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Messages - bigdave74

NAA Products / Re: 2 1/2" Sidewinder!
August-04-15 05:08
I have been waiting for this since day one of the Sidewinder.  Two for me!!!
NAA Products / Re: New to NAA .22Mag
April-29-15 09:04
My 1 5/8 wasp, will keyhole with any brand where the bullet is over 40 grains.  FYI
My next rimfire firearm purchase is waiting until the supply of ammo is back closer to normal.  Normal being if I shoot a few boxes, I can replace them without having to work for weeks going from LGS to LGS and/or being on the web for hours.  After that you still must have luck on your side.  In short why buy a 22 if you can't shoot it!!  If I want something to look at I'll frame a nice photo of the next NAA.
A lot of good advice here, read and think, over the years I have found many brains are better than one brain on topics like this.  My advice is to practice, as much as you can.  You will have a lot of fun and in the 1 in a million chance you must use your mini for self defense then you will be more ready.
I replaced standard grips with boot grips, to get a better groups and it gets much groups.  Also, the boot grips help keep the original look going.  It was a good buy!!
NAA Products / Re: NAA Market
June-11-13 05:06
I also agree, with the free market and freedom to sell at the price you desire.  Remember the S in MSR is Suggested.  What am doing is, take 22 lr for example, I take the price I was paying before all this started, add a few cents/round and not buy if the retailer is above that point.  Also I keep track of those retailers, pricing 300 and 400 percent over the that point and will never buy any thing from them again.   The other great thing about the free market and freedom is it works both ways.
NAA Products / Re: fluting
June-05-13 06:06
It's like an I-beam used in construction, a solid bar the same size is stronger but the added strength does not out weight the savings in weight.  Other factors also true, easier to grip, the appearance, but what I have been told is it was first started to save weight and material.
30+ years ago I was looking over a fellows S&W model 29.  The front sight was great.  This thing glowed bright orange.  I asked who made the sight, he smiled and told me it was finger nail polish.  At that point I gave the sight a very close look and it was painted on.  Since then for sight projects I use Testors Paints, many bright colors and one little bottle last years.
22 Rim-fire shelf life,
I don't know about all you out there but I have found 22 Rim fire cartridges have what could be termed a shelf lime.  My experience has been the longer 22 ammo sits around the greater the fail to fire rate.  Lets say I am using ammo that gives me 1 failure out of every 200.  Keep ammo from the same lot on the shelf at room temps for say for 5 years and that rate goes up to 3 or 4 out of 200.  Each years after the first five the rate would increase a bit until after 10 years failure would be near 10%.  Also the bulk packaged and less expensive ( heavily waxed lead RN ) tended to have a higher initial rate of failure and tend to have greater failure rate over time also.
No hard data was recorded for this phenomena so numbers quite approximate.  Still I have been seeing this for about 50 years of shouting.  Something to think about those of you hoarding 22 out there!
In stock great, if ammo were also in stock we could play with them!!!