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Messages - Surculus

Quote from: profire3092 on May-06-23 17:05
I currently own the entire Talo naa collection (minus the Dad and original Spider/black widow).  21 firearms. I am considering listing them 2 at a time on gunbroker.  The auctions for these items are going very high.  My question in this...would it be worth my time to run it once as the entire collection? Im thinking this could end in 12 - 15k easily, which is a lot of money for a very niche market.  Just curious what peoples thoughts are.  Kid is going to college and the safe needs cleaned out.

List them singly. Nobody is going to buy the entire collection for anything close to what you could get listing them one at a time.
Quote from: RogueTS1 on May-08-23 10:05
If one carries an extra loaded cylinder, it is much quicker to reload a Mini by simply swapping the cylinders (Pale Rider Reload) than it is to reload a Ranger without a speed loader. With a small amount of practice one can become very efficient with a cylinder swap.

With any of these, if you need to do a speed reload, you're doing it wrong: they're hideout guns, not duty pistols! If you end up in a firefight with one of these, you use it to take the nearest BG's gun away from *him,* & then use *that*...
Stories / Re: CRAZY TRAIN
October-19-22 18:10
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on October-19-22 18:10
Ozzy is rolling over in his grave.

Pretty sure Ozzy is convinced he's still alive? That may account for his unusual athleticism for a corpse...  ;D
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on July-30-22 19:07

They're cool enough & all, but reviews I've read have indicated less than stellar QC, and therefore unsatisfactory for their asking price.

Kind of surprised one of the Italian repro companies like Pietta or Pedersoli haven't already got that market niche sewn up, frankly...
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Odd primers
August-02-22 16:08
Quote from: LHB on July-21-22 22:07
Back in June, at our local gun show, I was talking to a commercial reloader, and he said he had been told by a representative of CCI, that they would not be releasing any primers this year, because they couldn't meet their own demand.

Thanks for sharing that info. Color me unsurprised. Unhappy, to be certain, but unsurprised...
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on July-29-22 08:07
Have any of you shot the Federal .30 Super Carry?  Right now as far as I know it only comes in S&W  M&P Shield Plus or Nighthawk. Nighthawk is way to much money.  ---------- I am looking for a carry gun. The Shield is a little bigger than I want  but at 16+1  I like that. I have shot the Shield in 9mm and like it. The other I am looking at is the Ruger  LCP MAX  .380 . More the size I want and at 10+1 or 12+1 I like that.  -- Don't worry Mini will still be in the pocket.

Paul Herrel had a test of the .30SC a month or so ago. Exec summary: unless you have some pressing need for an extra round in the magazine and are willing to accept performance just slightly below 9mmP, just stick with 9mmP: the co$t savings in the long run will more than make up for any FOMO of the .30SC novelty factor...
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on July-31-22 15:07
Quote from: bearcatter on July-31-22 15:07
What did the old timers use, back when Black Powder was state of the art?
Animal fat. Brits had trouble  with Colonial Troops. In India there  Islamic troops would not use the cartridges lubed with pig fat.

Specifically, the muslim native levees were averse to pig fat, and the Hindi levees were averse to cow fat. Ironically, the Brits never used anything but sheep tallow for their lube recipe for official purposes. So the Sepoy Mutiny never had a valid reason to cook off [heh. I may be indulging in some hyperbole there. Sue me!  ;D ]

Regardless, I use triple-desalted lard collected from bacon drippings & the holiday ham. [Boil it, stick in the fridge. Scoop off the layer of fat, pour out the water. Rinse, lather, repeat. Eventually, the water is pretty clear & doesn't taste salty any more. Then you're done.] Mix w/ beeswax and rest easy knowing that if you're ever forced to shoot a terrorist w/ your smokepole, he won't be getting his 40 virgins in paradise...

I'd use sheep tallow but I'm poor & make do w/ the freecycled product, saving my ducats for the expense of the beeswax.
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on July-19-22 13:07
My son just sent me some small pistol primers. A brand I don't know. UNIS GINEX. Made in Bosnia. Any feed back on them? Thanks.

Do they fit properly in a clean case & go bang? Count yourself lucky to have some primers during this shortage...
Quote from: theysayimnotme on June-08-22 18:06
You would also have to pay the DROS fee + sales tax + a receiving dealer (minimum I have found is $75) so at least $150 or more. I would like to have one but with a shorter barrel which is not legal here in the DPRK.

That's the drill. Taxing you on the taxes is the part I hate most. Well, at least equally !
Quote from: Ozark75 on June-08-22 11:06
I have decided to sell my Ranger II.

4 inch barrel.
Both cylinders.

Asking $550.

I would happily unburden you, but for two niggling details: #1- Broke! Drat it all... & #2 - Not buying any more firearms til after I escape the PRK gulag and set up housekeeping in Free America. Even tho', w/ the 4" barrel and being single action this is exempt from the CA DOJ "approved list" nonsense.

No worries, I'm sure you'll find an enthusiastic buyer shortly!
NAA Products / Re: wife wants a gun
June-07-22 14:06
Quote from: Anvil on June-05-22 21:06
Options are the Long Rifle Boot Grip, the Long Rifle Oversized Wood Grips or the Long Rifle White Simulated Pearl Grip in which I think she would like for looks but they are smaller than the other two.

As someone else has already posted, the Secret Service grips [wood for looks/concealed carry, or rubber (as found on the Black Widow & Mini Master) for control.]
Quote from: top dog on June-04-22 06:06
Just wondering if over time,beef tallow would turn rancid in storage?

What do you care? You're not eating it... The beeswax cuts down on the rapidity with which it can oxidize, as well as stiffening the mix.
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on June-06-22 04:06
Cracking down on gun parts sales?

eBay has always been anti-gun; it's only gotten worse with time. She probably sold a barrel or some part that has since been put on their "verboten" list. Used to be you could sell anything but a receiver, but that was back before "Obamanation Pt. 1: False Hope..."
Almost certainly a revolver; the threads [nominal diameter & pitch] might be some sort of a clue, but doubt it matters much at this stage. Probably didn't come "off" of anything, since no front sight or dovetail for one to be seen; just a spare semi-finished barrel blank. Get a chambering reamer, cut it in half and you can make a pair of barrel inserts for a shotgun. SWOS.
Quote from: bearcatter on May-26-22 20:05
I got to thinking, if there is a legal limit for how many guns an ordinary person can buy? Could I buy 25, or fifty? Not that I would ..... ::)

IIRC, there's a limit of 5 per form 4473, so more than that would require multiple forms [and a separate DROS fee per form, here behind the Granola Curtain; don't know how it works where you are.] I think the PRK has passed a 1 per month limit on long guns now too, so it would be only 2 at a time here now; it used to be that you could get the 1 handgun & up to 4 long guns on the same DROS [which I did once or twice] but I haven't bought any here in years so I don't know what the rules are like lately [too poor, and already have all I need.]
NAA Products / Re: That went fast!
May-26-22 16:05
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on May-26-22 13:05
Super Companion just listed at Track of the wolf. Not mine.I am keeping her. I posted it for you guys and when I looked back seconds latter it is sold. Did one of you get her?  Now they just need my conversion cylinder! ;D

Wasn't me. Nuts!

What was the price quoted? [Doesn't show now.] That might explain the alacrity with which it turned over. AFAICT, NAA hasn't turned out any Supers or Reg. Companions since about a year before COVID hit; they've been mighty thin on the ground for a long, long time. All flavors of firearms have been selling hand over fist since the BLM riots the summer before the 2020 sham election. So someone who's been looking for a SuperComp is happy to have finally found one, I'm sure!
Spiffy! But I can't have none here behind the Granola Curtain. Luckily, a MM has me covered!
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on April-21-22 04:04
Thanks. The guy read the date code wrong. I have not held the gun.He sent better pics.  Turns out it's 1976. Pietta. Part ordered.

It will almost certainly require hand fitting for that era Pietta. In the '00s the son? grandson? took over and made a lot of equipment upgrades to CNC machinery; I forget when exactly, but old inventory was essentially cleared out by 2010 and the difference between old & new Piettas from around that time is marked; the old ones basically were a "kit" that you needed to give a final finish to the internals if you wanted reliable operation, while the newer ones ran right out of the box. External cosmetics were about equal btw the two eras. Still, they can all use some minor fettling, since the place they save the mo$t money in manufacture is by eliminating as much human manipulation as possible [robots work cheeeap!] Any parts you order these days are going to be from the CNC era production, while the '76 product would have required hand fitment for any/all lockwork. But who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and the CNC part will turn out to be a great fit out of the box? That would be sweet...
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on April-19-22 06:04
Do any of you know what Italian company made cap and ball revolvers for  Richland Arms in the 1950s?  Looking for parts so need the maker. This will be for a 58 Remington. Thanks.

Uberti or Armi San Marco I should think. Pietta doesn't seem to have gotten into business until the early '60s, from their website.

What part(s), specifically? I'd try contacting Dixie Gun Works & see if they have any idea what might fit...

Best o' luck.
Quote from: bearcatter on April-20-22 09:04
Rick could handle the leather for that. Imagine trying to draw that thing   ::)

They make a 12 inch too. That's bad enough.

Yes, but you can't put a stock on the 12"-er unless you're prepared to dance to the NFA tune. The 16"-er avoids that, hence the availability.
Quote from: MR_22 on April-06-22 08:04
As I mentioned last November in another thread, I've been interested the in the new .22LR Heritage Rough Rider Rancher rifle. It's like the 16-inch revolver I have, but with a rifle stock. Compact Firearms has them on sale today and I find the deal awfully tempting.

With sling:

Without sling:

Not sure what that 2-pt sling is for since you can't hold a fore-end that's not there [nor do you want any of your appendages past the front of the cylinder while shooting] so a single-pt sling would make much more sense?..
22MCB Super Companion. Sold out everywhere for over 2 years; I'm currently residing behind the Granola Curtain in the People's Republik of Kommiefornia, and have pretty much sworn off buying new controlled firearms until some future date when I make my escape to Free America; luckily, I've had all actually I need on that front for years. In the meantime, BP firearms are still easy breezy [but who knows how long *that* will last?] Plus they're fun!

Had a line on one in some online shop down in FL about a week ago, but couldn't get their system to actually send me the price + shipping, and apparently they didn't have any live humans to deal with [uh, scammy vibe any one? You betcha!]
Quote from: bearcatter on March-11-22 13:03
The website shows quite a bit of ammo as being in store when it's not. I was at the store yesterday and checked the site when I got home a few minutes later. I sent them a message about it with no reply yet. Site is still wrong today. It's only two miles away, but what if I was a customer that trusted the site and drove 30-40 miles?
When a website says something is supposed to be at any store, try to verify it by phone or whatever.

With modern electronic inventory control, if you see something like "3 items on shelf" or other small #s, unless it is something normally kept in a locked case, then you can pretty much bet they're "ghosts in the machine" of inventory that was long since shop-lifted.

In your case, you state that they supposedly have "quite a bit" showing as in stock, in which case you should have spoken to a manager at the time and had him go round up the inventory the employees had set aside in the back for themselves [this was a major problem @ WalMart back during the ammo drought we suffered in the Obama administration(s)...]
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Blowout
March-07-22 20:03
Quote from: OV-1D on May-18-21 17:05
  Anybody see that Youtube of that guy recently getting back blasted by his 50 cal . I can't figure how to get it on here but its in the ATT-Yahoo news . The guy has a real good guardian angel to be alive  . OUCH !!!!!   :(

Scott "Put yer thumb in it" from over on the Kentucky Ballistics channel on YT is both lucky and smart. Luck favors the prepared: I'm certain if he wasn't in such good shape and didn't have any 1st aid training he'd be pushing daisies right now. Nice guy, fun channel if a bit whimsical for my tastes [I'm not fond of eggplant either, but I'm not going on a pogrom for them like he does...]
Quote from: uncle_lee on November-05-21 12:11
And people laugh at me for paying $200 for an Uberti 45  conversion cylinder.

You mean the Uberti C&B that looks like an SAA converted to fire 22lr, or a standard Uberti 1860 Army or 1850 Navy C&B to shoot 45LC? Regardless, $200 for a conversion cylinder for any of those is a good price, only for the one that converts the SAA look alike to shoot 22lr that's a sssssmokin'! deal... [DAMHIK]
I think I might have preferred the old [as in Indian Wars era] cavalry butt-forward approach for that. If you're carrying SoB these days, the idea is you're carrying concealed, and if I was doing that I'm really not worried about "violating the 180" like you would have to be for using such a holster on the range or in competition.
Quote from: Gun1 on October-03-21 09:10
Lately it seems that all of the double stack .45 ACP 2011s have been discontinued, but they are now offering a double stack 2011 but only in 9mm? Why the sudden change?

In the last 10 years or so the terminal performance of 9mm P w/ modern bullets has improved to the point that it isn't significantly different from 45acp fmj, so why not have the higher capacity option?
Quote from: Gun1 on October-03-21 09:10
Lately it seems that all of the double stack .45 ACP 2011s have been discontinued, but they are now offering a double stack 2011 but only in 9mm? Why the sudden change?

Because modern projectile design means that a modern expanding bullet fired from 9mmP expands & penetrates equivalent to a RN 45acp FMJ. So more is more betta.
Stories / Re: 10 years from now
July-13-21 16:07
Quote from: OV-1D on April-24-21 15:04
Old & Grumpy you hit the nail on the head I believe with that T.V. commerical . One way to enrich the common folk when there living in the streets by then . The middle class will replace the poor and the poor will be living in ocean condos dictated by the ever loving democratic patry . I read today the doctors are wondering where the common flu went from 2000 some odd cases to no more than 200 by this time last year .

Bambie, who "rocked the vote" & voted for Biden last Fall [along with all her dead relatives] "I've been hanging out with the boating crowd this summer & they all seem to be die-hard Trumpers. Why is that?"

[Anyone with brains] "Because as yet, there are no govt. programs giving away free boats. You have to earn them..."
Quote from: OV-1D on May-19-21 11:05
  Myself I'll never trust a screw on cap when it comes to high compression heck if you think about it half the metal has been taken away by threading the cap and the male part also . That guy needs a double lock down system , at least have a system where it blows out sideways or up for those 50's .

Mark Serbu [the maker] did a post-mortem on the firearm involved. He was very up front about the whole thing, but bottom line it was MASSIVELY over-pressure ammo. He pretty much said that production of that model is terminated unless/until they can come up with an even more secure means of securing the breach cap. [I gave him some well-deserved sh!t for not using a stronger thread form like Acme or buttress threads; a standard 60deg thread form is just not suitable for that type of (ab)use!] The closeups of the remaining unfired SLAP rounds alongside a legitimate one showed they were clearly reloads & not properly crimped govt. issue. Twas a near thing, & goes to show the warning "caveat emptor" is still as valid as it was 2+ millennia ago when it was new!
Quote from: tinhorn on February-23-21 18:02
In case anybody is suffering buyer's remorse or needs to sell a gun to buy a different gun. Only interested in the 4"-barrel Earl style (to match my 1858 Remington).

Good luck w/ that. Don't think NAA has made a run of C&B guns in over 2 years, so they're extremely thin on the ground...
Quote from: top dog on May-27-21 05:05
Looking at that thing makes me wonder,which is it more painful for the shooter or shootee?????????

The compensator is the only thing that keeps it shootable for most, but the bullpup design of this one means the shooter is now much closer to the blast diverter, so you trade shoulder pain for possible hearing loss! DEFINITELY an "earplugs PLUS muffs" requirement for this bad boy! [Personally, I'd be wearing earplugs plus one o' those nifty helmets the Deathstar technicians were wearing for firing the planet buster in the Star Wars flix...]
Quote from: grayelky on July-18-18 11:07
Whoever they are, there is no worry about me moving there. Not much chance of me just visiting.

Not even for an EXORBITANTLY priced visit to Dizzylan'?  ::)
Quote from: MR_22 on August-08-18 09:08
I just saw this story from August 6 about NAA minis from the NRA's American Rifleman.

NUTS! That fool has told people about the C&B Companions again! Every time NAA does a run & they darn things become available again, some idiot hack spills the beans about their very existence & they disappear again for another year! @#Q$@!!@#1234!!!