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Messages - treyn00

The rifling is recessed to protect it.  If you drop it and ding the end of your barrel, you haven't dinged your rifling.  It's a good design.
Stories / Re: prayer at a football game
October-14-12 19:10
God is good...
Just curious to see reactions.
If you go to p. 11 you can find the posts from the last few weeks.  The first 10 pages are all from 2003. 
Please fix, admin.
NAA Products / 2012 posts?
October-09-12 19:10
So where are all the posts from the last few weeks?  I'm not really interested in what was discussed in 2003.
NAA Products / Tumbling ammo?
September-30-12 18:09
Since I started this post, I thought I'd follow up with the conclusion.  I ended up sending mine back to Davidson's.  I contacted them first to see how the return process worked.  In talking with them I mentioned that I thougth I would go back to NAA so I could get the LR cylinder while I was at it.  Davidson's said I could upgrade through them just by paying the difference.  Davidson's paid the shipping both ways and I had my new gun (w/ both cylinders) in 36 hours.  I was able to get to the range today.  Fired somewhere around 75 rounds with not one keyhole.  


   Big props to NAA & Davidson's.
NAA Products / Tumbling ammo?
September-20-12 07:09
Thanks for all the feedback.  Turns out the cylinder does not line up with the barrel as it should.  I purchased it from Davidsons so I am sending it back this afternoon for a replacement.  From reading the message boards, it seems there are many happy costomers out there so I'll assume this was a fluke and the replacement will function properly.  

   I've never had to return a gun to Davidsons.  Any reason I should send it back to NAA rather than simply get it replaced by Davidsons?

   Thanks all,
NAA Products / Tumbling ammo?
September-16-12 18:09
I was definitely going to try a variety of ammo before sending it back, but wanted some feedback from others who have owned their minis for a while.
NAA Products / Tumbling ammo?
September-16-12 17:09
Just got a new .22 magnum mini 1.125" barrel for my wife to carry while she jogs.  Yesterday at the range we began to have rounds tubling and hitting the target sideways.  Less than 50 rounds total through the gun.  Barrel is clean and rifling is faint but visible.  Ammo was CCI MaxiMag TMJ.  Any thoughts from other owners would be appreciated.
NAA Products / New IWB Design
September-20-12 09:09
Looks suspiciously like and Old Failthful Holster package but I can't see the logo on the leather.  If so, these are excellent kits.  I'm a big fan of the products.  I agree there is too much leather though.