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Messages - Teddydogno1

NAA Products / Re: NAA .32 vs Seecamp
October-02-13 07:10
Quote from: theysayimnotme on October-01-13 10:10
Quote from: Teddydogno1 on September-28-13 11:09
NAA has some custom work they can do on your Guardian.  I want to do the carry/melt package where the remove the sights and round all of the corners.  They also offer polishing, frame checkering and extra slide serrations.


If you want to make it more like the Seecamp why not just buy a Seecamp in the first place? I wanted the meltdown but with the shipping the cost was far too much. I finally found one on consignment that was already melted & only cost about what the meltdown & shipping would cost.
I would be hard pressed to call the bumps on the slide "sights". Seecamp got it right to begin with. Maybe a small front sight but that is all that is needed.

I like my Guardian, mostly, and have owned it since 1999.  I paid about $300 according to my notes.  I was just thinking that the package would make it "more better" and a wee bit lighter.

NAA Products / Re: NAA .32 vs Seecamp
September-28-13 11:09
NAA has some custom work they can do on your Guardian.  I want to do the carry/melt package where the remove the sights and round all of the corners.  They also offer polishing, frame checkering and extra slide serrations.

Quote from: roguets1 on September-27-13 11:09
The notch on the rear of a Mini is not a rear sight hence using it as such will dampen one's attempts at getting on target. Sighting down the frame top and using the front sight, somebody here can better explain it, will yield results.

From the manual:

To aim your revolver, simply align the front post in the center of the notch on the rear of the frame ensuring the front post is even in height with the sides of the notch.

Sounds to me like the ARE intended to use the rear notch and have a traditional sight picture.  But you seem to be right in practice.  When I held so the full front sight was visible, POI was about correct in height, but still several inches left.

Quote from: OV-1D on September-27-13 10:09
  I think it even says it in the paperwork that comes with the guns and is a question I would like to know also .  ???

eek!  You guys are right...says right in the manual in BOLD RED LETTERS that PMC .22 WMR is a no-no due to reports/issues of out of battery firing!  Glad I only shot 5 and saved my life!

Any comments on my Point of Impact issues?

Took my new Mini out to shoot today.  Its a 1 1/8" convertible with the pocket holster grip.  Couple things of note from the range session:

--Firing at 10 feet, the group size was pretty good.  However, it was shooting quite low (about 8 - 10 inches) and left (about 3 inches).  This was with a traditional sight picture with the tip of the front sight blade even in the tiny rear notch.  To get impacts at the point of aim, I had to hold with the sight blade fully visible above the notch.  Normal or common?

--I had several occurrences where the piece was difficult to cock and needed a manual assist turning the cylinder.  This was after firing a round or two out of the cylinder, like maybe rounds were backing out a little.  I did clean the gun before the session...wiped-down and a run through with a bore snake.

--The pistol is a little "loose" in the grip when locked for firing.  It has some slack up/down.  As expected, the gun was bucking up in this slack during firing.  I'm concerned about this working itself "looser" or even breaking.  Normal or common?

--Firing .22 LR was a piece of cake and caused no discomfort at all.  Aguila subsonics, Remington Golden bullets, Mini Mags, Aguila Interceptors.  5 rounds of PMC Predators were all the .22 WMR I could take.  Grouped much closer to POI and still a nice group, but dang if it wasn't painful!  And I LIKE shooting things like .44 Mag, .454 Casull, etc.

Comments and thoughts are welcome.

Definitely NOT legal in the US to have a smooth-bore handgun (except with a LOT of hoop-jumping).  Yes, rifling will wreck shot patterns.  But there's not all that much shot in a .22 LR shell anyway.

When I was younger, I shot a .22 shotshell (CCI) out of a rifle on my patio.  At a range of about 5 feet, I shot an empty cardboard soda carton (12-pack).  Only about HALF of the shot penetrated the box fully.  When I picked up the box, many of the tiny pellets were rattling around inside the box!  Not much penetration.

A shop near me stocks quite a few Minis...maybe 15 or 20 in the case ranging from Shorts to Sidewinders to Earl "Sheriffs".  One caught my eye as mentioned above:   Black 1 5/8" Ported Mag Mini with Pearl "Spade" grips.  It looks like the Talo Blackjack except for the pearl grips rather than wood.  I don't see this on the Talo listing, or the NAA website (regular or Special Edition pages).  Can anyone provide detail?  Is this a current product?  In demand?  I'm really tempted... 

EDIT:  Found it on the current Talo S.E.'s the BlackJack II.

My Guardian .32 ACP looks like a catalog photo.  Bone stock, that is.  I've carried it in a pocket holster on and off for some time.  Last time I took it out too shoot, though, the magazine kept popping out during firing.  I do have the finger rest installed.  I think I read that there was supposed to be a change to the mag catch spring when those are installed, but I can't recall whether or not I did that.  I have a vague recollection of being unable to remove the mag catch and having left the factory spring.

I would like to send my Guardian in to NAA to get the carry/melt package done.  Anyone else done that?  Happy with it?

Yup...Cabelas can be a little odd.  Mostly MSRP or high prices on used guns, but they can have good sales.  And sometimes the make mistakes with ID or pricing on used guns.  I have gotten enough good to great deals to make me keep looking there.  And I do think that my NEW Mini convertible for $200 was a good price.

When buying the Mini, I was offered a box of ammo from under the counter at the gun desk, so they do TRY to have something for guys buying new guns.  But I am well stocked, so I passed.  (If they had a box of Hornady Critical Defense .22 WMR, I would have taken that to try, but Maxi Mag +V I already have).

Quote from: Paducah Michael on September-18-13 10:09
Uh-oh. I ordered the belt in the wrong size....It's 48" end to end of the leather part and doesn't fit me. Yeah, I'm a fat guy. Even fatter than I thought, apparently.

SO - - This belt is for sale!  $80 and free shipping to members of this forum. You know the Kid's work - I don't have to tell you how nice this is.

You can email me at [email protected] if you are interested. I like paypal, but checks or m.o. would be fine.



Or have him make you a matching belt extension until you loose some weight.  No need to ask me how I know about that.

That is really sweet.

I posted this also in a reply in another topic, but figured it might be interesting to all, not just those reading the thread about Sidewinders.
Yesterday I bought a 22 LR/Mag Mini with the folding holster grip at Cabelas.  They actually had 3 models on display.  The one I bought at $249, another .22 Mag only with the grip for $319 and the third a .22 Mag with regular stocks for $349.  I asked about the difference and was shown that the two higher-priced guns were Sidewinders.  I hadn't even heard about this variation, so I was pretty surprised.  I bought the standard because I was looking for inexpensive (bought too many guns lately, not broke or cheap).  Right now Cabelas has an Anniversary sale that included $50 off any new rimfire handgun and the did honor it on the Mini I bought.  $200 seemed about right.

The point of my story...check Cabelas if there is one near you to see if they have Sidewinders in stock.  And if you do buy one, ask about the $50 off because it is not well advertised or known by the Outfitters.  Good until Sept 29, BTW.  I had received an email flyer and a snail-mail flyer, but it is NOT a coupon and is not linked to a specific customer as many of their deals are.

Yesterday I bought a 22 LR/Mag Mini with the folding holster grip at Cabelas.  They actually had 3 models on display.  The one I bought at $249, another .22 Mag only with the grip for $319 and the third a .22 Mag with regular stocks for $349.  I asked about the difference and was shown that the two higher-priced guns were Sidewinders.  I hadn't even heard about this variation, so I was pretty surprised.  I bought the standard because I was looking for inexpensive (bought too many guns lately, not broke or cheap).  Right now Cabelas has an Anniversary sale that included $50 off any new rimfire handgun and the did honor it on the Mini I bought.  $200 seemed about right.

The point of my story...check Cabelas if there is one near you to see if they have Sidewinders in stock.  And if you do buy one, ask about the $50 off because it is not well advertised or known by the Outfitters.  Good until Sept 29, BTW.
