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Messages - gunman10000

I love how comfortable my pug is to carry.
I was concerned that it may just provide me a false sense of security so I did a complete review of what the gun is capable of.  After my review I feel comfortable using it for self defense.  I do add a 357 or 40 from time to time but the Pug is always with me.  Check out what this gun can do -
Stories / Re: Speer Ammo Test
December-08-13 08:12
I have reviewed CCI, Winchester Super X, Winchester PDX1 and Winchester HE ammo through the Pug.
I just got my hands on some Speer GD ammo but have not had a chance to evaluate it yet.
The CCI 40gr TMJ penetated very deep.  The PDX1 penetrated deep with nice expansion.
I had the chance to shoot it through bone and flesh.  I was very impressed with the results.
The HE ammo fragmented as claimed.  The HE should be used for hunting small animals only.
The Super X was accurate but tumbled alot.  It did not consistantly penetrate beacause of the this.
Check out this video to see what I am talking about
I loved the look and feel of the 22 magnum Pug the first time I seen it.
I thought the gun would be more a less a toy to add to my collection.
After running this gun through all the paces I realized that this little gun is
is a valid self-defense or survival tool.  At 6.4oz you can always have it on you.
Please check out the video I did while evaluating this gun.
The video link is
This gun never leaves my pocket now unless I am shooting it.
The NAA Pug is a great little gun.