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Messages - Tascofeldman

Thinking lr simply because I have plenty of 22 lr already. Lower expense to shoot and practice with. Not recoil sensitive or anything like that. Also more concerned of muzzle flash with this size gun. Seems like it might be a little more dangerous to oneself in a defensive situation. Sounds like the consensus so far is mag though. Thanks!
NAA Products / LR vs Mag, help me decide!
November-22-12 22:11
 Hello to all! New member here looking to buy my first NAA. My question(s) : 22 lr vs mag. I know that this round is a far cry from a "proper" defensive round but @ get off me distance is the mag all that superior? I'm trying to choose between a convertible which would exclusively run a lr cylinder or a dedicated lr mini. Is the convertible worth the extra expense based on this? The weight does not seem to be a factor at mere ounces. The ammo choices for "defensive" lr don't seem to exist like that for the mag. What ammo would be suggested for a lr? Am I wrong in thinking hollow points would be less effective than solids? Appreciate all the opinions an advice. Just want my first one to lead me down the road of obsession, not disappointment.
P.S. @ 1/2" is the 1-1/8" less accurate at defensive distances than the 1-5/8"? The shorter barrel just looks more "proportional" to me if not that important to its overall performance.