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Messages - Trailblazer

NAA Products / Re: Colibri shooting
February-09-17 15:02
That's a steal of a price. I'm happy to find them at twice that. Also, just a note of caution, don't let the Colibris find their way into a .22 rifle. The bullet may stick before it leaves the muzzle. The Super Colibris have enough zipp to make it out a rifle barrel and are still quiet.
In defense of my "experienced" belt, in it's lifetime it has had quite a number of things hung on it. Flip phone holsters, Crossbreed IWB holsters for several different guns, pancake holsters for several different guns, a crossdraw holster for my SP101, speedloader cases, several different shoulder holsters, a highride holster for my Security Six, several different knife sheaths, keys for work, and a bunch of other stuff I've forgot about. So, you see, that's just good honest wear you have been admiring.
Barrel length is a non-issue with the skelleton buckle. It fits any standard frame Magnum (not the Pug or Sidewinder). Several types of grips will work, some may require modification to clear the retaining pin behind the trigger (see the thread "laser grips and skeleton buckle). The picture shows the modified 
oversized grips with the clearance behind the trigger. By the way, I have caught some flack about the well used belt in the picture, so when you show us your new Mini and buckle--- be sure it's on a new belt, wash twice behind your ears and trim your toenails so everything looks spiffy ::)
Quote from: OV-1D on February-07-17 16:02
  Fine looking gun you have there but that belt could use some good old fashion black shoe polishing  .
Sorry about the belt, didn't know I was going to be in a fashion show that day. Next time I do a "selfie" I'll include my face---- that'll make the belt look like new ;)
I've got a note on my picture that says "awaiting approval". I joined the forum over three years ago, but have had only 10 posts. The picture should be approved for all to see soon.
Got the new grips and put them on my Mine Mag. Dang, wouldn't fit in the skeleton buckle, so I got out my Dremmel and had at it. Some materiel removal behind the trigger was all that was needed. The picture shows the result. With a tucked in shirt it'll make a good conversation starter at the next BBQ. With the shirt tail out the Mini disappears. I have a folding holster grip, an inside the waistband holster, and now the buckle carry option, I like it.
Like several have said, Minis are easy to carry so they have a better chance to be with you always than a larger gun. I normally carry my Mini Mag 365 days every year - except last year - I carried 366 days. I carried my larger guns ( S&W 6906, SP101, and Security Six) a combined total of fewer than 250 days each year. And, yes, every time I carried one of the larger guns, I had my Mini as backup. If I didn't have a Mini, I would have carried a larger gun more often, but still not EVERY day. Having a gun is always better than not having a gun.
I'm waiting on a pair of "ivory" grips from E-Bay to complete my ensemble. Then I'll take a few pictures, maybe even one of them- what the youngsters call a "selfie", that is if y'all can handle seeing a 69 year old midsection.  :o
NAA Products / Laser and skeleton buckle
January-26-17 17:01
I've been looking through past posts and couldn't find info on this.
Is the laser compatable with the magnum skeleton buckle? I'm considering a laser, but only if it will work in the buckle.
Here in Texas we have "Bar-B-Q" guns. That is, eye-catching, showy guns worn open-carry to B-B-Qs, garden weddings and such. My Mini-Magnum in the buckle is one of a couple of guns l have that are perfect for those gatherings. A recent such event was a Deputy Sheriff's (son of a local gun shop owner) wedding.
And, yes, if I suck in my tummy the Mini buckle is quite showy.
I got a .22LR barrel set for my Bond Arms Snake Slayer. Cheap to shoot and lots of fun at the range. The .410 is the least pleasant to shoot of the cartridges I am set up for..... .38/.357, .45Colt, .410.
Here in Coastal South Texas, we have rattlers, copperheads, coral snakes and cottonmouths. Almost stepped on a coral snake in my back yard barefoot a couple of years ago and had to walk around a cottonmouth in dense waist high coastal grass last month archery deer hunting. I bought my Mini Magnum just before I went rifle deer hunting in the same area last weekend. It sported a full cylinder of shot loads and never left my side. I saw no more snakes, but my .30-30 put down a doe for the freezer.
NAA Products / Re: New from South Texas
October-29-13 14:10
I'm pretty sure it's called "pink" all wife tells me this and she is never wrong.
NAA Products / Re: New from South Texas
October-29-13 13:10

My wife is waiting for the holster grip to come out in pink.
NAA Products / Re: New from South Texas
October-29-13 13:10
Quote from: Postalman on October-29-13 13:10
Welcome Trailblazer. I've heard the initiation fee for this forum is a new mini for all of us. Better start saving up!  ;D

The new member behind me has that covered  8)
NAA Products / New from South Texas
October-29-13 09:10
I'm a new guy from South Texas. New to this forum, that is, not new to the shooting sports. I started shooting 60 years ago with my dad's .22 Remington model 12 rifle and haven't stopped. I shoot rifle, shotgun, handgun, black powder, archery and crossbow. I hunt and target shoot as well as carry concealed.
I first shot a NAA Mini .22LR in the early 80's, thought they were a neat idea, but never bought one until last weekend. For the past few weeks I'd been thinking about getting one. I went to a Gun Show and found a new-in the box 1-5/8" Magnum for $207.99. I'm now an owner. Took it to the range yesterday and had a blast. Ordered a holster grip right after the range session. Only problem, my wife shot the little gun and now I may have to get me one too ;)
Since I know none of you on this forum have ever seen one, I took a picture.