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Messages - limapapa40

I've owned only one 1911 so my experience is limited. I have a Remington R1 and really like it. It's an excellent shooter and is accurate out of the box. I have had a lot of different handguns and I can say the R1 is fun to shoot. I finally had to start reloading .45ACPs so I can shoot it more often. I would not hesitate to recommend the R1. The best thing to do is try to shoot some of the different models and decide for yourself. There are other good 1911s out there.
NAA Products / Re: Sandyman !!
November-24-13 19:11
I had the pleasure of meeting Sandy at the NRA Annual Meeting last year in St. Louis. Had an enjoyable conversation with him and of course, saw the Sidewinder for the first time.
Try this place. Fast shipping.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Uncle Lee
July-13-13 18:07
Being a crusty old codger myself, Uncle Lee is A1 in my book. I've done business with him and would not hesitate to do it again if the opportunity ever arises.
Welcome MDZCPA. I carried the Pug in 22mag for several months until I got my Sidewinder. Now I carry it everyday. I was lucky enough to collect enought 22mag ammo to practice with it. Get a good pocket holster. You'll love the Pug.
I just bought some Remington #11 caps for $6.99 per 100 at Dave's Gun Shop. No ffffg powder and didn't look for #4 buckshot. Dave's Gun Shop, 11433 S 720 W, Holland, IN 47541, 812-536-5533. Nice guys to do business with.
I read that article and had a good laugh! I learned to drive in 1955 with "three on a tree" in my Dad's '55 Ford pickup. I had heard the older boys talk about how hard it was to squeal the tires. I didn't have a problem squealing the tires! Even in second gear! Boy, did my Dad get mad! He told me it was unnecessary to take off that way. I finally learned to ease out the clutch. Fun memories.
Let's go back a few more years and get some good ol' Thunderbird wine. Guaranteed to strip the paint off your car!
Oh no! Now I'm at 42! It's going backwards!
Why doesn't our post counts advance with each post? I just noticed this tonight. I've had 45 posts for 5 or 6 posts.
#103 came home to live with me! Hang in there. They are on the way!
naa_collector, I went back and re-read my post. I can see what you mean! It must have been all that coffee I was drinking! Or maybe it wasn't coffee? I don't remember. My brain gets tired earlier than it used to.
No charge to my card either. But I went to a gun show on Saturday and a Sheriff followed me home. I told the vendor I was going to wait but the Sheriff kept telling me "I'm going home with you!" So now I'm going to have to sell my Mini-Master to replace the funds. Darn! Guess I'll be in the race for last.
+2 on Concealment Solutions. My Pug loves it.
NAA Products / Re: New arrival test
October-09-12 18:10
I finally made it. Will take getting used to.
I have a pair of LR boot grips I'm not using. PM me and I will give you details.
PM me. I may be able to help you.
Been there, done that. It's tough. You're in my prayers.
I'm not on a leave of absence and I would to talk about a trade. I tried to PM you but you don't have it turned on.
I'll take it, Louie. How do you want payment?
I have a Madhat cross-draw holster for the 4" Earl. It will take me a day or two to post a picture. You can PM me.
Thanks Louie for the nice words. I have to say it was a genuine pleasure doing business with you. I'm glad you like the gun and I know it went to a good home. Thanks again.
Thanks, Louie. Now to find a Hogleg. Maybe at the Indy 1500 show.
Replied to your PM, Louie
I will pay shipping to your FFL of choice.
More info if anyone is interested. The left side of the trigger and hammer showed signs of slight rust. I did my best to clean up the rust. I bought this gun for my younger brother for a high school graduation present. I was stationed at Scott Air Force Base at that time and there was a nice gun shop called The Belleville Hardware. Couldn't buy a nut or bolt but boy, did they have the firearms. In 1985, my brother was diagnosed with leukemia and died in July, 1986. He was buried on his 40th birthday. So I have a sentimental attachment to it, but I don't need material things to remember my little brother. Thru the years before I got the gun back, it wasn't taken care of, thus the little bit of rust. It's still a good looking gun.
Oops, sorry. I'm asking $175 for both the revolver and holster.
I don't remember who said it but someone(s)on the forums said these little revolvers are additive. How right you are. Got three and looking at a fourth. I want to buy the hogleg. However, something's gotta go so here goes. I have a High Standard Sentinel Imperial I bought in 1964. Hasn't been shot for over 30 years (long story). It is a 9-shot .22 revolver in the original box with a leather holster. If you are interested, please PM me.  


Stories / How many mini's do you have?
September-10-12 18:09
I have the Short, LR 1 1/8", 4" Earl convertible, 4" Mini-master, and the Pug magnum which is my EDC. Also have a Sidewinder coming. I don't have the fever.
Stories / Newbie form WV
July-26-12 18:07
Welcome Wvscrip. Be careful! The minis grow on you!
Mike, I bought it new this Spring. I fired 5 rounds thru it. PM me for a better deal and a price on a 4" Earl Mag/LR.
Magnum mike, I got a Mini Master LR only. Will sell for $260 to your FFL. You can PM me.
Having held the prototype in St. Louis, I'm in for one with the conversion available.