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Messages - billt

My first firearm was a Dan Wesson .357.  I could change the barrel from a 4" to an 8".  It was a sleek, fun gun to take to the range.
Stories / Re: Ammo shortage
August-05-13 19:08
Spoke with owner of gun/ammo shop in St. Charles, Missouri concerning the ammo situation.  He said they sold as much ammo in the first 5 months of this year as they normally sell in 2 years.  He laughs when people speak of an ammo shortage.  Suppliers cannot keep up with the huge demand.
Stories / Random thoughts, about LEO's
October-02-12 21:10
In Missouri when a LEO runs your driver's license through the system, he is informed that you have a concealed carry permit.  I have heard a LEO say that he wants to be informed ASAP if you are carrying, but it is not a law that you must (at least in Missouri).
Been carrying a .22 mag in my front pants pocket for 20 years.  Never a problem.  Never an incident.