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Messages - lewiss

I used to count fence posts as a kid when we were traveling. Does that add to my post count?
Stories / Re: Black Widow vs Black Bear
October-10-12 09:10
Jupiter, did you get that .460 Rowland kit installed on your NAA Mini yet? I'd love to see a pic of that! Boots, where I grew up in Oklahoma we also had trouble with rapid coons. The slower racoons weren't as big an issue as the rapid ones :)
Test area / Other Archives
October-05-10 09:10
I find it interesting that a lot of us "gun guys" are also into watches and coins. Must be the intricate parts and details. I collect Seiko automatics, and would love to collect chronographs (but the good ones make gun collecting seem like pocket change, LOL).
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
October-10-10 23:10
Isn't it fun to get another person started in a new hobby? You two should have something new in common to talk about. If he buys a NAA, be sure to meet up with him at a range and help him get to know his new purchase!
NAA Products / Stories over 90 days
October-10-10 23:10
A truely great story, and a great keepsake! I once worked a "hobby job" (weekends) at a watch shop and the owner's dad had started the business. He was retired but came in to work on older "problem" watches, especially vintage electrics. He was shot down over Germany and ended up in a Luftstalag. We talked to hours about his story (much to the displeasure of his son who, I am sure, had heard it millions of times before and preferred I was working rather than chatting on his nickel). I have such great respect for those who gave s much for us, and to be able to hear their stories is such a treasure.
NAA Products / BRAND NEW!!!!!! Venom
August-27-12 17:08
If I understand the write-up, they say it requires no sighting in and is "factory aimed." It remains to be seen how accurate that will be.
I think about concealed carry of a Bearcat all the time. I like 22's because I can hit exactly what I am aiming at (with a good gun). Every time I work the gun show for my friend I lust after the Bearcats. Since I have a lot of hours bench shooting, any non-auto handgun with a hammer (e.g., single or double action revolvers) get treated by me as single action for maximum precision. So I am used to having to cock a hammer before the thing will go "boom." I even catch myself occasionally trying to cock my semi-autos on follow-up shots when I'm trying to be precise. Just habit. But if you "grew up on" semi-autos, a single action will take some training to instinctively pull the hammer in a high stress situation.
Another picture is on Jeff Quinn's report on the NRA show at"> Look down toward the bottom of the report on the right side for Jeff and Boge's picture. I didn't see that Jeff mentioned NAA in the video reports. The only part of the gun that looks slightly clumsy is the crane, and that might be because the finish prevents it from blending in better. All in all, an exceptional effort. I'm ready to order!
Another example in pure art where the whole is so much more than the sum of the parts. The grips, holsters, and case are all top quality, and we know how nice NAA finishes their guns, but together they combine into something unique and totally beautiful.You,sir, have a good eye, and the craftsmanship to make the idea a reality.
I used a wrist rocket from Junior Hi on (they were probably very new then). We used to take Black Cat firecrackers, put them in the wrist rocket, pull back, and have someone light them. Then launch them into the treetops. Great fun! Can't imagine kids doing that today - would probably be against the Patriot Act or something.
NAA Products / Neat Picture!
July-15-11 11:07
A video still complicates matters, since most cameras scan half the lines, then the other half (so it's like a double exposure in film). I agree that it is probably a valid image, but captured the hammer just as it was tripped and then the resulting fireball.
NAA Products / Star Spangled Banner
July-06-11 16:07
Ajr, I see no disrespect - the crowd is cheering THEIR country! If they were cheering their team, that would be different. But look at the flags, and the signs. There's nothing wrong with loving your country!
NAA Products / Star Spangled Banner
July-06-11 16:07
Tom, great version, and the flyover gave me tears (always does). But who's that child conducting the Boston Pops, LOL!
Would someone PLEASE delete this thread?
Lohman, hang in there. I took 2 years of college after high school, then said I'd never set foot on a campus again. About 30 years later, my wife started to work toward her Bachelors with UOP. She and others talked me into going too. I finished my BS-B/M, and went straight into my Masters. finished that, took a short break, and am now more than half way through my Doctorate in Leadership and Management. Is any of it relative to the real world? Some (UOP professors aren't professional academics - they are industry leaders, CEOs, etc. so have some idea of reality). The degrees have made a difference in my marketability, of which I am glad in this depression. The Doctorate will set me up to teach college in my "retirement."
I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would likely blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?  


   Harry Callahan
I find it interesting that most credit "organized crime" with the Kennedy assassination. The Kennedy's WERE organized chrime - JFK's father made his money as a bootlegger (I come from a long line of bootleggers, so I have heard the stories). However, it might well be true that one of the other families took offense and took him out.
NAA Products / Mrmadhat,Im not dead
April-24-11 11:04
Hope all works out for you, and you are back to "normal" as soon as possible!
NAA Products / Cold Feet
April-25-11 13:04
What a scam! I just checked Cabelas and they don't list it yet.
NAA Products / Favorite .22's?
November-15-10 00:11
Ruger Charger with a cheap BSA red dot sight. It shoots 10 rounds into a single hole you can cover with a quarter at the 50 ft indoor range using the supplied bipod and shooting from the bench. I had great plans to do the custom thing with it, but after shooting it I am afraid to even touch the thing for fear of making it shoot worse! Best out of the box gun I have ever seen.
My wife's J-frame is a model 340 PD in Scandium. At 11.4 oz. compared to the 15.1 of the 638, it is just enough lighter that it bites pretty bad on regular 38 Special. Plus I think there is something about the Scandium alloy that "enhances" recoil (stiffer, maybe?). That said, the trigger is a dream (especially for a DAO), if you can handle the recoil the accuracy is great for the size, and I like that it shoots .357 Mag (although 38's are enough for me on range day, thank you very much!). My wife always wanted a PPK, but fell in love with this instead. Eaiser to carry and use.
You all are making me hungry! I shurely do miss fried rattler - not much chance to buy it here in Denver.
NAA Products / shooting bt
October-30-10 20:10
Mayvik, you don't happen to do your shooting in the Denver metro foothills, do you?
NAA Products / Break Top Cylinder
October-26-10 10:10
.22 Magnum is .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire, or .22 WMR. The .22 Winchester Rimfire, also known as .22 WRF, is the same as the .22 Remington Special (except for bullet shape).  


   Here are the specs for .22 WRF:


   Bullet diameter .224 in (5.7 mm)  

   Neck diameter .242 in (6.1 mm)  

   Base diameter .243 in (6.2 mm)  

   Rim diameter .295 in (7.5 mm)  

   Case length 0.96 in (24 mm)  

   Overall length 1.17 in (30 mm)  


   And the specs for .22 WMR:


   Bullet diameter .224 in (5.7 mm)  

   Neck diameter .240 in (6.1 mm)  

   Base diameter .241 in (6.1 mm)  

   Rim diameter .291 in (7.4 mm)  

   Rim thickness .046 in (1.2 mm)  

   Case length 1.052 in (26.7 mm)  

   Overall length 1.35 in (34 mm)  


   Could the larger rim diameter in the .22 WRF over the .22 WMR be the issue in revolvers with countersunk cylinders?
I don't think the buntline laser engraved grips are still available. Wish they were!
Maybe I could use the old thread as part of my Doctoral Dissertation, LOL.
Thanks, Sandy! Always good to be part of a board that is actually MODERATED (so many I have been part of have sunk to new lows).
NAA Products / 2 Must Go
October-19-10 19:10
How much for just the BlackWidow? I assume the holsters are right hand (I am left handed).
NAA Products / Children and Guns
October-19-10 19:10
Chopprs, great story about shooting your first mag. I grew up in a house with guns. Dad went hunting, and I was along before I had my own gun. I got my .22 single shot rifle for Christmas when I was probably 12 (don't remember exactly). I went squirrel hunting with "the men" after that. A cousin had a 12 gauge and had me shoot it once. I thought I flew clear across the yard! They laughed until they cried. Not sure I learned anything, but to this day I have never again shot a 12 gauge (and I'm aproaching 60). Just never got another chance, really. No, really. I'm not scared! Not me! I'm all growed up! Now, where's my .22 rifle...
Tacc1, you have the same idea I have - the Master would make a great trail gun! Slips into a pack or pocket and doesn't add much waight at all. You can even carry it in a Madhat holster as an "open carry" gun (but, remember, either way if you are in the woods, check your hunting laws because you might need to have a small game license to not get into trouble with the Game Wardens).
NAA Products / Kel tek PMR 30???
October-22-10 15:10
If you did the mohawk in Blaze Orange, it would help you not get shot by the other hunters!
NAA Products / Kel tek PMR 30???
October-21-10 14:10
Lashlarue, thanks a bunch for the most disappointing info. I was holding out for one of these, but not if they are having issues. When the Automag II came out I bought the first one the gun shop got. It was flawless through my ownership and later for a friend who bought if from me. Wish I had it back!


   Madhat: YO! Good looking kids - what do they do when Halloween comes around, dress conservative?
NAA Products / Kel tek PMR 30???
October-16-10 19:10
OK, Stngun and Choppers, for those of us who are old and still think "groovy" is current slang, here's a translation:


   WORD! = COOL!

   WORD??? = Seriously?


   If you were a surfer in the 1960's and 1970's:


   WORD! = Tubular!

   WORD??? = Bogus???


   If you were a surfer in the 1980's:


   WORD! = Dude!

   WORD??? = Dude????


   If you were into cars in the 1960's:


   WORD! = Bitchin'!

   WORD??? = Are you shinin' me?
NAA Products / Break Top Range Report
October-14-10 19:10
OK, I bid $304, but you have to pay shipping and the FFL fees.
Aw, just order a new one from Madhat - I'm sure he would like the business, LOL.