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Messages - Smoothboy

Stories / NAA Magnum used to stop attack
September-27-16 18:09
I was at a customers home the other day and noticed he had a NAA Magnum mini revolver. I showed him my Pug that is my EDC. He said "you ever shot anybody with yours?" I laughed and said no. He said "I have" and showed me a copy the police report. He is a retired insurance adjuster and was playing basketball with his grandkids in a good neighborhood when who was described in the report as a large black male identified by the name "Sugar Bear" began to take the basketball and use foul language. At this point Stormy (the grandfather) told the man to hush and leave the area. Whereby the assailant pulled a butterfly knife and began to try to cut the granddad. The grandmother (Stormy's wife) pitched Stormy the NAA mini mag and he ordered the man to drop the knife, which he didn't and continued to advance. Stormy said he then aimed at the assailants genital area and fired one shot. He missed his intended targets (Lol) but struck the assailant in the pelvis shattering his pelvis bone structure. The assailant fell immediately. He was rushed to the hospital and spent 5 days in ICU, spent weeks more in the hospital and had several surgery's to repair his pelvis. He was on a walker for six months and after for two years walked with a cane until he was shot and killed in a bad drug deal. Stormy was cleared of any wrong doing as this happened in front of several witnesses. Yes a 22 mag is a good self defense weapon.   
Very nice ;) NAA should offer grips like that. ;D
I did away with the catch on mine and it works fine, just needs to be clean. :)
Don't quit your day job!  :D
I really love my SW, :) got it for 289.00 but only mag cylinder. Not as accurate as my BW though.
I have not had any trouble with the Critical Defense in my BW...I wonder what is the difference?
With the ability to buy replacement parts if it made the gun where I liked it better I wouldn't worry about it.
While I agree with your reasoning, in that situation I don't really feel like I would be comforted!
Yeh thats so right! I guess I'm kinda weird but I make it a practice not to buy a gun of a new caliber unless I buy a 1000 rnds of ammo for it first....or the ability to reload that many at least. My bro in law is on disability so I try and help him a little by reloading his centerfire rounds picking up a box of .22 here and there and slip to him.
A .22 is a deadly weapon period. A .22 WMR is even more deadly. There was a story on the NAA site of I believe an insurance executive who defended his life and that of his wife and daughter with a NAA mini revolver. The thugs all had semi auto pistols. There are endless accounts of people defending their lives with the lowly .22 often resulting in the death of the thug. The thug that ignores my BW will take a dirt nap!
I've been stocking up for years, always keep at least 10,000 rnds of LR. I told people this could happen and they laughed at me. My son was one of them. Now it's "Dad could you sell me a brick of 22's?" My daughter did listen though when I told her a gun without ammo is a stick. She has quite a bit as she made a practice to buy a little each payday.
I've taken to the carry of two minis, I have several. It depends on what I'm wearing. I may carry the LR in belt buckle with BW in pocket or belt holster or a SW and BW, with minis there are lots of options. I took a dremel tool to the cylinder guard on the SW to make the ejection easier without having to rotate the cylinder so as not to block shell ejection. The tiny bit I removed is not noticeable. I bought a speedloader off ebay but only use it during practice. It doesn't hold shells in loader so not practical for carry.
I've killed several snakes and a couple of skunks all in the chicken yard. All with magnum because thats what I had at the time. I wanta try the shot but havn't had a chance to yet. The BW is so accurate making kill shots with the magnum at less than twenty feet is just to easy.
You don't come off a deal like that feeling good. I felt terrible and it was a very awkward situation with a lot of emotion. The wife said she had warned her husband that that dog was dangerous and wanted to get rid of it. I have several dogs and think maybe I could have kept him back.....but the little girl being attacked made it serious.   
I have several NAA revolvers I love 'em. The best has to be the is lite, fills my hand well, conceals well and above all else is the best shooter of them all. I've got a Sidewinder I really like but am not near as proficient with it.
I was working at some peoples house when their Doberman escaped his pen and came at me, their little girl who was playing in the back yard began to try and pull the dog away from me....the dog after a minute turned on the little girl who was hitting him on the head with her hand. he took her down biting her in the shoulder, I kicked the dog off her and drew my Black Widow, the little girl was screaming bloody murder and the dog just wanted back at her....I grabbed at him as he went for her again and got a back leg and swung him in a arc maybe 10 ft away from her and I. I shot just as the Mom came around the corner. Got the dog in the head.. he didn't get back up after he fell over. To say it was a tense situation just won't cover it. The Mom lost it and thought for a minute I was a psyco till she realized the dog was loose and the little girl was able to just say "Rusty hurt me". She told me she had warned her husband to get rid of that dog. The little girl went to the emergency room but it wasn't to serious, though it looked bad at the time.
Stories / Re: Ammo shortage
August-04-13 18:08
Same thing happened to me.....I turned her down flat! I have been able to buy a few small boxes a week though it's frustrating. I have been stocking up for a long while so I buy mainly so as to shoot and not dwindle my stock.
I always carry, but the little woman insist that it be a certainty in theaters and the like. My everyday carry is a black widow and I'm very good with it. Every morning or two I shoot 5 to 10 rounds at some reflexive targets 10 and twenty yards ( I've been saving ammo long before the shortage). Needless to say after a year of this I rarely miss the 4 inch circles. When we go out to the movies and such I slip on a vest and take along my colt detective. The Black Widow is always there too, I've shot with many of my friends and relatives using 380's to 45's and while they my empty more rounds faster....all five of mine will be on target only a little behind. I figure my bad guy will be dead while their looking for a fresh clip. ;) 
Stories / Re: NAA on Swamp People
August-04-13 17:08
I saw that and am glad Bruce is doin his part to ensure the continued existence of good boots and belts! Mine are getting a bit worn.