prayer at a football game

Started by bud, October-11-12 07:10

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    This is a statement that was read over the PA system at the football game at Roane County High School, Kingston, Tennessee, by school principal, Jody McLeod

    "It has always been the custom at Roane County High School football games, to say a prayer and play the National Anthem, to honor God and Country".

    Due to a recent ruling by the Supreme Court, I am told that saying a Prayer is a violation of                                  Federal Case Law. As I understand the law at this time, I can use this public facility to approve of sexual perversion and call it "an alternate life style," and, if someone is offended,
    that's OK.

    I can use it to condone sexual promiscuity, by dispensing condoms and calling it, "safe sex." If someone is offended, that's OK.

    I can even use this public facility to present the merits of killing an unborn baby as a "viable" means of birth control.
    If someone is offended, no problem...

    I can designate a school day as "Earth Day" and involve students in activities to worship religiously and praise the goddess, "Mother Earth", and call it "ecology".

    I can use literature, videos and presentations in the classroom
    that depicts people with strong, traditional Christian convictions
    as "simple minded" and "ignorant"
    and call it "enlightenment".

    However, if anyone uses this facility to honor GOD and to ask HIM to bless this event with safety and good sportsmanship,
    then Federal Case Law is violated.

    This appears to be inconsistent at best, and at worst, diabolical.
    Apparently, we are to be tolerant of everything and anyone, except GOD and HIS Commandments.

    Nevertheless, as a school principal, I frequently ask staff and students to abide by rules with which they do not necessarily agree. For me to do otherwise would be inconsistent at best, and at worst, hypocritical. I suffer from that affliction enough unintentionally. I certainly do not need to add an intentional transgression.

    For this reason, I shall "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's,"
    and refrain from praying at this                                  time.

    " However, if you feel inspired to honor, praise and thank GOD
    and ask HIM, in the name of JESUS, to bless this event, please feel free to do so.
    As far as I know, that's not against the law--yet."

    One by one, the people in the stands bowed their heads, held hands with one another and began to pray.

    They prayed in the stands.
    They prayed in the team huddles.
    They prayed at the concession                                  stand
    and they prayed in the Announcer's Box!

    The only place they didn't pray was in the Supreme Court of the United States of America -the Seat of "Justice"
    in the "one nation, under GOD."

    Somehow, Kingston , Tennessee ,
    remembered what so many have forgotten.
    We are given the Freedom OF Religion,
    not the FreedomFROM Religion
    Praise GOD that HIS remnant remains!

    JESUS said,
    "If you are ashamed of ME before men, then I will be ashamed of you before



God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Matthew 6:5-6: "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men....when thou prayest, enter into thy closet and when thou has shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret...."


NAA Black Widow
Bersa T380
NAA Guardian .32
Henry H001


To that we must add that we must not hide our light under a bushel.  Our Lord said the Mathew 6:5 about those who were praying in public to be seen, and to show off how religious they were.
God bless,
Fr. Richard


Thanks for this post, Bud. It seems that our society has been enabled to publicly do things that were unthinkable just a short time ago. Small, destructive and evil elements of society have gradually, over time, chipped away at the very fabric of our national identity. We, men of consience, must stand for what we know to be right and pleasing in God's eyes, even in the face of those who ridicule and taunt. The enemy is emboldened. God save us all.



That was done over 12 years ago...9/1/2000 

Aaron Kipnis wrote in his book Knights Without Armor that if third grade boys were taught anatomy, and learned how fragile the human body is, football would cease to exist as a sport...

Don't ever recall hearing anyone pray for the safety of the boys on the field...but imagine many have...mostly their mothers...


Thanks scbuxton what you wrote was quite beautiful in itself . A very Merry Christmas to all you guys (gals) out there , be safe and eat well .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .