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Messages - Dustin0330

Has anyone had issues with light primer strikes due to a crooked firing pin/hammer? I started to have ftf after about 15 rounds on the replacement mini that I received and after inspecting it I noticed the hammer was crooked. Will NAA pay the return shipping for warranty work on a mini that was replaced less than 2 months ago?
Well I picked up a brand new .22 mag with an 1" 5/8 bbl from my dealer yesterday that replaced the worn out one that was sent in. I'm more than surprised to see a company with this level of customer service in todays world. Thanks again to all those that advised me to send it into the factory.
 I had my dealer ship my mini back to NAA today and Im very thankful that you guys convinced me to go that direction. I post some pics when it returns from the mother land. Thanks again for all the advice.
Will NAA honor the warranty if Im not the original owner? Paying for the ride would actually be cheaper than buying the parts not to mention the headache that comes with smithing on these things.
I've actually had this mini apart twice now to replace the hand and spring. The previous owner realized it was going to most likely need to be completely rebuilt he gave it to me and bought a used Beretta Jetfire. It can be quite a pain to get back together but it will save a little $ to put toward more toys.
Thanks for the welcome! I'd really prefer to repair it myself but Im concerned some of the parts may need a little tweaking.
NAA Products / Spanish Fork made .22 mag
January-04-14 16:01
I recently acquired a Spanish Fork made .22 mag that's most likely going to need a few if not all of the internal parts replaced. Will the parts currently being produced interchange without having to make any modifications?