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Messages - Magic

Very nice collection!
Hello and welcome to the forum! 8)
wow that is something looks amazing thanks for sharing!
Looking forward to you review!
 Don't know where you live but here in Albuquerque New Mexico you will have better luck finding LR than Magnum ,  and the hunt for LR is already a pain in the $$$.   Puggit welcome to the forum
I carry a S&W 637 everyday all day in my front pocket the only time I take it out is when I get in the car to drive, since I can't draw it fast enough with a seatbelt on.
Have been eyeing the Taurus 40 .  Looking forward to you report when you get it.  thanks for sharing!
ROFLMAO  very funny! ;D ;D ;D
Walked into Sportman's Warehouse today looking for some 38 special dies .  my brother calls me opposite isle and says they have 22 cci mags . by the time I got there 50 boxes of 100 had been grabbed like it was black Friday my brother was in there and came out with 6 boxes 3 for him and 3 for me since that's all they were allowing you to purchase per customer.
those are very nice! nice work!
NAA Products / Re: New from South Texas
October-29-13 11:10
Hello and welcome !
Very nice! Hello and welcome
Hope you feel better !  Get well soon
For both check out his web site Revision CV Grips.
OV-1D Like I said in another post that is some impressive work really like those colors !  can't wait to see the rest of those finished!
Thanks OV-1D  I will look for your post.  I figured working petrified wood had to be a pain in the a$$.  Thanks for sharing pics of your impressive work.
I live out on the west side of Albuquerque my back yard is mesa as far as the eye can see,  always find rattlers that size in the front yard on the concrete where the mail box is  or out on the back porch.  The ones I find in the back yard get their head's cut off.  Can't let them bite my dogs!
Looks like were neighbors I live to the west of you in New Mexico and there pretty much everywhere
Nice shooting!  nice looking rattler, you have to be careful where I live they love to coil up around the mail box and get warm in the morning sun
NAA Products / Re: wow
October-26-13 14:10
I agree with you  Joe . You can't carry a bug here but I do love all the open space and never really have to look for a range its always just a short drive to either the mesa or the mountains
OV-1D that is some impressive work.  I have worked antler making knife scale but have never seen petrified wood before and they look outstanding !  How hard was it to work the petrified wood? and what did you use to finish it besides a high grit of sandpaper?
NAA Products / Re: wow
October-26-13 06:10
Just wanted to say thanks for the warm welcome.  I hve been reading all the old posts and learning as much as I can and really look forward to spending time here on this great forum.  again thanks!
Those really look nice!  Placed an order for the stripe wood yesterday figure they will give you a better purchase for shooting the mags.
NAA Products / Re: wow
October-23-13 15:10
First thanks for the warm welcome!  I got to admit I have already been back to the gun store to look at a new "Earl" with stag grips. :D
NAA Products / Re: Sidney Ryan, engraver
October-23-13 13:10
That is some impressive work!
NAA Products / wow
October-23-13 12:10
I just purchased a new 15/8 mag lr combo on Friday.  Today my brother and I headed out to our spot to get some experience with the little pocket rocket.  wow I am really impressed with this amazing weapon. the power of the 22 mag and the sound that it makes is unbelievable  the long rifle was just plain fun and it is very accurate shooting at bottles at 10 and 15 feet.  I really look forward to learning and participating in the forum .  thanks for having me. :D