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Messages - Floridave

Hi Bearcatter,  I wasn't directing this at you specifically that you needed a chronograph, just making the observation that it's really not an expensive or difficult proposition these days to get your own accurate velocity data. I've used mine for archery, airguns, and reloading info as you mentioned, a lot of times learning things I wouldn't have by reading other folks or companies charts.

For $80 you can do better than that and get ACTUAL velocities right from your own guns and ammo👍
NAA Products / Re: Black widow sights
January-29-18 06:01
My BW shoots a little high.  (Fixed sights) I wonder if I could get a front sight from the adjustable sight set would give me what I need to then file down until it's right on.
Just in case my No. 1 go-to Black Widow fails...

Bearcat is one I'll never get rid of.   Love this little revolver.  Mine is several years old, I added the adjustable sights before it was an option from the factory.
I've carried it all over the place and you can tell it, but it's a fun gun to shoot.   Actually, looking at it now, I really do need to clean it up!

NAA Products / Re: Bug out kit gun
January-10-18 18:01
Wow! Nice shooting!

Not pictured but I've upgraded the Bearcat with adjustable sights.

Other Guns (Non-NAA) / Re: Rugers
January-10-18 18:01
Not all my Rugers, but a few of them.

FAQs / Re: Probation Period
January-10-18 17:01
Well Mr. Ruger, 

Firstly, it's not fair to YOU fine folks that you have to wait hours, maybe even days, to be enlightened by my thoughts, opinions and general musings.  You guys deserve better!

Secondly, this riff raffs highly opinionated opinion is that 15 posts is too dang many, it should be 5.
Of course, now that I'm past that and now an official fumbly gunner, all that seems a little less important


Good to hear I'm not the only one. 😃  when I do it I will  take before and after pics,  though I'm not sure how noticeable it will be.  I don't plan to remove much, like jennflip mentioned, just bring it down so it's not shaving sharp   

Interesting using the sharpmaker stone, I never thought of that.

( I'm so excited, this is my first post that should be posted right away without a day+ wait for a moderator!!! 👍)
I agree that article is lacking so much detail that it's fairly useless, but the final sentence, conclusion I do agree with.  " Rely on good shot placement instead of magical bullet construction to stop your attacker.".
FAQs / Re: Probation Period
January-08-18 08:01
Probation period takes so long to get through, 15 posts? That seems excessive to me.
Makes the forum useless for those that don't post a lot. 
Mostly Black Widow, in pocket or neck holster depending on what I'm doing.  Also experimenting with the holster grip
I use that combo of rounds on property because the case color is easy to distinguish which round I'm firing.  I use the Federal ratshot in brass color case, so the silver case stingers make it easy.   I think the brass crimped shot works better than the CCI shotshells, but when that's all I had, the silver CCI shotshell, I carried 2 of those and 3  minimags for the color difference.   I only carry that when working out around property when snakes or a barn rat are the likely target. 
I use these combinations in both the Black Widow and my Ruger Bearcat.
Around my property I carry 3 stingers and 2 ratshot.   Out and about its 5 22mag CCI.
NAA Products / Re: Show us your NAA's
January-07-18 10:01
My BW with grip and carry options.  My favorite and most used combo is the neck holster with the birds head grip.  I also carry that holster in back or front jeans pocket when working on my property. I am currently experimenting with the holster grip, kind of surprised I'm liking it more than I thought I would.   

I swap cylinders a lot, and keep each loaded with the cap (from Home Depot I believe) on the off cylinder. (I don't carry that cylinder around with me)
  I have 5 rounds 22mag solids when out and about, and 2 ratshot/3 stingers at home when rats or snakes at the barn are most likely.   The 10 round 22lr mag is from a Marlin 795 and is a handy, rattle free way to carry a few rounds when out hiking/camping and know I'm likely to pop off a few rounds plinking  but it's so easy to grab and pop 5 rounds into your hand.   

NAA Products / Re: Holster grip use
January-07-18 09:01
The nice thing is that for roughly $30 a pop you can easily try different options to see what works best for you.

NAA Products / Radius sharp edges of BW
January-07-18 08:01
Has anyone smoothed the front sharp corners, edges of their BW or Pug?  I find the sharp edges do get rather annoying on occasion.  I've done enough customization of other stainless revolvers and I know it would be an easy thing to do, just wondered if anyone else had done so. 
NAA Products / Re: Pug or BW?
January-04-18 22:01
Love my BW but with smaller grips
I never did follow up here, but NAA did send me a replacement spring, no problem getting it installed.   May be my imagination but I believe it's stronger than the original
Thanks all. I've been away the last few days, will give them a call tomorrow
Kind of bummed to have t happen on my less than a year old Black Widow with only about a hundred rounds through it.

What's best course of action?  Will NAA send me a new spring?  Should i order spares to have on hand? Common occurrence?
Evilwayz, I carry my black widow that way in a lost river neck holster.   Hammer in safety notch, both hammer and trigger encased in kydex, I have no worries about that at all.
NAA Products / Black Widow grips
October-24-16 08:10
Hi all,  first post here, and soon to be first time NAA owner, waiting on deliver of a Black Widow convertible  :)

Does anyone have these grips on there BW?

The description says red and black, but pic is quiet different .  Anyone can point me to pics of it?

I will likely also end up with a folding and boot grip as I experiment, but I don't seem to see anyone  using the very minimal grips on there BW?