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Messages - mic214


That is a beauty!
I picked up a 3" .38spl/.357 mag barrel set for my Derringer. I think I need to get a Pelican case to pack everything in when I head out to the range... ;D

Quote from: top dog on February-19-21 10:02
If I may suggest,call Bond Arms and order 2 (three's better) hinge pins.

If (or should I say when) you lose a hinge pin,things come to a screeching halt until you get a new one.

Better to have spare on hand just in case.  Also get another allen wrench or two to have in your kit just in case.

                                                                                                                   Top Dog

That is a great idea....Thanks for the tip!
Quote from: top dog on February-17-21 06:02
The trigger pull on the Bond Derringers is a bit unique.  It is not straight back but rather slanting downward.

Try that with snap caps(they do not reccomend dry firing) and you will notice the improvement.

                                                                                                                Top Dog


This is my second Bond Arms derringer, my first was a standard Snake Slayer, so it came with the longer grip. I never noticed the trigger pull issue with that one (Which I foolishly sold off a few years back!). With this Roughneck with the smaller grips, the downward slanting trigger pull issue is more pronounced (For the lack of a better term).

Now, however, with the new longer grips installed the trigger pull is much better. I made a pair of snap caps out of some once fired .45 Colt brass that I re-sized and I have been practicing with them. 

I am waiting for the weather to let up so I can take this beast out to the range...... ;D
Quote from: top dog on February-14-21 08:02
That outfit looks super nice. I bet that the larger grips will afford you better recoil control with the 410 rounds.

The bbl,is that for 2.5  or 3 inch shells??

I found that the recoil with the 3 inch is noticeable but not severe being that it is absorbed in the palm of your hand

                                                                                                Top Dog

The barrel is 3-1/2" long, so it will handle 3" .410 shells. I do like the longer grip, in addition to helping out with recoil it also makes it easier to pull the trigger on this beast!
The .410/.45 Colt barrel and larger grips arrived the other day:

I just picked up a Roughneck in 9mm. I plan to get a .410/.45 Colt barrel and a larger set of grips for it...

NAA Products / Re: Show us your NAA's
August-27-15 12:08
I picked up a DeSantis pocket holster off of eBay:

NAA Products / Re: Show us your NAA's
August-10-15 16:08
I have had my .22LR Mini for many years. The pin on cylinder hand broke some years ago, so it sat in a box in storage until recently.

I just got it back from NAA, where they installed the new "Safety cylinder", new grips and basically rebuilt the entire gun. I can't wait to take it out to the range: