them all. To have a watch thats 140 years old that still runs  

   like the day it was made is awesome to me.

   I hope my minis are still shooting in a 140


   What Lewiss says about alot  of gun guys being  

   into watches and coins has some truth. Add

   knives to that also. I like coins but I cut  

   a lot of them up. I have knives all over the  

   place. Just bought a LILE the other day. It  

   never ends, now its NAA minis. Life is good..
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
September-19-10 17:09
What year was the picture taken?
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March-10-11 22:03
Everybody has to start somewhere.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
August-18-10 19:08

   I am impressed, way to go!

   People need to know, we, both men  

   and women are responsable for our own


   My wife doesn't carry but when I am gone  

   out of town there's a gun in bed with her.

   Its a double action Smith which keeps  

   it simple. She has also been known to

   carry a mini into rest stops at times.

   That Smith is always ready to go,ALWAYS!!!
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
August-01-10 16:08
Me too.

   Feeling naked and scared at the same time ain't good.

   Most of my life has been spent in pretty safe places, but not all of it.

   The me too is yes I feel naked without my mini, and yes I plink for fun.

   I have lived what you said over and over at the WAL-MART store where I live. Sporting goods, paint dept, check out, no help. In the last 3 years they have been here I have left and went back later or the next day over a 100 times. During pheasent hunting season of 08 there would be 2 and 3 hunters at a time walking out at a time because they couldn't get waited on. I asked the POS lady in charge of that dept. why there wasn't somebody to wait on me and everybody else who wanted shells and lic. and even guns. She looked at me and said, you think we are going to be here just for you...

   I went to the manager with that, and damage to my truck when in the tire dept. and messed up house paint and she told me twice she didn't like my attitude.  

   I spent over $1600.00 last year on ammo at Wal-mart  stores around the state, some of which weren't to bad, If I had bought that ammo from other places I would have spent at least another $400-$500 to get the same thing . Thats bulk packs of 22s.

   I have went in to buy shells and it took 15 min. to find somebody that would help me, who then took 15 min. to find somebody who would spend another 10 min. looking for a key.

   It took me 55 min once to get a gallon of paint.

   I live where I don't have much choice unless I drive 50 miles down the road. I drove a 110 miles a couple of days ago to buy one white mini blind  that I needed for a rentel.


   I went in Wal mart one night to buy shells and couldn't find anyone to wait on me, so went to customer service and there was nobody there, so I grabbed a phone book at the pay phone there and was looking up Wal marts phone number when a manager came in and asked if I needed help. I told him I was just going to call the store to find out when they were going to be open. He got pretty cranky. Still took about 25 min. to get shells.

   They do have some stores where you can just pick up 22 shells off the shelf just like anything else.


   There are some Wal-mart stores that are great to deal with but sure as hell not all of them.

   Upset, not me, for sure not over J-B Weld.

   Fun is what I was doing also.  

   I got a good chuckle last night out of your post.  


   Having a mother around thats 95 that runs her wheelchair like a bumper car can't be all bad either.


   I have used 5 min. epoxy like for putting knife handles on some blade blanks I bought and finished, and a couple of other things I fixed, and its pretty strong.

   On the coin things I made I pretty much used solder to fasten them to rivits and screws on the things I made. Stayed on when they got wet.


   I cut out coins for a hobby for 11 years so I have a lot of that stuff laying around that I have made where I had to solder them to something. My first plan was J-B Weld which didn't work out..

   J-B Weld on a bird house?

   I wonder if I could use it on rentel repair. I need something thats almost bullet proof. Should be fine if the roof don't leak....
I think in my case with the coins  that fell off my gloves when I picked them up it might have had something to do with the dye in the leather gloves getting wet and reacting on the J_B Weld. That was my thought at the time anyway. I don't think just the brass screws or the nickles being wet would have caused it to let go. I have seen a lot of things patched with J-B Weld and it worked fine. I have seen motorcycle dirt bike cases patched with and hold till the next big rock, or the bike wore out, which ever came first. I have also seen it used like glue, like on two small flat surfaces glued together where it wasn't a strong bond.

   On the front sight thing, I myself think if he stuck it on with J-B Weld at some point it would fall off, never to be seen again. Not much surface there.
If it was mine I think I would see if I could get rid of the discolored patch and go sightless.

   Shoot it and see if you think a front sight would make you a better shot. On the NAA minis the front sight is only there I think to make them look like a gun should.

   I doubt if NAA would even consider working on a gun they didn't make.

   You could put it away till later and buy a Black  Widow which has real sights. I can plink with the Earl and the Black Widow due to the fact that their sights are so much better than the minis.

   There has to be a fix for it. It was put on once so there must be a way.

   Good luck....
I used J-B WELD to fasten SOME bulged buffalo nickles on chicago screws and put them on the cuff of a pair of motorcycle gloves. They got wet in a garage because of a leak in the roof and fell OFF. And yes, I reshingled the roof but don't use J-B Weld anymore.

   Might be safe on a gun if it stays dry.

   Did the front sight have a peice on the bottom that fit down into a slot in the top of the barrel? Do you have the sight that fell off?
That wasn't the scenic route for sure.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
April-25-10 17:04
Havn't shot much in the last couple off weeks. Has to do with new radiator and alternator in old Jeep truck, some new fence in back yard, and a (*&*^%$] rental house.

   I figured after the above it was time.  I grabbed a Win. 22 rifle and a bag full of handguns, a sack full of shells, and headed for the country. We had over an 1 1/2 in. of rain the last couple of days so there is  a lot of standing water in some of the fields. Mud clods sticking up out if the water all over the place. Spent over 3 hours making then disappear in a 3 mile stretch. When I shoot things that go SPLAT when I hit them, I can use up a lot of ammo in a short time. Along with blowing away a lot of them with some long range shots with the rifle and a single shot handgun, I shot a lot of them with my EARL. Made a lot of good shots out to about 50 yards with it but missed enough to know I am not a pro yet. The neat thing is you don't have to go look to see if theres a hole in them, cause they are GONE!

   Sometimes life is good even if it is wet and muddy out.
HE only had one shell that he carried in his shirt pocket I belive.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
April-24-10 20:04
Jack Lord from Hawaii 50 off screen if I remember right put a lot of effort  into the anti gun movement. When I found that out I quit watching it.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
April-19-10 19:04

   I am obsessed with guns and shooting them. I can't see that its a problem. I like guns and the right to have and shoot them so much that I have always been very careful not to ever screw up and loose that right. I have other intrests like the one I married years ago and motorcycles, knives, and a lot of other things that have come and gone. Guns stay about #1. I have always been competitive with myself and shooting lets me work at getting better today than I was yesterday. Another thing for me is I live where I can go out into the country almost any time and shoot dirt clods and cow-pies at almost any range and when I do that it clears my head. I guess you could say when I am out there shooting with a couple of guns its like a mini vacation even if I do it every day and I leave the stress at home.

   I made a hundred mile loop on a motorcycle today and it was a good time but several times I thought maybe I should have gone shooting.

   Some times I will take a gun along on a bike and pull of somewhere and do a little shooting.

   One good thing about bring obsessed with guns is I havn't smoked for 20 years and I don't drink so I can put that money into guns and ammo. So theres a plus.

   Being a good person which I assume you are, being a gun nut ain't going to hurt you, and in fact the world we live in could use more people who like guns.


   One more thing- most people that are really into guns are pretty productive in life because thats what it takes to buy a lot of guns. Ask your parents how many lazy, don't like to work bums they know, who like guns, have any.

   I have a friend who is about 25 years younger than me whos dad would drop him off at gun shows when he was 10 or 11 years old  and he is still obsessed with guns and is a great person....

    Your day will come. Life is slow at your age.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
April-18-10 19:04
I have never seen the Toz. Does it look just like the Winchester or is it a little different?

   List on the Winchester is $229.95 so Winchester by putting their name on them thinks their worth more. The Winchester comes with 1 five round Mag . and 3 ten round Mags.

   At $160 if that Toz will shoot like my Winchester you should have one.



   How old are you and where did you get all your intrest in guns? Thought I would ask but you don't have to tell me.

   When I was a kid I used to speng hours looking at guns in catologs while I was waiting to get big enough to own one. Savage made a little single shot handgun that looked like a single action revolver that Sears had listed for $18.50 that I hoped to be able to afford when I got big.

   I think it was a mod. 101 or something like that. Years later I bought a couple of them just to have them because I remembered how bad I wanted one. Their both in good shape but I have never shot them. They hang on the wall where I can see them and they make me feel good because I still remember how bad I wanted one.

   Once in a while I will see one at a gun show and they AIN'T $18.50 anymore.

   Your day will come just like mine did.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
April-17-10 19:04

   Toz makes the Winchester wildcat.

   They are accurate. I have both the sporter  

   which I have shot a lot lately and I just bought  

   the one with the heavy barrel and put  3-9 SCOPE on it. I shot it a couple of times and its neat, but I think I will go back to the sporter with open sights. They use the target barrel on the sporter, they just turn it down smaller. I have some pretty nice 22LR rifles, some of which I haven;t shot for years, but I am really hooked on that little Win. Wildcat big time.

NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
August-06-10 20:08
I can relate to riding daily. If its a good day for a motorcycle ride and I don't get to ride it makes me cranky.

   I am going to the Sturgis S.D. motorcycle rally  so I should get some good riding the next few days in the Black Hills. Mostly I like to see what about 900 venders have to offer. About 880 of them will all have the same type of stuff, but I have to check it out. Started going in 1966 and have only missed 3 times. I do notice as I get older that when its over the silence sounds pretty good.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
July-30-10 20:07

   What were some of the problems you had with the Sportsters???
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
April-23-10 17:04

   I bought a new 97 sportster 1200 and rode it 23000 miles, sold it and bought a 99 and rode it 54000 miles, sold it and bought a 04 which now has about 50000 miles on it. The 04 has the rubber mounted engine. During this time I rode some other bikes and racked up some miles including 55000 miles on a BMW. The trick with Sportsters is a good seat and a good windshield. I put a Corbin seat on all of them. Also added forward foot rests on them. On one trip of hurry home on the 99 I rode 345 miles and never got off the bike except for gas stops which took about 4 min. a stop I think 3 times.

   When I bought the first Sportster I rode it with the stock seat for a while and every day questened myself as to why I spent my money on that POS. I At that time owned a Honda ST 1100 that I had put a Corbin seat on so I ordered a Corbin for the Sportster loved it, and I will probably own  a Sportster as long as I can ride.

   I have a Corbin on a Ducati I own and its great.

   As far as ever wanting a HD big twin, not likely. I have rode them and they don't do a thing for me. I just like Sportsters.

   I might add, I have been riding 45 years and each ride is still like a new deal.

   In fact I have ridden 300 miles to get home from someplace, ate supper and went for a ride.

   If it wasn't for motorcycles and guns I would probably get old.

   One thing thats kind of interesting is the 99 sportster came with soft compound tires on it and as long as I had it I put the same thing back on it every time. Due to the soft compound and hard miles, I put 14 back tires on it in the 54000 miles I rode it. Many of which were run longer than they should have been.

   Life is good!
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
April-13-10 18:04

    Thats what I would do. ALSO unless you are going big game hunting you might like a 22lr that you can afford to buy ammo for. I have centerfire rifles  that I havn't shot for years but lately I have been taking a 22 rifle along when I go handgun shooting. Its kind of fun and you can buy a lot of 22s for the price of a box of centerfire rifle shells.

   A lot of people  who shoot a lot of big bore are going back to shooting 22 ammo because its so much cheaper. If all I had to shoot was center fires I wouldn't shoot much.

   You need to find some old guy like me that lives down the street from you and figure out how to get him to take you along sometimes when he goes out shooting.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
April-13-10 16:04

   If open sights make you an idiot, then theres two of us. Thats not a crowd, but its a start.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
March-07-10 12:03
Can you imagine how bad real guns are in the mind of that kid and in the minds of some of those other kids now that are in that same class and school, if a pointed finger as in pretend can get a 6 year old classmate suspended?


   Makes me so mad when people screw with little kids like that, its probably a good thing most of them are far away.

   Speaking of fingers , I have one for that teacher/school.

   Time to go shoot and get this out of my head.  

   Shootin cow shi--  today  probably isn't going to make me forget those a--- h---s today. Just another reminder. &*^#$#@*!
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
March-06-10 07:03
I see on  

   Fox News where 6 year old boy in Michigan was suspended from school for pretending his hand was a gun and pointing it at other kids.

   What is the world we live in coming to???


   Thats pretty depressing.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
March-01-10 20:03
How to get it.


   $enator RED14  SIR!



   Why don't we have that?
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
March-01-10 19:03
I don't think anyone wants, or is happy  with all the huge increases in the cost for  insurance, but it shouldnt take somewhere over 2000 pages of new laws  and $500 billion to fix that. That would be like buying a heard of cattle in preparation to making a hamburger.


    I don't think most people are against some health care changes, but it needs to be done by people with some common sense. The elected people pushing for health insurance, are pushing for health insursance so they can say they did it, even if its full of bugs. Givin time I think they can do better. Maybe they need to do a few issues at a time. Maybe start off with a cap on insurance costs, or a limit on their profit.


   Like I have said before[which is worse, a bad law or no law?] I think a bad law is worse because that takes away most chances for a good law.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
February-28-10 10:02

   I like that.

   Not to change the subject, but did you get your Earl saturday?
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
February-28-10 06:02
How can you trust anybody that would pass a law that they haven't read, thats over 2000 pages long, that would fine some people if they didn't buy insurance.

   I think something needs to be done but what they have offered looks like it will make a lot more people "owned by the government"

   The whole thing needs more keep it simple, in it.


   I went into a big hospital a few years ago, and there were hired work crews hanging cardboard or plastic do-dads on strings fron the high ceilings, which to me looked like a huge waste of time and money. When I asked the lady at the desk what that mess was all about, I was told that they got money from the gov. every year and they had to use it up or they would get less the next year.  Now there is something that could be fixed.


   A while back ex-Clinton spoke to the lawmakers and told them to pass something even if it wasn't good so they could show they did something.  

   Which is worse, a bad law or no law?
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
February-20-10 06:02

   Does the Earl your going to look at have both cylinders? I shoot mine alot but almost always with the 22LR cyl. I shoot a lot but I haven't shot a 22MAG. for months.

   That little cylinder pin is pretty small and I think in your case it is going to be hard for you to hold on to. Getting the pin back in with the flat side up against the bottom of the barrel might be a pain .

   Good luck.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
February-19-10 22:02

   I don't know if I have a way with words or not, but I think my wife sometimes thinks I have  to many.
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
February-19-10 19:02
Obama has suddenly decided that he now loves Vegas. Another flip-flop!

   Reminds me of the thawed cow piles I shot today that spewed sh*) all over.


   There was a lot of thawed out dirt clods sticking out of the snow also today. I spread them out with a Ruger Bearcat and my EARL. I set out there for a couple of hours with a pouch full of shells, and a pop, and a snack, and a clear mind.

   At times like that I don't even think about depressing things like the government. Its great!






   Red- are you doing any shooting since you now have your permit?

   Did you ever look at a EARL and see if you could handle that slippery little cylinder pin?

   If you lived out here in all this snow instead of haveing to suffer living in all that sun, I would take you out ridein shotgun in a pickup truck, load your guns for you, and let you become a star at spreading sh*).

   Would look good on your resume if you wanted to run for office.

NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
July-26-10 16:07
Somebody at NAA was at one time going to see if they could figure out why the latest post does't go to the top  like it does on the other side. Never happened. I think this side would get a lot more use if it worked that way. Sandy says he reads them all. Maybe he can get it fixed.