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Messages - ray

have had good luck with kel likethe 22 price has stoped me
you will like it i have the double bagger 410 @22
i had one in all black crown vic wish i still had it
put mouse on picture click it will be straight
went out to shoot yesterday 10 degrees had to shoot new 12 home defense gun with red green blue dots 4 different shapes plus put a green laser on it  you wont believe what i paid for semi gun $119 scope @ laser cost more have shot 125 rounds out of it no hiccup 2high brass 123 low brass
Stories / Re: old picture
December-14-21 10:12
ov was watching tv last night my hands were hurting and i thought about what you said i bet that because i got beat 12 years by the nuns pointers
Stories / old picture
December-10-21 05:12
looking at old pictures when went to school during hunting season in 1950 what wood they do today anyone recall this
NAA Products / Re: Ammo holder-22LR
November-24-21 05:11
here it is
NAA Products / Re: Ammo holder-22LR
November-23-21 13:11
i have 4 in front of me they are 11/2 inches wide  3/4 inch tall hold11 long rifle they  stack or single dollar store  cant send picture pill holders
first my condolence to the gentleman who lost there wives i also lost my wife last year over 50 years not covid cancer the paper work never ends i got my 2 shots dont know if i will get booster un decided i believe that is your choice not anyone else what happened to freedom of speech @ choice
thank you just got them today
i just got your message yes address on check thank you
check sent address on check where to send thank you
did you get my e mail i sent you
did you sell them
uncle lee buy it i like it had to post my pink lady again when i saw it took the pink lady out the other day a guy tried to buy it i left him shoot it he said set the price i want it i said not for sale
like those 
thanks guys i like it working on a picture how i cary it
NAA Products / look what came today
April-06-21 14:04
pocket sleeve from rick just what i wanted
NAA Products / Re: new nna
March-12-21 13:03
nice unc i like the one i got
NAA Products / Re: new nna
March-02-21 13:03
thanks for getting back to me dont give up on that great customer service thats what sold me 3 thank s
NAA Products / Re: new nna
February-28-21 04:02
top dog i agree i said i only need 1
NAA Products / Re: new nna
February-28-21 04:02
thanks grayelky for information i enjoyed that one question do you still work there
NAA Products / Re: new nna
February-26-21 09:02
 t hanks uncle lee how does yours shoot havent been on here 2020 bad year
NAA Products / new nna
February-25-21 15:02
pulled trigger on new mini 4inch hog leg 3rd one here is 2 of them
Stories / Re: hunting pa with bw
November-25-19 15:11
ov- about 10 seconds to clean  1min on legs go to u tube ask how to clean ringnecks step on wings pull up on legs pulls guts @ skin off
Stories / Re: hunting pa with bw
November-25-19 15:11
here is fridays hunt
Stories / Re: hunting pa with bw
November-18-19 17:11
that was first time to shot bw at game good year again with ringneck iwas using 20 gauge this year broke my hand 6 weeks ago it did not like recoil of 12 shot 4 shots 3 birds took a young man  about 26 first time hunting ringnecks  shot 18 shells got 2 birds it took 3 shots for squirrel hit him 1st shot in ass missed 2nd time than hear shot
Stories / Re: hunting pa with bw
November-18-19 15:11
it did not go
Stories / hunting pa with bw
November-18-19 15:11
took 3 years shot while hunting ringneck with bw
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Mouse rifle
August-14-19 17:08
pietro like  you had the savage 410 22  20 222 never used them like the bager 2 triggers @ pip sight do you like the fiber pip sights
Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Mouse rifle
August-13-19 17:08
i picked up the double badger 410 22lr i like it it folds like the badger
Stories / Re: hunting pa.
March-04-19 16:03
Montgomery co. got 1570cocks 570 hens on state game land 234 in 2018
Stories / Re: hunting pa.
March-04-19 05:03
in 20018 game com stocked 5000 cooks @ 1800 hens in sgl 106 @ 280 in berks co.
Stories / back to 1950
January-30-19 14:01
the way things are going we need to go back to 50th to much disrespect