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Messages - jennflip

Sorry for Sandys and Bearcatters loss------This Government is out of control!!!  If the Repubs do not win in 22-24 this country will be in deep trouble!!!
    Keep your powder dry--There  are enemies afoot!!!!
Beautiful work!!!!  I carry crossdraw. zero cant Cz po1 Omega CZ 75 B Omega  and 1911s --all crossdraw after seeing someone sneak up on a guy and rip his firearm from his holster and make off with it!!!  He was caught later!!!   I use zero cant because it hides the firearm better---I do wear a longer vest type all the time...,
I have bought the metal 22 cal snap caps on Amazon---seem pretty good
  I prefer crossdraw better for driving and better from the standpoint of keeping someone from behind you to get your firearm---I carry a CZ Po1 Omega---I prefer zero cant......
  On my Cz po1 omega when new and dry firing multiple times the trigger spring broke and I realized it was probably from heat fatigue as I was not aiming and firing I was fast firing (double action)to break things in---- so I stopped that....
   If you cannot hunt with a spear like the natives you have no balls!!!    Just sayin....
    4,000 rounds...4,000 rounds???  What was the cost??? Like 50.000 dollars??  And no I am not5 joking...,
   77 and carry a cz po1 Omega and a mini 22lr I have owned for almost 49 years in a kydex neck holster....I only carry a 9mm because I am too old and weak to carry a mini gun........
   9mm===I'm in!!!!
  On my 1911s and CZ Po1 I use a rubber grommet between hammer and firing pin to save wear on those components---something of the right size and material would probably work on your pistol.....
I suppose you did use the windex they recommend and the pieces of plastic they say to use---as I was putting mine on one of the plastic pieces came out but continued on and finally got it on---took a pair of pliers to pull the plastic out---sucker is tight....
  Hogue finally made one for the SA XDE 9mm and I thought I would never get the dang thing on,but finally successful, put mine in hot hot water from the microwave and took every ounce of muscle to get it on,very nice once on!!!!
I didn't win,I didn't win???  Impeach Jessica  Impeach Jessica!!!   LOL
   billions and billions....
Thought I had read that Jesse James(Motor cycle guy) had made these ,I guess not--Rather have  Springfield!!!  Customer service for these would be out of this world--can't afford the shipping!!!   lol
  After sanding and polishing my LR cylinder 3 or4 times to get my Ranger11 to eject lr and finally trying Federal it ejects like a champ,Remington still didn't work so great,so Federal it is....
Just ordered from  kygunco--184 free ship--back ordered--
kygunco has them for 184 backordered--free shipping
  Do you want my winning  address right now???   ;-)
  lift some weights or one of those hand grip exercise thingies and even a snowflake can cock a little bitty miniature firearm!!!!   (couldn't resist)  lol
Finally took NAAs advice and tried Federal lr in my Ranger11 and worked fantastic on ejection(finally)
    Cabelas--on sale--Federal lr 1600 rds--83$--free shipping
Yes,you should check gun at the shop---ordered a RIA FS 9m and the shop was busy so I didn't check the pistol very close as theRIA pistols come wrapped in plastic and very oily---got home and found it was a 10mm,man was I POed---got on GunPros site and happened to read that once they were transferred they were non-returnable--I was freaking out---called them and talked to some guy and luckily they did exchange the pistol for the right caliber-----Always check the firearm at the dealers to make sure it is the right one!!!!
Nawww this must be a joke---you actually cleaned this out of a barrel of a pistol??  Not a cannon or 16 inch battleship barrel???
Just went to the range and happy as a pig in slop!!!   After 3 or 4 times of 180,400 800 grit wet dry paper and flitz on the 22 cylinder on my EB Ranger finally was able to go thru almost 50rounds of LR and ejected fine!!!!!!!!!  Might do a little more 800 and flitz,but glad I can shoot the dadgum thing some....
  WOW,I want much???  A zillion dollars???
NAA Products / Re: Bugout II Grips
March-26-19 05:03
   I prefer the Thingmeister grips
  I have the SA 911--600 rounds,no problems---love the 911----
NAA Products / Re: Neck holsters
March-04-19 06:03
  Got mine off evilbay--hangs sideways---completely covered except a smidgen of the hammer--only a closed opening at the bottom that you rip the gun out of--I mostly wear t shirts and never prints---
Just for drill I polished the "groove" and use the back edge of my thumbnail to get the ball bearing pretty much thru the groove---works good for me...
NAA Products / Re: DS 10 Speed Loaders
January-11-19 14:01
Yes these speed loaders and his container are the best----
NAA Products / Re: No Soapbox yet
December-06-18 09:12
Wow--on the video--very fast loading on the test fire--wow
NAA Products / Re: Slide show
November-19-18 17:11
As far as the photo of the dude---OMG!!!!   I wanted to have my southern region tattoed (if you get my drift) and the tattoer said he didn't have enough ink in his shop to do the job!!!!    lol
NAA Products / Re: Ranger II misfires
November-14-18 10:11
My EB Ranger functions fine except for the ejection problem after a cylinder or two--have sanded and polished all I feel I should and will send it to have NAA fix the problem(hopefully)and the sights(hopefully)...The only problem I have had with ammo is one of the Eley rounds and after firing one or two rounds the cylinder will not rotate....but have no problem with any other ammo.....
NAA Products / Re: Rimfire safety?
October-31-18 05:10
Yes, I have had many 22s explode, and when they do they spit a hunk of lead out of the barrel!!!  The firing pin causes that-----just saying----lol