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Messages - tyr_shadowblade

You could get as much as 550 for that, if you're willing to hold onto it for a few months until someone pays your price.  If you listed it at 400 it would sell within days.  Value of a standard 22 mag with stock grips is about 275.  The engraving and stag add a lot to the value.

Grips and engraving both appear to be aftermarket.  I'm guessing it has probably had maybe 12 rounds through it if it has been fired at all.  Very unique piece.  If you want my advice, I'd tell you to offer to buy it for 350 and keep it for yourself.  This is a beautiful revolver, one of the nicest minis I've seen, but hardly a high dollar collectable.  This should be carried and enjoyed.  I recommend a Desantis Nemisis pocket holster for a .25 pistol.
NAA Products / Re: Special Situation
December-24-12 19:12
As an inexperienced shooter, you should AVOID single-action handguns like the minis and Jetfire.  If you need to decock it and slip it can accidentally discharge.  Avoid autoloading pistols.  A lightweight DAO revolver like the LCR or Charter Arms Off Duty might be a good choice . . . but you'll need to load them with low powered wadcutters, which are target rounds with low recoil and low stopping power.  If you load it with +P defense ammo it will jump out of your hand when fired.  You don't want a Charger . . . they weigh about 2 pounds and are basically a short rifle with a pistol grip.