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Messages - MagnumMike

Thanks, guys. You are all correct, of course. I just pictured an encounter at face to face range, not charging from a distance. And, with the scarcity of ammo these days, I want to use as few shots as possible. ;) Also, I was wondering if removing the front sight would void the warranty with NAA on my pistol? I have found that sighting down the fairly flat top of the gun more effective than trying to use the rear sight, anyway. Anyone know about the sight removal/warranty thing? 
NAA Products / Re: New Member Introduction
February-15-14 23:02
Thank you, Bluelitenin, and proud to have served!
I have a question that fits this thread, also. I have read many of your reply's citing "center of mass" shots. Considering the size of the ammo and the number of shots we are limited to, shouldn't we be trying for face shots? These would be more likely to be "kill shots", right? Not trying to be a smart-ass. Just making sure I am correct in my assumption. Thank you for any replies.
NAA Products / Re: New Member Introduction
February-14-14 23:02
Greetings, all.  ;D  I am a new NAA carrier, but very happy with the choice! I now own a .22 magnum revolver. the one with the shortest barrel. I served for 10 years in the U.S. Air Force, and was in the first Gulf War. I was proud to serve, and would do it all again, even though I ended up 100% disabled for it. That is what got me interested in NAA to begin with. I have arthritis in about 80% of my body - including both my hands - and I have to walk with a cane. I decided that 5 rounds of .22 magnum was a lot better than something heavier sitting at the house. I put the larger black rubber grips on mine, and my hands just love it! Well, I have rambled on enough for now. Take care all, and I'll be talking to you later.
NAA Products / Re: Hi
January-30-14 11:01
Greetings! I am a 55 year old disabled air force veteran from the first Gulf War. I just bought my first NAA pistol today. I purchased a .22 magnum short barrel. With my disabilities, this was the perfect self defense pistol for me. It is well made and fits perfectly in my vest pocket. Thanks to NAA for making these "pocket guns" available!