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Messages - flatnose

Well, there is a silver lining here. At least you found out before a situation prompted you to go for it. :o
I'd be down right ashamed to admit that I couldn't hit a shotgun shell at 10-15 inches 100% of the time. :o
NAA Products / Re: New NAA owner
May-27-13 05:05
Welcome. I am new to the mini's as well. Just bought my first one, a sidewinder, about a month ago. I wouldn't mind latching on to something in the case hardened configuration. They look great. They are fun to fool with, and easy to carry.
NAA Products / Here ya go....
May-26-13 06:05
You do know that in the end you have a dameged gun just to get a number, right? But, it is good info to have, so, get busy and let us know. ;D
Good. I'm glad, because I sure didn't articulate that very well. It will all be natural to you now.
NRA's American Rifleman has a great write-up this month on this very topic. Very interesting. They used NAA 1" and several other revolvers. The best ammo for 1" barrel in terms of penetration and expansion was (drum roll) Hornady 45gr. FTX. CCI 30gr. MaxiMags were about equal in velocity, but I'd rather have 50% more weight. Their tests were shot into a geletin block bare and with one layer of denim, which is a nonfactor for me, because I'm going for face shots if possible. There's too much there to type here. Find a copy if you can or maybe go on NRA's website to get it. This was magnum ammo test, not LR, so I guess I really didn't answer your question. I only carry magnum. I practice with LR on occasion.
averum, I know this can be frustrating until you get the hang of it. I am probably going to tell you what you have already read.  PRACTICE WITH AN UNLOADED GUN UNTIL YOU GET IT RIGHT. Align the notches that the instructions show. Be sure you are not on a round. Put just enough pressure rearward on the hammer with your thumb to move it ever so slightly. If it doesn't work the first time, try pulling the hammer back a little further until you find the sweet spot.Then, pull the trigger reaward and release the pressure on the hammer. It should fall into the groove between chambers.
I agree ikoiko. A holster that would hold an oversized cell phone with a retainer strap inside. It would be nice to be able to raise the pistol up out of the holster and into the rest of my hand with my little finger, ring finger, and social finger of my right hand. Or a minimum, my little finger and ring finger. So get to work. ;D
That's a pretty neat idea. I have the sharkfin holster for my sidewinder. I'm gonna give him a call and see if he can do one that fastens in the horizontal position and with softer leather. That way you could push up on the ammo and would probably be a little easier to extract.
I think a trip to Lowe's is in order. They have some pretty fancy screws that shouldn't look too bad. I'll let you know. I think I'll contact CS and let them know of this improvement opportunity.
I just walked in one of the several gunshops in my area and asked the owner if he had a lead time to get one. He said to be here at opening time tomorrow and I'll have one with both cylinders. I paid $439 plus tax. I know this was a huge stroke of luck, but the process is what made it happen. Hit all the gun shops you can and ask them about the possibilities. Don't just look around and see if they have one in stock and let it go. Ask them if they have one on order or would at least check around for you. My further advice to you would be to be patient. They will start coming around more regular. No sense paying for greed.
NAA Products / finger extensions
May-05-13 11:05
I just received a couple finger extensions for my 32 clips. They are very loose fitting and no way to fasten them. Anybody got a suggestion to fix this other than airplane glue?
I like GB. I just won a Guardian 32acp. with three holsters, two clips, all original papers and box, plus a box of Sellier and Bellot ammo for $325. Only fired six times, no problems. Where else could I have done that.
I learned the hard way that sidewinders don't fit the magnum holsters. Sent it back for refund. Asked customer service to post such on website so we don't have to go thru this.
Still a newbie here, but I need to get in this one. Uncle Lee, you got it right as far as I'm concerned. I carry a Sig P238 in .380 most of the time, but there are times when it doesn't work well, like in the summer, lightly dressed. Now picture this 59 year old, beer-bellied frame lightly dressed. :o That's why I bought a sidewinder. It's a great gun with more than enough to put an assailant on the fast track to final judgement with proper loads. A couple of those new Hornady 45gr. FTX to the face and there is brain matter hither and tither. In cold weather, it's my Kahr 9mm. Easier to conceal in winter clothes. I use FMJ bullets in both my Sig and Kahr. They penetrate and break bones. Splintered bones cause trauma. I guess I got a little off point, which is, whatever I have is what I'm doing battle with. I won't be shooting over a few feet away so whatever I have is good to go. BTW, I have a Guardian 32acp on the way, so when I'm out in summer attire driving the ladies wild, I'll have an ace in the hole. 8)
Well, I don't feel so bad paying $439 for mine with both cylinders, even though the serial # is just over 500.
Is this for the standard frame model or the magnum frame? I just ordered a holster fromm NAA for the magnum frame (sidewinder). Hope it fits.
I saw them. I came close to trying for the Queen for my wife, but just can't pull the trigger on a bid. Pun intended. ;D
NAA Products / Re: Sidewinder
April-02-13 15:04
Just picked mine up last week. Walked in a local gun shop and asked the owner if he new when they might hit the market. He said he just happened to have one on the way. I asked him to call me when it did and bought it a couple days later. I paid $439 for mine with both cylinders. The price may come down a little when more are available.
Of the three, which do you think would work best for jeans? I think the third one would be too wide. I'm leaning toward the middle one in natural and darker brown tones. Has anybody used either of the first two in jeans?
This is my first post here on NAA. Just got a Sidewinder and am looking for the perfect pocket holster. I like the third one. Are they readily available or is there a waiting period? What is the cost? Thanks.