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Messages - bayougirl

I just watched a video by another person (Ohio something was his name) and it really surprised me. He had a 22 mag, was shooting at target about 30-35 feet away. He missed almost all his shots. He stated that the weapon was hitting 8 inches to low. I don't mean to insult anyone,but I find that almost impossible. Unless he was missing on purpose. I have owned a 22mag 1 5/8" barrel for about 15 years. It's one of the most dead on Bull's  eye gun I own. My weapons trainers was so impressed with it that he went and bought 2 of them. I have used this weapon for my CCWP renewal. I had to shoot from 25 yards, in a kneeling position and still got all 5 shots center mass. This weapon is one awesome little guy. The only problem I have with it, is finding ammo. Love my NAA Mini. I never leave home without her.