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Messages - VKSMINI

Hard to peel a apple and sword fighting with a mini seems sketchy.
Buy-Sell-Trade NAA Firearms / Re: Spider
November-21-14 11:11
ikoiko, Thank you very much for the heads up. Mission acomplished.
That is the real deal. That is the one that keeps eluding me. NAA collecting is a sickness. You should stop now and sell it to me while you still can. If you are to far gone, I understand. That is the perfect start of your collection.
Buy-Sell-Trade NAA Firearms / Re: Spider
November-13-14 08:11
Thank you ikoiko,
we shall see
Welcome Martin
Both are collectable if they are Talo. I would love to have a Spider. If you deside to part with your Spider I would make you a offer.
The gun that is listed on gunbroker is not a Talo Spider. It is a NAA Mag that has been engraved. You should not use that one to determin the value of a Talo Spider.
If yours is a Talo, it is worth more.
Buy-Sell-Trade NAA Firearms / Re: Spider
November-12-14 10:11
Thank you uncle lee, but not the one I am looking for. It is a nice job of engraving on a Mag though.
Buy-Sell-Trade NAA Firearms / Spider
November-11-14 12:11
I'm still hunting for a Spider
I have seen case hardened lr's with stag grips paired with belt buckles at shows very recent. I like the look
Wow, that is climbing into Ranger territory
How much did the one on Gun Broker bring?
Great Job Gunman, The Pug is my wifes daily carry. She can hit things with her Pug that I miss with my Widow. In my opinion the .22 Mag is very under rated today. There is no good excuse to be un armed with the guns that are available today.
You nailed it Doc, This is a Mag frame with a serial number indicating that it is one of 3000. I have not seen one like this before. Came in the box with a holster, locking pouch and a whole bunch of lead. It is beautiful. I almost passed on it at the show but my Wife prouded me in to it. I am lucky to have her.
Thank you
Took this one home today, can't find any info on this guy. Could use some help/info.
Thanks in advance.
NAA Products / Re: Sidewinder Width
November-22-13 15:11
sturtevant, it is the widest part of the grip
That is bad news, and sadly the public servants here in Colorado are using the Calif playbook. We can no longer purchase magazines with a capacity greater than 15 rounds. I am grandfathered in. However if you were holding one of my thirty rounders for me, you would be in violation of the law. They tried to pass background checks for transfer of guns to family members.
It is getting out of hand around here.
Kevin55, does Calif have issues with all NAA's or just certain modles?
Thank you very much Grayelky, I may take you up on that.
NAA Products / Stocking Dealers Colorado
November-20-13 12:11
I have a hard time finding Dealers in Colorado who stock NAA inventory. Most tend to have the Holster grips but not much else.
If you folks here in Colorado know of some good stocking dealers please share.
Thank you
Good point MR22. I am in Colorado
I have a nice .380 to trade. Would like a Mini Master .22 w/ mag conv cyl. The Guardian has been fired very little. Some holster wear.
MR 22, I would have interest in your set. Would you shoot me a price.
Thank you
OV-1D, Thank you for the info
Thank you, I will give him a try
I would like to purchase a Talo Queen and a Spider.