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Messages - RBL

NAA Products / Re: Magnum grip question
October-26-12 10:10
I like the look of the chong grips, and I'm sure ill get a set sometime down the road.  I wish they offered a factory black widow grip that was just a little bit smaller in all dimensions, but clearly larger then the magnum and pug grips.  It seems like there is a niche that I unfilled. 
Remora.  I'm not sure if their site has it listed, but I know they make one.  I called and the guy said when buying, just make a note that it's for the black widow.  I like that its still thin in the pocket, but it makes IWB an absolute breeze.  I generally avoid IWB if at all possible for my other ccw guns (just not very uncomfortable), but with my remora it's still very comfy and the black widow is locked in as tight as any iwb I've tried. 
NAA Products / Magnum grip question
October-20-12 12:10
I'm sure it's been asked, and I've found some helpful stuff, but I had a few specific questions. 

Is the mag pug rubber slip on grip larger then the standard magnum grips.  Is the mag pug grip longer, thicker, or wider?  Also, is there much difference between the wasp and mag pug grip?

I have a black widow and love the gun, but I want an even smaller pocket pistol.  I've handled the boot grips on the earl, and it feels a bit awkward to me. 

Thanks all, and this is my first post.