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Messages - billybob

Man, chopslouie, what an arsehole you are!   Bill didn't start did and then tried to blame it on!!!
Stories / Nutcase in colorado
July-22-12 08:07
Media baron Rupert Murdoch took to Twitter Saturday evening to express his support for gun-control measures in the wake of the Aurora, CO shooting???  If public support (voting polls) favors  strong gun control, both Obama and ROMNEY will support WHATEVER politics dictate............flip-flop, fizz, fizz!
Poor Glen; I imagine that he is p'Oed, whomever he is.  My apologies to him for making (?) Louie believe that we are the same.  We are NOT but I could not care less what Louie actually believes.  


   I am sick of Louie and several others on this board who  

   ridicule and bully EVERYBODY who dares express an opposing opinion. I wil be here and I don't care if you call me Glen or whatever; I won't turn the other cheek.
Man, you can't even keep straight who you are talking to?  I don't have stomach aches and I am not the one who claims to be attacked. It was Jestus whom you were bullying (above) and he NEVER attacked YOU.


   Are you drunk...... or just plain stupid???
And I see two.  There is no reason for an attack like that to someone expressing HIS opinion.  That is the height of rudeness and incivility!
......and what is the excuse for an extremist right wing-nut to being such a repulsive a..hole???  Man,  what an ignoranus!!!