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Messages - G50AE

Welcome to the forum jbbooksyahoocom.  8)
Welcome to the forum tempestdane.  8)
Good luck with that due to the new rules on ivory products handed down by Herr Director Barack Hussein Obama.
Welcome to the forum alfarmer76, rightful_liberty, and matt_basterson.  8)
Welcome to the forum uncleho.  8)
Welcome to the forum hunman55.  8) Did you find what you were looking for?
Welcome to the forum run_ak.  8)
Welcome to the forum sidetracked.  8)
It's good to see that it worked out well for you.  8)
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Favorite 1911's
November-10-14 15:11
Quote from: Taxi on November-10-14 12:11
Your Ed Brown Sig, Not21, is truly magnificent!  ;D

But still inferior to a Glock.  8)
Welcome to the forum eagles.  8)
Quote from: evan on November-08-14 09:11
I am joining 2 gun, leaving this forum.  The problem is that the political/religious fanaticism defines a character that I do not wish to share.  I joined the forum for an exchange of information, not for political and religious rants.  I know that I could simply not look at the political/religious thread, but the association is off-putting.

It is unfortunate that you have made this decision. 
Welcome to the forum onequickwrench, glad you were able to make the sale.  8)
Welcome to the forum harleydbwr.  8)
Welcome to the forum team_mule_pwr.  8)
Welcome to the forum jaybird.  8)
Welcome to the forum mtheo1134.  8)
Welcome to the forum rtl.  8)
Welcome to the forum xtratoy and wiley_coyote.  8)  8)
Welcome to the forum iconarmory, infinitipearl, and xthexheadagmailcom.  8)  8)  8)
Welcome to the forum dan43935, and glad you were able to make the sale.  8)
Welcome to the forum wingrider and korak.  8)  8)
Welcome to the forum murphy36.  8)
Welcome to the forum mr_absolute.  8)
Welcome to the forum jamesb and crackerjack.  8)  8)
Welcome to the forum magnumman.  8)
Welcome to the forum vtx.  8)
Welcome to the forum rwschillaolcom.  8)
Welcome to the forum amsterdam.  8)
Welcome to the forum skull39.  8)
Welcome to the forum imakegum and dunnsguns.  8)  8)
Welcome to the forum Tdaddy30.  8)
Quote from: uncle_lee on November-07-14 05:11
I'll have the popcorn ready (if there is any?).

The sheepdogs ate it all.  >:(  >:(  >:(
Welcome to the forum splinter_cell.  8)