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Messages - auburn1975

Although it's been a long time since I have posted, I am highly motivated to do so as I want the new Ranger II as soon as it is available as well.  SO Sandy count me as part of your list...please.
J. H. FIlgo (Auburn1975)
I have this same version as well.  I like mine so much, I sent it off to NAA for the Matching WASP LR cylinder for a match set for target practice.  My Waspy Pug is my favorite to shoot as well as carry.  You'll feel the same.
To GoldSmithy and have to see it's breathtaking! ---See link below
Pure great to see and admire; thanks for letting us in.
Dang it Uncle Lee, I feel your passion...I truly do. 😁😍
NAA Products / Re: HAVA Ranger
March-14-15 04:03
Just watched an interesting run on a Ranger at that ended NOT meeting its reserve at $1,750.01. So seller has it re-listed if anyone hungry enough.....not me, but good luck!
Sounds like you are really going to enjoy your new BW.  It's a great choice for a first NAA mini.  But one always turns into more and each have their own special features.  So enjoy....and have you heard yet about my campaign for NAA to one day come out with a Blued Pug? 😜 LOL!
I am in the camp for It to be a part of a standard product line.  Sure the idea of a DLC or a blue coating would justify reasonable additional cost, but the real driver for this option I truly believe is that I would be buying MORE Pugs...just because it's available. Therefore, if I were Sandy (and I'm just saying) looking to grow my profits and improve sale, I'd strongly consider a color/finish option over a design investment as a way to accomplish +++ business goals.

Am I begging hard enough yet?   
Oh are s-o-o right!  Let's get this campaign going.

Let us think about the old Colt .25 and so many other small derringers which were also blued.  even today others offer it as options. So can't you just see how great a blued pug would be ...
Thank you both ikoiko and my Uncle Lee....I will do so today.  We'll see what they have to say.  ;)

PS: you are right, very nice folks and willing to take a single job through a gun shop/FFL company to company order but not direct from a consumer which is understandable.  However, the price for Blue coating a Pug and 2 cylinders = $450
 ;D That's it, hope and a dream but you know what the good book says... You have not cause you ask not!  You can't get between a person and their dream; isn't that right Uncle Lee?  Nor guilt them into not pursuing it.  The dream will always win and you try and hold them back and they turn in on themselves morphing into something close but never the same...

Come on Sandy you know you can do a better job than anyone on this project.  The magnificent Pug is your baby....she just needs to be also available in blue.  Oh so pretty in blue.  Think + sales!! from all us crazy Pug fans.
Forever,  I've been reading about how wonderful one verse another NAA  handgun is and why, & just how collectable it is now.  I've heard the anticipation for the new 4" sidewinder and I am sure I will be one to get in line to buy it also.  Yes, I am right there with all of you NAA nuts on this forum cause I am just as crazy about all of mine as you are. 

But, but, BUT... I WANT A BLUED PUG...I really want a blued pug Mr. Sandy...actually I want 3 blued Puged.  Two for the shoebox like my Uncle Lee, and one to be engraved and carried.  Is there anything on the horizon for me? You gave Uncle his wish come true and it was a lot harder I think to design a 4" Sidewinder and test and prove it in.  Please think about it or maybe there is a distributor out there who interested.  Anyone got any ideas on how I should go about this or where?  Thanks my crazy friends!
I know exactly what you are talking about.  Like you are going to do, I sent my new BW back in Feb. to fix the front site and ask them to also smooth out the trigger which they also did.  My advise would be for shooting it to see how your trigger pull is also so you know if there are any issue...not that there are but just to be sure.  Then clean the gun and send her off to the shop.  This is because from my exsperence, my own BW came back better than just a new BW without a blemish cause works and looks like it should.

The turn-around time was only eight days and it was 100% covered under the warranty....sweet.  Now just give them a call and you will be very glad you picked up that BW in less than 2 weeks for sure.  :o). You will not regret it.
My POV - Lost River Holsters for IWB and The Absaroka Kids for ALL others.
My everywhere, everyday carry is my Pug and my preferred method to carry is appendix IWB & without a belt.  I have to many things in my pockets so IWB for me.  In order to do so with any type of pants (running pants, jeans, dress pants, etc), my solution is Lost River Holsters with their extreme cant position slot.  This allows the grip to be completely covered by the waistband.  I removed the lower straight cant hole and 2nd cant hole position from bottom of black IWB black piece, and modified it to nylon screws/nut & rubber washer rather than metal screws.  For me as's perfect.  For all other carry methods &'s The Absaroka Kids holsters all the way...just the way Ed makes it period.

My POV: Cvang grip

The current Cvang grip is brilliantly contoured and hold extremely well in either a large or medium hand.  However,  I agree with other that because they are no longer being manufacturing with solid woods they are not as nice as the older version ...MOST unfortunate.  I do not understand why they changed their process and fine it very, VERY disappointing.  If they ever returned to quality, solid woods, I would buy only Cvang grips over all I will not buy them at all.

Some like myself have also found that their plastic grip didn't fit tight to the frame on one side.  If you like the grip or want to try them, this is a good way to go.  There is this one small issue of fitting your frame because of interference with the gun's main spring with the backside of the grip's injection molding. So if you do find you have this gap issue where the front of the grip is not fitting closely (rocking effect), get a dremel tool and remove some of the backside of the grip's molding struts along the path of the frames main spring and it will fix this up easily.  It's a very comfortable grip but still just a plastic black grip.
NAA Products / Re: My new project gun
February-11-15 06:02
My heart and most sincere prayers go out to your daughter for her complete and quick healing as well as her whole family.  Nothing compares to the love of our family and their needs.  Just know the beauty is also there for them that they are blessed to have your support. Projects can wait.  You take care and keep us posted.
 ;D All good and NAA gave me the matching wasp LR cylinder for my PUG, I KNOW it's timed correctly and safe to go, plus the trigger pull modification they did on my Black Widow far exceeded my's amazing how smooth and softer it is now compared to how it was....really happy about what all they did.  NAA charges were very good...very's just my shipping charges of getting the guns there which cost the bucks. But to me it was well worth it.  Just thought others needed to know so they could make informed choices..I like to when I can.
FYI for cost from NAA was only $50 + $9 shipping.  Then in addition I had shipping to get my Pug & BW shipped out to them as well.  This was very high cause I was told by FedEx it had to be overnight as firearm required (????) plus small insurance =$36 then I had normal LGS FFL services fees only $25 for two guns (very nice guys) handling paperwork.  To me totally worth it except the exceptionally high FedEx charges.

Turn around time door-to-door was only 8 working days from UT to NC for this including the repair on 2nd Black Widow's trigger....great service.
NAA Products / Re: My new project gun
February-09-15 20:02
I just knew we could expect big things to come but man what an amazing project handgun.  I can't wait to see were it ends up cause it sounds breathtaking. I'm equally excited you plan on firing it.  Like a fine watch, pen, or knife the beauty of them no matter what is that they are also useful.  Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see it.

PS: I want mine with multi-colored sapphires....are you taking orders LOL!!!
NAA Products / Re: My new project gun
February-09-15 14:02
Hey GoldSmithy,
How is your project gun development going these days?  What's the update?  Will we see a rainbow of sapphires, diamonds or other gems somewhere like in the grip, some presious medal plating, or etching?  What's the plan?  Is this a show gun or one you will ever fire?  Your other gun so exceptional, I'm looking forward to watching the process.  Keep us posted.  Pictures are nice but if it's hard to do, then just tell us what's going on.
NAA Products / Re: Carry methods PARTII
February-09-15 14:02
Nice, and when can I order mine?
Appreciate all the comments and they illustrate how adaptive these wonderfully manufactured small guns are and how passionate we feel about them.  Very interesting to see what others have done as modifications.  The pictures are very helpful and I would like to see and hear more from others who have tailored theirs. So thanks everyone!
Oh my ......they are the, the, the best.  They are going to look good on you.  I love your readiness.  To arms, to arms Uncle Lee!

So-o-o-o nice.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Bearcat plus
February-08-15 20:02
Just looked it up and totally understand your fall into temptation.  Looks like something I wound want to own. Let's us know how that sight works out and what range you gain.  I'm looking forward to handling one myself in future. Really like the blue coloring and overall size.
Thanks for sharing this background.  I saw them on eBay but having been burned with too many other poor fitting grips, I was holding back. I have a box full of bad grips and just had not jumped on these even though I really liked their look. Sincerely appreciate the recommendation Mike.  Also, your gun and display case are great... I need more NAAs!
Here goes...not for the faint of heart.  And now don't anyone go calling my baby ugly...cause that just not so.  If the resale value isn't higher for this sweet thing now that it's been "FOOSE" (ground down & shaped the front sight to a arrow and super polished the whole frame), I just can not believe it.  If I had know where to send it off to, I would have paid someone to put this hot-rod treatment on my gun.  Well that's just the way it looks and the way it targets... FAR exceeded my expectation.  So guys, go get your grinders out and join us if you dare!  But you might want to make a tin and leather jig to protect your gun before you do (see blue taped jig in picture with grinder).  Good luck and I hope you are having as much fun as I am having with mine.  :-*
You are so right the sight picture now with mod made a huge difference.  I only shot 10 rounds cause it was so cold out late this afternoon here in NC, but all were 5" tight to center at 10 yards.  You've inspired me to also grind down my Black Widow's front sight.  I 'm so very pleased with the results of the Mini; I'm thinking I want to have similar sight views with all three of my NAAs.  So yea, my BW is next. 

Oh and thanks for the reminder to use gun oil/lube when I go to also remove the rubber grip.  Would not have thought of that.
After researching, reading others here on the Forum, and on You-Tube who had ground and shaped the overly large front sight on their Minis, I made the jump and did so to my Mini 1 5/8" Mag frame.  I left just enough to aim and balance with the rear sight hump.  Then, I changed out the grips...again but this time to the Houge rubber Mag grip that come standard on the Pug.  It looks and shoots far better than before. It really is quite remarkable the difference in handling and the improvement in targeting results.  I'll add picture later but thought I'd stir the waters tonight with my news!  8)
NAA Products / Re: Ported NAA Pug
February-05-15 15:02
First off, it's my favorite NAA period .... a Pug; so you can''t go wrong.  However, I've not shot a ported NAA handgun yet so can't say for sure. 

But most reviews say NAA mag. porting doesn't do much to reduce recoil which was it's intention.   Porting is simply holes in both sides of the barrel which directs gas upward to reduce muzzle flip which just isn't much in .22 WMR anyway.  As I understand it (but others may correct me here), you lose small amount of velocity too, but not enough to worry about. So It looks good and if you like the look of the porting, I say go for it.
NAA Products / Re: Just bought a Pug!!
February-03-15 12:02
Those are some incredible deals...I'm green with envy.  Seriously, happy for you.
NAA Products / Re: Best deal on a PUG
February-03-15 12:02
QuickDraw, Given you already have two, make sure you checkout the Pug Wasp version. It's a little different and a bit fancy.  You might like it.
NAA Products / Re: Best deal on a PUG
February-03-15 06:02
I know, I know...and I wanted it to be real so-o-o badly.  I was just as hopeful as everyone else. Although I could hardly believe it to be for real.  But good old Granger Mountain made it fun for a few days...
NAA Products / Re: Best deal on a PUG
February-02-15 22:02
Shipping, credit card, and FFL fee detail have to be understood clearly when shopping, but a great place to check out both shops best prices and auctions in one spot is
NAA Products / Re: Just bought a Pug!!
February-01-15 20:02
Really enjoyed your story.   I had the same reaction when I  first held my Pug and then first shot it just a couple weeks ago.  It is clearly my favorite between my three NAAs.   Congratulations on the selection and on getting such a very great deal as well.