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Messages - heyjoe

OV is right with his advice and I am sure you know that by now also. If it is ok with you i will ask the fire department chaplains to keep you in their prayers for a good and quick outcome for you
Before I would automatically say that you would be better off with the NAA due to their excellent warranty policy. However, due to drastic changes in that policy that are not totally clear, I can't say that anymore. Buyer beware
NAA Products / Re: within reach
September-16-24 09:09
i am like a broken clock, i 'm right twice a day!
Yeah time just does fly by, now, unbelievably so. You certainly have your hands full medically. Did they talk to you about a pacemaker/defibrillator? As with all things in life, and maybe the reason we are still here when most of our family and friends arent anymore is that we just keep putting  one foot in front of another no matter what is going on. I wish you a speedy recovery and the best in general.
Stories / Re: ISO your stories!
September-13-24 10:09
Quote from: top dog on September-13-24 08:09I answered to Rachel and was told she no longer is with NAA

Who do I contact with some SD tales??

                                  Top Dog

wow whats going on there
NAA Products / Re: within reach
September-12-24 09:09
I think it would be faster to take out the loaded cylinder and put it in the gun if you need it, than trying to load five rounds quickly. you have to take out the cylinder anyway to load it.
Quote from: OV-1D on September-08-24 08:09HeuJoe knows me too well it seems . The heat goes on at 55% and off at (nailed this one Joe) 75% . In our dreams temperature is not an issue . Get me in the mountains and let me suffer theres always firewood in abundance but indoor plumbing is a must . :D  :D  :D  :D  :D . Those mountain streams will work real well with these weather changes of extreme heat . Anyhow its the call of the wild that draws me closer to the beauty of the higher outdoors , Florida is way too flat even though I live within a 1/10 of a mile from the highest point on the east coast of Florida ,Mount Washington (90-100 feet above sea level) to the locals . Gotta take oxygen with you up there .  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  . 

haha oxygen. not quite as high as Mt Washington in New Hampshire at 6,228 ft that also has its own weather, but for florida your Mount Washington must be like Mt Everest
Quote from: RogueTS1 on September-07-24 18:09Here they are all cleaned up in the Courtyard while we enjoy a nice cigar and some fine aged Cognac.

its nice to see somebody relaxing and enjoying the fruits of their lifetime labor and efforts.
Quote from: top dog on September-08-24 05:09OV-1D,
I apologize for ruining your day,but hope to make it up by saying that you can come up to my campfire or fishing spot any time to sit and relax.

Where I was,a couple of nights we had sleet & rain.

A cow moose almost came up on to the cabin porch a couple of days in a row.

I hope you caught some trout.

                                        Top Dog

ov1D has been in florida so long that if it was under 60 at your cabin or 75 in the water,his teeth would be chattering like an old time type writer
oops its not nickel, i looked at the other photos and its worn off bluing for $1,000
Quote from: OV-1D on September-05-24 06:09Don't bother Unc only pocket change , the wife has all the cash and cards for that matter . So squeeze away Unc it will cost you more in postage . Ha . ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Don"t forget you still got your communion and confirmation money in the envelopes
Quote from: RogueTS1 on September-03-24 13:09Well the Gun Fairy delivered. She did not bring any ammo but she was quite generous with her delivery. Appears to be a classic Colt .38 Detective's Special out of New York. That makes a pair we now have. We shall call them the Twins.

Beautiful! does it have the nypd stamp on it? you know what would go nicely with that? the 32 long even more classic detective special! start saving for something special for the gun fairy
Quote from: Uncle_Lee on September-04-24 03:09People seem to like grips. Me too.
That is why want to post this picture, to share ( what I think ) what is the most beautiful grips ever mounted on a firearm.
They are made by Thingmeister from African Wenge Wood.

beautiful indeed
Quote from: Uncle_Lee on September-04-24 02:09Yesterday, I spent the day with the doctor.
He told me that it is not as serious as I though.
Bad? Yes!
But not that bad.
So I guess I will keep the toys.
Thanks to everyone that offered help.

thats great news!

like many of us that are still here you are too stubborn to die!
Quote from: Uncle_Lee on September-02-24 03:09
Quote from: RogueTS1 on September-01-24 14:09
Quote from: Uncle_Lee on August-31-24 04:08I have about 25 minis that I would almost give away if someone came and picked them up.
I have about the same amount of little 25 acp autos that I would do the same with.
I don't know what to do with them and it is (feels like) too late to sell them.

Next time we head through that way Uncle Lee we would be honoured to pick them up and place them in our Estate Trust where they can be used and ogled over but never sold. Just say the word.

The wife told me to rid myself of everything that shoots and she didn't say how, I'll talk it over with her.

Don't do it. You gave up enough already
NAA Products / Re: Loose Hammer
September-02-24 08:09
so what is the warranty now? 1 year? Do you have to pay shipping both ways from day one? Seecamp went from having the best warranty in the business to the worst warranty when Larry got sick and sold it.
NAA Products / Re: Loose Hammer
September-01-24 08:09
Quote from: Uncle_Lee on September-01-24 03:09NAA is under new management.
They came out with all new rules for the forum.
I guess everything is changing with the company.

it certainly does. same thing happened to seecamp
Quote from: Uncle_Lee on August-31-24 04:08I have about 25 minis that I would almost give away if someone came and picked them up.
I have about the same amount of little 25 acp autos that I would do the same with.
I don't know what to do with them and it is (feels like) too late to sell them.

I stopped buying new firearms in 2018 for this reason, after a cancer scare they told me i had a 90% chance of and the drop in quality control with just about all gun manufacturers also played into it.
I am a big no on anything of value in a back pocket. There has been a great increase in pick pocketing in the last few years and back pockets are the easiet and are what they usually  go for.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: LCP ll .22
August-24-24 09:08
Quote from: camo on August-23-24 19:08While taking box out to put in garbage can, I decided since I had a target already on the box I would shoot a few rounds with the LCP .22
Shot several more rounds but these were my best. Shot at 12'

you gotta save the box it came in so that 30 years after you are dead it will be worth money and you can sell it.
i only sold two guns in my life and i regret both of them
Quote from: OV-1D on August-19-24 07:08The speed loaders that Rick has for the picture fit inside each other in order to stack in one carrier . :) 

that is how i carried in my jacket pocket,the loaded moon clips for my smith and wesson model 940 revolver. inside each other. bullets to bullets
Quote from: OV-1D on August-16-24 07:08How about double stacks Rick . Singles seem so lonely and space delinquency for all that work involved . Just an opinion Rick . ;)  ;) 

two is one and one is none
NAA Products / Re: The Sheriff
August-15-24 12:08
Quote from: Uncle_Lee on August-14-24 14:08Common sense is a personal judgement.
Everyone has their own opinion of what is common sense on an issue. If their opinion is different, then they are lacking in the common sense department.

I have yet to hear anyone - anyone - say that they have no common sense but they are quick to judge the person who disagrees with them as to having no common sense.

Republicans say that about Democrats and Democrats about the Republicans.

very profound
Quote from: Uncle_Lee on June-19-14 03:06.32 ACP MINI !!!!!

10 years later I again second this!
NAA Products / Re: new considerations
August-08-24 10:08
Quote from: RogueTS1 on August-08-24 07:08We simply throw some of our custom made .38 Short Colt into one of our .38 Special revolvers and we have a small soft shooting snubby that gives quite dangerous ballistics.

those would be nice and soft for a smith and wesson baby chief. i use wadcutters for them now.
Quote from: RogueTS1 on August-01-24 08:08Beretta in the Library:
dont want to make too much noise in the library
Quote from: RogueTS1 on August-02-24 07:08Or ............... if we really want to follow Flemming's books closely, we think of this. (Not a .22 though; it is 6.35mm/.25 acp). We have a few of these in the vaults.

nice double oh 7!
wow! very nice!
Stories / Re: Good Morning,
July-28-24 08:07
Quote from: Uncle_Lee on July-27-24 08:07
Quote from: OV-1D on July-27-24 08:07
Quote from: dinooch on July-27-24 07:07Every day above ground is a good day  8)

   It isn't that great .  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)   I'm looking for better from above .  ;)  ;)  ;) 

I have 2 windows to look out of both facing north. and that is all the outdoors that I have. 4 years of this and I am teetering on cabin fever. What do I see when I look out of the windows??????
A grave yard.

at least you don't got noisy neighbors
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on July-26-24 09:07I posted about how hot it is twice. One I started and another on one of  OV-1ds posts. Both are gone.  :o

i don't know how you guys live with the temperature over 100 for long periods of time, when it hits 90 here its too hot for my tastes, especially as i get older.florida, the gulf states, and now the southwest is just too hot for me.
NAA Products / Re: Hello Members
July-28-24 08:07
Quote from: bill_deshivs on July-27-24 12:07I don't come here for camaraderie.

don't worry you won't get any
NAA Products / Re: Hello Members
July-27-24 08:07
Quote from: OV-1D on July-27-24 08:07
Quote from: heyjoe on July-26-24 14:07
Quote from: bill_deshivs on July-25-24 23:07I'm here every day. I usually don't have much to say.

too bad you didnt say much less

   HeyJoe your a corker ,Ha Ha ,Ha . By the way where Harry Karmela Harris needs him .

he is enjoying his retirement i hope