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Messages - Biff

I had NAA send me the cap n ball Earl.  I bought one from LGS stock.  Bought two that I had LGS order from who knows where. 
PMR 30. Love song the gun.  Hated the mag. 

Sold it post haste.

Bought a RIA XTM 22 mag to replace it.
Nice bags, sir.  I also made a pair of moccasins/scuffs out of this stuff.  Wear them daily.  First/last pair I ever made.  I'll make another when these wear out. 
Ov-1d. It feels like suede.  It's actually two pieces of leather.  Outside is javelina, inside is veg tanned beef.  Gun slides out easy but holster stays in pocket.
Javelina print in javelina from Tandy.

I shoot LR out of a cheap WMR single shot rifle with no issues other than case bulging and some cracking.   But I wouldn't do it from my NAA.
Stories / Re: Google me this
September-26-19 23:09
What was it? Virginia Creeper? Honeysuckle?
Quote from: smokeless joe on September-07-19 17:09
Quote from: red14 on September-07-19 07:09
Quote from: smokeless joe on September-04-19 03:09
Another reason I purchased an NAA. I wanted to do this  ;D

Great pic, and it would be a great giant Cockroach weapon.  Laser sight for the crawling one and bayonet when those bastards fly at your face.  TWICE, one of those SOBs flew at me and landed inside my glasses and on my eyeball !!!  Totally true and gross/scary/infuriating all at the same time.  Last month at dusk, wife opened the front door and a huge one flew at me and landed on my shoulder.  I thought it was a Bird !  Panic ensued.

I buy my Minis purely for protection, concealment, and cause my hands just can't control a bigger, heavier gun.
It also makes a great laser guided toothpick. Unloaded of course  ::)

I reported you to the moderator!   Told him I thought this comment was hilarious, and that he should know!
NAA Products / Re: Illinois owners
September-08-19 04:09
Spend the money.  They are not terribly expensive.   If you don't like it, you can sell it or trade it.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Something New
September-06-19 15:09
Quote from: Bigbird48 on September-06-19 13:09
Quote from: Jobrando on September-06-19 13:09
Let me know when its 22wmr and I'm in.
Probably won't happen try the PMR 30

I sold my PMR 30.  Loved the gun.  Hated the magazine.   Give me a PMR 10!
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Mouse rifle
August-14-19 11:08
I held the Double Badger, but didn't like the length behind the trigger to the end of the grip.   Maybe I would like it more if I actually shot it.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Mouse rifle
August-13-19 15:08
You could go this route with a quick disconnect...
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Mouse rifle
August-12-19 16:08
Nice setup, Barry.  Let us know how it works out for you.   
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Mouse rifle
August-11-19 13:08
The bolt is used on aircraft to hold the avionics displays to the pedestals and panels.  Only bolt that I had where the threads match.  And it went with the silver theme.  Gives me a little something to grip. 

The hole in the stock is for an optional grip/cleaning kit. 

NAA Products / Re: Earl came home.
August-09-19 06:08
I gave my 4" Earl to my brother.  Kept the 4" bp though.   Wish I had kept it and gave him something else.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Mouse rifle
August-07-19 09:08
Silver is 22WMR, red is 17HMR.
NAA Products / Re: Colibri
April-23-19 07:04
Colibris are too loud to shoot out of my Sidewinder shorty while standing in my garage and shooting out through the open door to the backyard.   I'm afraid the neighbors will complain.   

Out of my Anschutz bolt, though, they are louder hitting the target than they are when they go bang.

Shooting cap and ball (no powder) from the BP Earl is doable.  😁
Mine is BTN03XXX.   I shot 2 boxes for the first time, last week. It ran with no problems.  Always went boom.   Shooting at small spinners at 21' so couldn't comment on accuracy except to say that I got some of them to spin.
Stories / Re: Guns Girls and other stuff
February-26-19 09:02
If you stare at it, with your iPad right in front of your nose, the two images converge into 3D. 🤣
NAA Products / Re: Total NAA investment
February-24-19 05:02
I'm down to four.  The longer 22lr, a short Sidewinder, Ranger II, and black powder Earl.  ~$1300 before we get to the ammo and the Absaroka Kid rig for the BP Earl.

Everyone should have a BP Earl.   They will deliver it right to your door.

I carried my 4" Earl once in the front pocket of a pair of jeans.   You could see the tip of the butt peeking out. 
Stories / Re: Guns Girls and other stuff
February-14-19 22:02
Bearcatter, I'll salute that.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: 22 Mag Rifle
February-14-19 07:02
And you can get it in wood, too.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: 22 Mag Rifle
February-14-19 07:02
I'm fond of my customized Little Badger.
I don't see any minis in the group.   :o
I love, and hate, the trigger on the CW45.  Nicest, smoothest trigger I ever had on a production gun.  But, the pull length is so long.  Keep pulling and pulling and sooner or later it will go bang.   No problem in a self defense situation where I am going to point it in the general direction of the bad guy center of mass and pull trigger repeatedly and rapidly, but at the range was never sure when it would go bang.   Maybe I need more time with it. 
NAA Products / Re: New and over whelmed
January-28-19 12:01
I've carried the Sidewinder daily for a couple of years and since Xmas, the Ranger.  Am loving the Ranger. 

I've had a four inch Earl and think the three inch might carry as the four was only barely noticeable in the front pocket of a pair of jeans.  Gave the 4" to my brother.   Still have a 4" in Black powder.

I've also got the 1 5/8 LR.  It goes places the other won't, like in jogging shorts, etc.

You can't go wrong.  Decide on the caliber you want, then the size, cylinder release, sights, and grips.  You even have a few finish and speciality options in some models. 

Enjoy the hunt.

I have a CW45. Bought it new.  It eats most commercial ball that I have run through it with few issues.  Had some of my buddies hand loads, though.    Would jam with round 3/4 seated.  Couldn't rack it.  Firm tap on slide with poly maul and it would seat. Firing ejected it just fine.  🤣  High point pistol would eat said ammo with no issues.  So, tolerances on Kahr is tighter.

Test area / Re: Snug as a Pug in a rug..
January-23-19 09:01
Strenuous activity:  OK, I stumble out of a bar once in a while; things can get crazy.
Test area / Re: Snug as a Pug in a rug..
January-22-19 23:01
How positive is the retention?  I would hate to lose it during strenuous activities.
NAA Products / Re: DS 10 Speed Loaders
January-22-19 23:01
I ordered a couple.  They were delivered rather quickly, and on a Sunday.  Thanks DS10Speed.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Kel-Tec CP33
January-21-19 11:01
I like my Talo Ruger 22/45 slab-side for plinking. 
DANG! That is nice.
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Kel-Tec CP33
January-21-19 04:01
For the PMR30 or CMR30, I would like to see a more dependable 10 or 15 round magazine. 

This 22lr one seems like it would be a hoot to shoot.