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Messages - RiverRat9533

Next week temps are rising to the 70s and 80s, which direction do I point my motorcycle from NC for bullets n burgers?
MR_22, exactly my thinking. When I lived in the DC suburbs, there was always an over abundance of ammo, nowhere to hunt, nowhere to shoot, and only the criminals in DC had guns, so all of us surrounding the crap hole had guns and ammo enough to keep the trouble in the city and not have it wandering its way out  8)
Last I heard, there's ammo up that way, maybe it's time to give mom a visit
Looking forward to finally getting my birthday Earl. The companions are in my opinion, a good getoffme gun, as hitting man sized targets up close and personal are what a sightless short barreled gun like this does well. But for plinking or pests, they are lacking unless you either shoot at a coke can five feet away looking at it through binoculars backwards, or if the pest jumps and lands on the companion.
Looked at the Swiss Null B, it does look very interesting, some of the flintlock guys were actually calling it like a 7f equivalent, if such a thing were to exist. Smallest size it comes it is a five pound can, if I am looking at it right. That's enough for you, me, and the next three generations with about a pound and a half left over.
Just got off the phone with the fine people at NAA and they confirmed the Earl will be available at the end of the month!   

In an edit to my previous post, the number four buck did not penetrate the deflated basketball, found it on the ground when I went out for a smoke. All the holes in the basketball were from my Beeman RX2 pellet gun at 150 yards, shame I can't fit that thing in my pocket
  So it would appear that the four buck is not a good choice when attacked by mushy basketballs.

  TGJ, thankfully someone posted pictures of a blowed up super companion some time back.

Looks like I am going to have a hazmat fee in the near future, gotta get me some triple seven and caps!
Still no powder or ammo to be found in the Raleigh area. I wonder if I would have better luck in an area that doesn't allow guns, like DC. Have family up there, maybe they could send some down this way
NAA Products / Re: new guy from nc
April-04-13 14:04
That Mark Twain guy was a true visionary, way ahead of his times

Blackjack2, where in NC? I am in Wake Forest area
In the companion LR, the scoop is smaller, about 1cc, and give about one grain per scoop. Smokeless BP, more commonly known as Bxuxlxlxsxexyxe, is said by some to wonders in the companion because all you can fit is the 1 grain. There was a group of people that decided to do their own highly scientific testing on the super companions using the not so approved smokeless, and were running the supers with 3.4 grains of Bullseye!
Alas, their testing methods were not near as refined as my own, and many people reading on the Internet got some very bad advice.
Finally got hold of some 4 buck. Did some highly scientific testing in my laboratory and these are my results:

Loading of 4 buck in a companion LR is a bear. As Doc stated way back, the loading tool for the companion just doesn't line up right. It can be done, but with risk of damaging either the loading tool, or the cylinder opening.
Firing of the number four, using I grain of smokeless black powder, produces higher velocities with the lighter weight projectile. This was confirmed by the highly sophisticated means of listening to the higher pitched crack compared to the 29 NAA grain conical when fired. (This was also confirmed by TGJ's chronograph, but that is a much less accurate testing method)
Side by side firing into 3/4 plywood, the higher velocities for the 4 buck actually provides less penetration, although it did penetrate a deflated basketball that happened do be left out. So if you are ever attacked by mushy basketballs, this load is for you.
The NAA conical, with the greater mass and easier loading, seem to be the best choice out of the short barreled companion LR, 4 buck will work if you run out, but seem so far to be best suited for the Earl with its longer barrel, bigger cylinder and larger loading tool.
If the Earl ever comes available in stock, I will repeat these tests as to have perspective from someone shooting both guns. Nothing like having a birthday present out of stock, although it doesn't matter because 777 is still not available in this area.
  Also shot a 22 pellet at the plywood, same load, just for grins, ended up doing it twice because I didn't believe the first shot. Second shot confirmed, the pellet, same one fired out  of the Beeman rx2 that penetrated a basketball at 150 yards, completely dissenigrated and just left a leaded smear on the plywood.
It would require throwing the original companion in the trash and starting from scratch.

Btw, if anyone makes a ten shot black powder .22 mini lematt, put me on the list for the second one

TGJ, if you can't score nerds, email me and I will mail you some, can't stand seeing you suffering like
"Hulking Out" might be even more effective than pulling out the mini, again I bow to better judgement
For the most part they are, just like timing is since its all machined. Stuff happens, when fitting a cylinder to a frame after checking timing, check cylinder gap. When purchasing a revolver it's wise to check both. Either one will effect on a revolver
If it was fool proof, this thread wouldn't be here. 
A bunch of great ideas get shared on here, some so simple I think to myself , why didn't I think of that?  Just something for thought, when carrying concealed, it might not be the best idea to call time out while what ever the firearm is concealed in is removed, unzipped, popped open, untied and finally the piece is ready for action. 
  Shoulder holsters are cool under a jacket, but useless if you have to unbutton a flannel shirt to draw, know what I mean?
Roguets, love the ssa's
I have two companions and something like six cylinders, checked each one individually and have them separated by gun. Something I have not seen mentioned yet is the cylinder gap. The timing has been covered pretty well, the gap should be checked as well, these little guns can produce nasty powder burn to a finger or three just because of how close everything is when fired.
NAA Products / Re: Grreat service!
March-14-13 16:03
Thanks for posting, it's good to know since its so unusual for a manufacturer to stand behind a product anymore, or do it in a timely manner
Cool, I am a small screw up, but large success!
NAA Products / Re: 22WRF verses 22WMR
March-14-13 15:03
Good point, hybrid gun/pepper spray.
 I cringe at the thought of my daughters driving skills, gun skills are the stuff nightmares are made out of. Went with her and her "peeps" to play air soft and paintball. Think Of the Tazmanian Devil with fire arms!
 So much for my baby making a grand appearance. Oh well, the laughs are well worth getting a football bat award for posting upside down
It's the Austrailian version, that's why it's upside down  8)

This iPad pisses me off, always flipping and flopping views. If it wasn't a gift I would return it and buy another gun!
S&W 625 Mountain Gun in .45 Colt. You can' t beat the original man stopper, but adding double action sure is nice
NAA Products / Re: 22WRF verses 22WMR
March-14-13 14:03
Mini's don't exactly follow velocity statements made by manufacturers or by the self appointed experts.
All that velocity crap is useless if you can't hit reliably, find a round that works good for you and don't worry about the hype. Powder burns never puts someone down ( many rounds are designed for longer barrels and all that extra horse power is wasted on a barrel less than two inches because its still burning after it leaves the gun)
Had been shooting my companion the other day and had to run out unexpected, dropped two loaded cylinders into a pocket, and it was like having spare change in there. I think they weigh less than two of my 45 Colt 250 gr jhp.
They are cool enough to get a person to consider getting one, or is it pair?
TGJ, them are cool!  I could see a bow tie and those on my son the engineer. He recently moved to Texas and sent a video of him all nerded up shooting an AR. Pocket protectors and assault rifles, God bless Texas!
NAA Products / Re: The old NAA board
March-13-13 11:03
Woooohoooo! I was posting on the old one still as well
I like the inside the pants holster, also works well clipped inside the pocket, same side, with the oversized rosewood grips. I tried the folding holster but it had play in it when snapped into the firing position and didn't feel right like the oversized grips do, for me.
That BPI has shot is stock! Good info. I wonder if being hardened will be ok shaving off while reloading

Make sure you post that data about the key holing, might be real important for someone out there. Although it might be specific to left or right handed rifling, being that was designed for which hemisphere you are in, and if you have the wrong rifling, like Australian and are shooting north of the equator, it would give a whole different outcome.

  Been that way for years now, telephone calls as well. Had a neighbor visited by the secret service because his 15 year old son was posting some stuff on the Internet that they decided wasn't to cool.
From what I remember, the kids was real sad to see the black SUVs leave, because the the butt whooping commenced before they rounded the corner
Stories / Re: What do you think?
March-12-13 17:03
   Sanford is right, guns were made for killing, some use them for other purposes, such as plinking and target shooting, however, point a target pistol at a person and it will kill. A chainsaw is a tool that can kill,a hammer is a tool that can kill, a gun is a weapon, not a tool.

  Lets not be hypocritical, I have read hundreds and hundreds of posts on here about guns used for defense, how many to carry, most effective caliber, barrel length, saving the world from terrorists, zombies, and crazy people. There isn't one person here that bought an NAA to unlock their car if the keys were locked inside, nor is there a single thread on how repair plumbing using your handgun. (Although that could be a fun topic)
The car analogy is backwards, cars we're made for transporting things, then for racing, and really isn't relevant either way.
Was reading on the net that some kid who ordered a Super Companion online and also did some crazy things with said pea shooter, came up with a way to make snake shot round by emptying capsule medicine and filling with shot. Probably an expensive way to go about it, but darn innovative
Insect hunting, what a cool idea

  I remember one day, after shooting for hours, my group had opened up. One of the trainers came by and asked to shoot my 1911. He shoots two rounds, hands it back and steps back so I can resume. I pop the gun up "bang", back down, pop up "click" and the whole gun pushes forward and down. I turn my head and there's the instructor with a smile on his face, he hands me the rounds he remove from the mag while talking to me and tells me to go back to dry firing. Thirty minutes later, I am given back my live ammo and everything is back in black.
I hated those guys more often than not, especially when they were right, which was always. But when they decided to turn out the lights and I was able to double tap a target I couldn't see, I started thinking to myself that just maybe they weren't just having fun screwing with
I have really enjoyed this thread, mainly just hearing the differing why's and why nots. There has been a great range of opinions coupled with great explanations as to why people actually feel about the subject.
  No matter what anyone's preferred carry is, or how many back ups, or reason for carry, I hope that everyone does practice the most important part of what if. Shoot, and shoot right. Don't just stand there pointed at a target and shoot, you are doing nothing to hone skills or become proficient doing this. Fire arms instructors teach this because they are teaching the basics for safety and operation.
Start with the firearm hip level, pointed t the target, raise it, get your gift picture and squeeze off a round, return to hip level, repeat. Keep doing this until you consistently make kill shots, and then you are ready to move onto double tap, using the same procedure. It's all about muscle memory, do the exact same thing over and over and your muscles will retain the information. In real world, that automatic snap into place, sight picture and squeeze, without having to think about it shaves off all kinds of time and makes the most important shot automatic.
It's been years since I hung up my uniform, and am now training my own son who is planning on joining marine recon next year. At first he though the old man was stupid and the movies and video games were proper technique, so he said he was just going to do it his way. After a few mags his way, we pulled his target and hung a new one and the old man did it his way, and we compared targets. Long story short, the young man is now training his muscles over and over.