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Messages - Whiterook

Well got my mini back.

The cylinder does not play at all when cocked. So that is good!

The safety notch still seems wrong to me. I swear when I first got it the hammer actually went into the safety notch and the cylinder was rock solid.

The reason I sent it back, and still now, the hammer simply looks like it rests on the face of the safety notch. While this still works, the cylinder moves slightly left or right but won't go to a chamber. It just doesn't seem solid, and if I pull back the hammer EVER so slightly and move the cylinder it will move to the chamber.

Maybe that is how it supposed to be...but it seems like the hammer should go into the safety notch.

Can anyone post a picture of what the hammer looks like from the top when engaged in the safety notch?

Thanks all.
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-19-14 17:02
You know I am not sure. Either way it is going back to NAA for a check up!
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-18-14 16:02
Thanks, but it was not on the half cock for sure. Something changed.

I contacted NAA, they said to send it in. I figure why worry, I'm going to send it. I'm sure they will make it right.
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-17-14 21:02
Thank you all. Does anyone have any thoughts on how it went from tight and not moving at all to how it moves now?
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-17-14 20:02
Quote from: heyjoe on February-17-14 20:02
the cylinder can move a tiny bit in each direction while in the cylinder notch. it isnt a tight fit or else it would be more difficult to put the hammer in the notch. the hammer will also go further into an empty cylinder than the safety notch which is why some here carry it hammer down on an empty cylinder instead of the in the safety notch. Dinadan has written about it in some detail in the past.

Thanks. I don't know what to think now. It was just so tight and clicked in solid before and the cylinder did not move at all when in the notch.
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-17-14 19:02
First picture is hammer resting on empty cylinder. Second is resting on safety notch. Poor pics but you can clearly see there is a difference.
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-17-14 18:02
I will say this,  I feel as if I carried it like this it would be safe. It does move left and right on the safety notch but doesn't move from the notch. The past few days it was rock solid...something just feels off to me. Is the hammer supposed to go completely into the safety notch?
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-17-14 18:02
Quote from: heyjoe on February-17-14 18:02
take the cylinder out again and see if the hammer goes all the way down with the cylinder out. if it does put it back together, make sure cylinder pin is all the way in and try again.

Thanks, I tried this. When I have the hammer on the safety notch and I remove the cylinder the hammer visibly moves in more. The cylinder pin is in as far as it can go. I am at a loss.
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-17-14 18:02
Quote from: heyjoe on February-17-14 18:02
make sure the gun is unloaded.
put it  in half cock, line up the safety notch, pull the hammer back slightly keep holding it with thumb while holding the cylinder still with the other hand, pull the trigger and hold it, let hammer down slowly with thumb keeping trigger engaged. see if that works. you have to hold the trigger until the hammer is in the notch.

It was working fine before, now it isn't. I guess something somehow broke. Very frustrated.
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-17-14 18:02
Quote from: OV-1D on February-17-14 17:02
  Sounds internal to me . :( :(

It could be. I really don't understand it at all.
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-17-14 17:02
Quote from: jim c 351 on February-17-14 17:02
Are you confusing the half cock notch with the cylinder safety notch?? They are two different things.
Jim C

No. I had the safety notch working fine all weekend(I bought this Friday). Pull the hammer back past half-cock, line up a notch and lower hammer onto it. Worked fine and locked up tight.

I carried it today and when i got back to my house I unloaded it and went to put it on the safety notch. Won't work. Won't go into the notch.
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-17-14 17:02
Quote from: jim c 351 on February-17-14 17:02
When properly in the safety notch the cylinder will have more play than when at half or full cock. Its suppose to be that way.
Before removing the cylinder the hammer should be brought to half cock.
Please reread the manual.
Jim C

It was very tight before and would not move at all when on the notch.

I really don't think I am doing anything wrong. When the hammer is resting on empty chamber it is farther forward than when rest on the safety notch, at least as of right now. I don't know if that is right or now, but something is very different than from before.
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-17-14 16:02
This is getting frustrating.

I don't understand how it can go from working earlier today to not working now. The hammer will not seat in the safety notch.
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-17-14 16:02
Oh wow, alright thank you.

Another question...when I first got it(Friday) up until today when using the safety notch it was very tight, it did not move at all when on the safety. Now I cleaned it and I can't seem to get it to be right. When on the safety notch there is slight play. Confused. I felt more comfortable with it when it was rock solid. What is it supposed to be?

Edit- Something is off with it for sure. When it looks like that now and I take the cylinder out the hammer visibly moves forward. I don't get it. I found the safety to be very easy to use, now it just doesn't work.
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-16-14 13:02
Thanks guys.

Took it up today and put 15 rounds though it. Shot well, snappy! Not the best shooting conditions(I was standing in about 2 feet of snow) so it shot low. The "sights" will take some playing with it but all in all I am happy.

I was wondering...what is the highest round count someone has on these?
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-15-14 13:02
Never played it!

I was a fan of:!
NAA Products / Re: New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-15-14 12:02
Thanks for the response. It doesn't seem that it would shave the bullet. Also, when I "play" moves back to the original spot after I let go.
NAA Products / New NAA, Cylinder Play?
February-15-14 11:02
Hello. New member here. Been interested in these revolvers for awhile. Finally got one!

It is the standard .22 magnum, bought brand new. I love it. I have yet to shoot it. I have one question. When cocked the cylinder has very slight play in it. Is this normal?