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Messages - Rapalyea

The KelTec .32 ACP  offers just about the most fire power per ounce available on the planet. And more potent then my Black Widow. The only reason I carry the BW instead of one of the .380's I already own is I never could get good with any of them.

I figure the little .32 might be worth a try. First, it has a lock back last round slide, which means easy to quick change magazines. Plus I think it has an extra round. And with its low recoil might actually last for a case or two.

Or perhaps not. SWAGS authorized......
NAA Products / Re: .25 ACP REVOLVER?
February-13-14 12:02

Casual 2000 LR .22 mini DAO folding trigger mini.  I bought one of these about ten years ago. Really cool to look at. Entirely useless as a fire arm. The trigger was WAY heavy. WAY rough, and WAY stacked. It came in a presentation box and is really just a collectors item. I could not find a comparison graphic, but it was also Way small.

At the time people were having the same discussion: When do we get a .32 ACP. Well, NAA small revolvers are shootable.
NAA Products / Re: .25 ACP REVOLVER?
February-13-14 11:02
OK That worked.  Here are a few comments on the Baby Browning .25

1) Really small.
2) Fits my hand oddly well.
3) Reliable. Several hundred rounds not one failure of any kind.
4) Not very powerful. Not quite two inches in the same pine the Black Widow did three with both Mag and LR 60gr even though full metal jacket.
5) Worst safety ever created by mankind. Can actually reverse itself so cut mine off. Never ever carry this striker fired weapon with a round in chamber.
6) Only good as deception backup to a backup. Not hard to stuff it in a 100's cigarette case and stuff that into a leather holder showing the orange out the sides.
NAA Products / Re: .25 ACP REVOLVER?
February-13-14 11:02
Test Post Photo .25 v Black Widow Photo

Experimental Photo Posting

Browning .25 & Black Widow
The first line of home defense after hours is a door block up against access door knobs. Critical seconds to get the .45

I carry 1st round bird shot in Black Widow for dogs, and to make a loud noise. Presentation and a loud bang will concentrate the minds of most BGs we might find ourselves able to engage.  For home defense by a person without much gun experience a .38 revolver is probably best. A shotgun might not be the best choice for a novice. There is no such thing as a double action shotgun.


Thanks for the vote of confidence. I have spent my whole life trying to understand these sorts of things and have been fortunate to have been in 40 or 50 countries, both on official government business and as a tourist.

First and foremost above all other things civilizations are persistent. Compare N. America with Latin America. We were more or less founded by 100 colonialists on the Mayflower. They had more women and children amongst them then adult men. They had only one military advisor. And they suffered a 50% death casualtly rate the first year. And drew up a written contract known as the Mayflower Compact. And they were followed by much the same.

Latin America was founded on military plunder. Over hundreds of years. NOTHING can change these two facts. The best the illegal aliens can do is turn the place over to Democrats. Okay. Thats bad enough. But we will never, ever, have a Hugo Chavez. Futher, Mr. Ghost Fart himself came along at just the exact proper time. 

I am a boomer going out to pasture, and all the silly pseudo Marxists in accademia look a bit rug worn and in need of a manicure. The natural long wave cultural swing is happening just now at exactly the right time. Specifically. The Progressives were hell bent for leather 100 years for health care. And this is what they came up with.

I do not believe the failure has escaped notice by the yonger 'victims'. But once again. It is a long wave shift in eras. Probably 20 years till we know what happens. But I am an optimist. The Republic has survived much worse circumstances then those visited upon us by Nancy Pelosi and The Community Organizer.
I have been shooting .22 mags and LR rounds of all sorts and have come to the conclusion the 60gr Aquilla LR is not only better then other .22 rounds. But is as good or better then .22 Magnum rounds.

But the weather is warming up and I will try some other test. Lots of time. Lots of Ammo. Plenty of available Shooting Range!
Yes. It is not possible to fire a LR out of the Magnum Cylinder. It is exactly right that I fired it out of a LR cylinder of the same length. Put me into the low velocity high mass camp versus the high velocity lower mass camp.  A few thoughts.

Fluid dynamics. If my understanding is correct, it takes four times as much power to move a given sized mass throuhg he same fluid medium at twice the speed. NASCAR anyone?  Thats why my boat can run 5 mph at idle, but requires 90 hp to run at 25 mph. Furthermore, penetration through a fluid medium has the same effect in reverse. A low mass projectile will hit the fluid medium and encounter four times as much resistence as a projectile of twice the mass but half the speed.

But I am not physicist. I just notice the 60gr Acqulla just makes mincemeat out of pine boards. However it is true the hollow point Magnum does not expand in wood. If it did expand I doubt it would make it through the first board.

So that leaves penetration.  I have always been curious about the "Goat Kill" test. All the Glazier Blues penetrated only about 6 inchces, but dispatched the goats very fast. So I split the difference. The .22 Aquilla bullet is about 5/8 inches long and both keyholes and tumbles to the same depth as an unexpanded 40 gr SuperX magnum.

I would be happy if someone with more technical skills then me would chrono both rounds and do a geletin test.  In practical terms, it is likey a small difference. But every time I look at the exit holes the 60 gr bullet looks WAY more bad ass.

Yeah maintenance.  Really really important. If the entire gun were stainless it might have been different. However, the cylinder rod and assembly seem to be steel and are dissimilar metals to the rest of the stainless gun, including the cylindar rod tube. Anyway, it was negligence on my part.

I must give Keltec a nod on this one. My Keltec 3AT was sitting loaded in battery, closed up and unused for the better part of a year in my safe.  Ran its full magazine without a hickup. Revolvers, I thought, were immune to malfunction. Dumb ass me.

As for the grips they are just right and make a better shooter out of me. Not that hard to do, I know.


Regarding socialist and the like. Democrats would not win dog catcher without the African American vote. And they only have 90% of that vote, perhaps, because 70% of African Americans are illegitimate by birth - the Democrats natural constituency. If you are illegitimate by birth we have a politicall party just for you.

So they should have a lock on the whole nine yards. But they do not. And thats a wonder. I suppose all those teen moms who can vote once they reach voting age don't much care since they already get Obama phones. And two other things.

These social inclinations move in long waves, and my boomer age is now coming to a close over the next two decades. And so the natural reversal is on order. And of course the Lefters had 100 years to ready their health care hopes. One hundred years and THIS is the best they could do.  We have more uninsured then before, and the uninsured are as much against the project as the rest of us.

Mostly we just need to wait for the sound, fury, dust and debris settle to find out whats next. I sure as hell don't know. But Obama may have been the very worst thing that could have happened at this auspicious time.  A vapor ghost fart.  However, the republic is resilient. It will live on with or without me, you, or the various Democrat Ghost Farts.
The velocity of the round carries a lot further then many of us can shoot. A muzzel velocity of 1000 ft/sec will derease by 10-20 percent at 100 yards.

I remember the .22 LR High Standard Derringer I inherited. It had two barrels, each with its own peculiarities, plus a very rough 12bl trigger pull. None-the-less, after 4,000 rounds I was able to get 6 rounds out of ten into a piece of typing paper at 50ft. These little guns are much better, but you will need to practice a lot to be effective at anything much more then two arms length. But it can be done.

Here is how I did it. Put the first target ten feet away with four inch circles. You can see where the rounds hit as you shoot but it is not so much aiming as quick shoot. Once you get almost all rounds into the four inch circle move the target a few feet out and repeat. I did this with that derringer. It took me 4000 rounds, but I could put the hurt on a bad guy at 50ft. With progressive practice these guns could do a lot more then that.

However, the effective range is just about what you can shoot. I would work on room distances as a practical matter. After a lot of shooting you will know what distances you can reliably hit. Me? haw haw haw. I might be good enough to hit something at 25 ft. We have shooters here who do 3 inch groups at that distance. Not me. So it is important to know what you can do before you try to do it.

NAA Products / PS I figured out why
February-01-14 15:02
The Agulla Long Rifel 60 gr is mounted in a .22 short case but is shot out of a .22 magnum cylinder in these guns. I measured it and that effectively increases barrel length by one inch. And more then that. The bullet is so long it blocks gas escape from the cylinder/barrel gap for that entire one inch of initial pressure.

I have read chronos from 600ft/sec to about 750 but shooting through pine it looks like an entirely different and way more powerful round then the Magnums I have tested.
Three inch groups at twenty feet?  You may be as good as the gun is to begin with. I suppose you can do all the regular stuff to fluff and buff. But these are not Olympic target pistols. I had one of those and was not much better they you are with this little itty bitty thing.

When I get four inches at twenty feet I will buy a bottle of champagne. The only guns I ever shot well. Well. Lets see. Got 50 clay pigeons in a row once. And can manage 46 our of 50 on a .22 50/50. But that puts me in about last place at my target range. Those guys get 50/50 plus ten 'x' es to be competitive.

But the little Black Widow goes where I go.
I live in the N. Georgia Mountains and have been packing mouse guns since Keltec sold their first 3AT.  I have had two of those and they are dead reliable on the first magazine. But won't hold up to extended range use. Needs cleaning after 30 rounds and will fall appart before 750 rounds.

Then I got a Khar .380 which is one hell of a well made piece. It will hold up and is reliable out to at least 100 rounds before cleaning.  But I can't shoot either of the .380s  I cant get on paper with the Keltec and it took 400 rounds in the Khar before I was beginning to get the feel for it. But would probably need another 1,000 rounds to feel comfortable.

The little Black Widow just shoots straight. The combination of grip and angle make it easy to put on target. However, it needs regular cleaning and oil. I neglected it for about six months and it would not rotate the cylindar because the center pin got corroded to the cylinder. BEWARE OF THIS.

And as stated below I am convinced the LR Aquilla 60gr is way the best round for this gun. But am open to other opinions.
NAA Products / Magnum v LR SSS Black Wido
February-01-14 14:02
I have done this test twice, with the same conclusion. The Aquilla 60gr SSS outperforms Winchester SuperX hollow point.

Just for the heck of it I tried it again. Stacked two 1 1/2 inch pine boards and fired at them. The Winchester SuperX HP punched a neat little hole through both and left a bit of nose sticking out the back.

The Long Rifle 60gr Aquilla put a nice small hole in the top of the first pine board. Then keyholed flat out the back with a spray of wood fiber. Then continued flat through the second pine board to reveal itself in full side profile out the back of the second board. Used my fingernail to pry it out. [both shots were through 3 inches of pine backed up by some oak. Neither got into the oak after leaving the pine.

So I am now carrying 60gr Aquilla Long Rifle. Would not mind other contrary results.