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Messages - HarleyXJGuy

NAA Products / Re: Barrel question
December-06-17 04:12
I can always count on you guys.

So a follow up question.

Is there a central Ricks Leather showoff thread? If not why isn't this a thing?
So it is going to be a while unless I get lucky.

No hurry. Watching all of you over think and anticipate will keep me entertained in the mean time.

Well that and my regular Mini.
NAA Products / Ranger 2 availability
December-05-17 07:12
So I have been away from the forum and missed the Ranger 2 early bird/release.

When so you masters of all things Mini think Ranger 2's will be available to buy?
NAA Products / Re: Barrel question
December-05-17 07:12
Quote from: kc on December-05-17 07:12
Easiest is from front end of the cylinder to the muzzle.

Awesome thanks.
Quote from: grayelky on November-05-17 21:11
First choice is Hornady Critical Defense, 45 gr bullet. A VERY close 2nd is Speer Gold Dot, 40 gr bullet. Both are designed for short barreled pistols, and have less muzzle flash than the "normal" 22 mag loads. In my limited tests, the Hornady penetrates slightly better. I suspect it's extra 5 grain weight is a factor. Both expand about the same.

Was all excited to chime in with my two cents......

Then I fond the second post is exactly what I had to add.

But yeah this.
NAA Products / Barrel question
December-05-17 07:12
So I have a Mini and while looking at all the Ranger 2 threads came across some posts about Ricks Leather.

Goes without saying that after looking at his site and hearing all of you talk so highly of them I need one, or 4.

My question is about the barrel on my Mini. Bought it a while back and for the life of me can not remember which barrel length I have.

Is there and easy way to tell? I can measure but from what point?

NAA Products / Re: Everyday Carry
June-26-16 19:06
Quote from: swolf on June-07-16 10:06
From a defensible legal standpoint, I've been told that if you have pepper spray as a non-lethal alternative when Trayvon turns and walks toward you, it looks much better in court.  You had the intention of stopping the threat without deadly force, and escalated to deadly force when it became necessary.  Carrying only a firearm suggests you had no intention but to kill a threat to resolve a situation.  I don't agree, but I carry the "less lethal" pocket knife when I carry concealed.  I have a cheap pepper spray keychain I drop in my pocket for the inner-city visits and the occasional "got any change mister" situations.  I have learned to use and am starting to carry a "glass breaker" pen, so I can get away from the potential leaky pepper spray canister.  The demand and market for "less lethal" stuff is growing, and cool alternative devices are cheap and easy to find.  This could be an interesting thread on its own!  "Show us your slungshot/kubaton keychain/slap-jack ballcap/defense pen, etc..."

Everything is location and what kind of jury you pull that day but in my neck of the woods in no way is a knife of any sort considered less lethal in a court of law or buy law enforcement.

Never in the few years I worked as a PO did I hear of an officer involved shooting of a knife weilding suspect that ever went to trial for the officer. Well criminal trial, civil is a whole different game.
Quote from: uncle_lee on June-21-16 20:06
Quote from: HarleyXJGuy on June-21-16 20:06
I really like the look of the smaller light colored wood set.

What did you say the forum discount was again?


Hmm not quite as much as I hoped but I'll take it!
Quote from: Tbird on June-21-16 09:06
I just bought a new mini today also, shoots great!! Here is the picture of my new gun to prove it.   ::)

Love the lanyard attachment.
I really like the look of the smaller light colored wood set.

What did you say the forum discount was again?
Quote from: Lil Shot on May-29-16 19:05
Harley, no pictures. I saw mr22's BW on the holster giveaway topic. A really neat reddish colored set of grips.

Yeah I know I was just giving the OP some stuff for not giving up the photos.
Ok so who wants to send me some .22 WMR? :)
Something is wrong with your pictures.

Can't see them on my tablet.
As you may know I finally got a .22 conversion Mini and a Concealment Solutions holster. Waiting on money to get right and I will get a CVang or TM grip.

My issue is there is no .22 WMR defensive ammo around where I live and afger a fast search on the web nothing short of a 100 dollar 250 round lot from someplace called ammomen LLC.

What are you guys using and where did you get it?

Saw this at a local pawn shop/gun store.

If I am going to open belt carry might as well be something more substantial.
Quote from: lefty dude on May-20-16 20:05
Wood, for twice the money ? If it is a work piece, who cares. Mine is a work piece.

I was asking more about quality not so much what they are made of.

Don't matter though Uncle Lee has made his decision so it is a moot point. Uncle Lee says so is good enough for me.
CW I would love to take you up on your offer but not sure what kind of krydex holster I would want. Not enough time with the Mini to know yet. Thanks for the generous offer though.

So I ask humbly you masters of all things mini.

Cvang or Cvang sized Thingmeister grip. Fit and finish, which reigns supreme?
Wyatt Earl was said to have one at the OK Corral fight?

Name it the Tombstone. Has some implied meaning and is simple.
Quote from: lefty dude on May-07-16 16:05
Very nice, I like it !

Me also.

After wearing it for a day my opinion of it has only improved.

There is a slight contour to the wing that sticks out. Wraps around your leg and helps it not to print but more importantly makes it super comfortable.

At least in smallish Dickie shorts pockets the wing and holster size keeps it from shifting. Never worried it could fall out even while laying in bed and playing with my five year old.
Quote from: top dog on May-07-16 06:05
I am interested to see what that rig looks like!!!
                                     Top Dog

Ask and you shall recieve.

Let me know if you would like different angels or better pictures with my wife's good camera.
Quote from: OLD and GRUMPY on May-06-16 18:05
This may be silly or just stupid but I have seen lots of stuff set in epoxy . Even small critters. How about a spider or webs for the Black widow? Or rattle snake rattles for the sidewinder?  Mini Mouse? Na that's just strange!  Ya another day with too much time on my hands.

Not silly or stupid, a great idea.

Can't help you with the to much free time though.
So I just opened a package from John at Concealment Holster Solutions so this will just be my first impressions.

Overall the holster is very well made and finished.

Fits the pistol like a glove. Not to tight, not to loose. Like Red Riding Hood said, just right.

Quality leather and hardware.

Just big enough to ride in the pocket like it is suppose to but not so big as to defeat the purpose of carrying a tiny mink revolver in the first place.

Did I mention it is only 37 dollars?

Anyhow I will get some pictures up today and based on my limited time with it strongly recommend one to anyone who needs a quality pocket holster at an incredibly low price.

Quote from: uncle_lee on March-29-16 10:03
I like them cause they are pretty.. 8)

Quote from: heyjoe on May-04-16 08:05
Quote from: cyberfish2 on May-04-16 05:05
I am new to shooting .22mag ammo. Are there loads made for these short barreled pistols? It seems like a lot of powder to burn, in such a short distance. I have some ammo, but won't have the gun for a couple more weeks. Do you wear gloves when you shoot? I seem to get powder burns every time...
Do you have to fill in these hard-to-read letters every time you post? It takes me too many tries to remain active on this forum.

you only have to type the letters when you are new. after a certain number of posts, that goes away. im not sure of the exact number of posts you need .

They went away for me recently if that helps.

Maybe 20 or so posts?
Quote from: OV-1D on April-29-16 04:04
Count me in with Unc Harley . The mind is with you but our flesh is considerable weaker , good luck and GOD's speed . ;) ;) 8)

Heck I am old too fellas don't be fooled.
Waiting is the worst part.
Quote from: tocsn40 on April-29-16 20:04
Quote from: HarleyXJGuy on April-26-16 18:04
Don't think I ever actually introduced myself here.

My name is Robert and I have been a Soldier in the US Army for 21 years.

Here is a picture of me so that if we meet in the streets or at a gun show you can recognize me and say hi.

I saw you the other day and said hi. You was too busy to say hi lol

What can I say fighting terrorism and saving damsels is a full time job.
Quote from: top dog on April-27-16 05:04
I would have recognized you anywhere!! The gas mask gave you away.

The photo? Was it taken in the Sandbox???

                                                                            Top Dog
                                                                                             'Nam '64,'65,'66

No that picture was taken at Fort Hood in Texas doing some field training. Only time I ever wore a protective mask in a combat zone was Desert Storm.

Here is one from Iraq from around 2010 for ya.

Looks like it is time to mount my .22 suppressor to a Mini.
Don't think I ever actually introduced myself here.

My name is Robert and I have been a Soldier in the US Army for 21 years.

Here is a picture of me so that if we meet in the streets or at a gun show you can recognize me and say hi.

Quote from: uncle_lee on April-25-16 03:04
Seems like this will go on forever.
Hiding them there is getting as popular as a Big Mac.

I like the Big Mac.
Quote from: Kaveman on April-23-16 18:04
Harley, the rumor I heard was regarding infantry weapons, not the heavy weapons like the M2. Just a rumor, one I never put stock in really, though It is an interesting idea.

Personally, as I've alluded to in previous posts, I think the U.S. armed forces should never have moved away from the 30-06 as an issue cartridge. I understand having more ammunition per unit of weight, but I feel range, penetration and versatility are more important factors. However, our wise government has spent millions of dollars to assure me that I am quite wrong, and we should all trust the Washington eggheads.

Still just opinions, which are free.

Ah ok then.

The M4's we use have not had full auto since the mid 80's and aimed semi auto fire is the method that is taught these days.

Hope to never need my NAA Mini also but is nice to have just in case.
NAA Products / Re: Insomnia
April-23-16 08:04
Quote from: uncle_lee on April-17-16 03:04
Thing Meister grips.
If you want him to make them the very same size as Cvang grips, just let him know.

The bottom picture is of Cvang grips on my "carry" minis.

Not to derail this anymore then necessary but this is good information.

I have been wanting something a little bigger like the Cvang grips but love me some wood.
Quote from: Kaveman on April-23-16 06:04
Any weapon that malfunctions often enough to have a "forward assist" does not belong in my collection. Go ahead argue the point, they put a device on the gun to force manipulation of a fail to feed, regardless of other uses, the fact remains that it exists. The forward assist is a glaring example of a design flaw being Jimmy rigged on a battle rifle.

We force our boys into war with that garbage, and tell them it's acceptable, normal and good. I say horse manure! They're talking about doing away with full auto weapons anyway (so I hear) let's go back to the Garand, it may have been noisy when the mag emptied, but it was rock solid and the gas system could push a bulldozer. No forward assist on the M1. Those Stoner platform weapons must have been whipped up when Eugene was high as a kite, sorry you have to use them Harley. Reckon it's like my distaste for 9mm, I just can't spit it out.

Opinionated little cuss ain't I? Well when I become King Kaveman the First, everything will make sense, I promise. Vote Kaveman for world dictator for life!

Hate it when someone is all wishy washy, just say how you feel already lol.

Not looking to argue but while the forward assist was added in response to malfunctions it is hardly used on modern reliable M4's. It is not even part of the manual of arms any more.

You say the Army is getting rid of full auto weapons??

First I heard of this and find it hard to believe. The 240 and M2 are a huge part of our tactics and training and I do not see how they could be replaced with a semi auto weapon system. Sometimes you need suppressive fire or a final protective fire that can only be provided by a belt fed fully automatic machine gun.

Again to be clear I love to hear different opinons and in no way am I upset or trying to argue.
Quote from: uncle_lee on March-30-16 04:03
I had my cloth and camera out taking pictures of The Thing Meister's grips so I thought I would take one of the minis that I use for carry.

Sometimes all three, never just one.    never..........

These are Thing Meister grips?

Trying to decide between TM and C Vang grips for my first of what will likely be many NAA Mini's.