How well do you shoot your mini revolvers compared to other pocket/mouse guns?

Started by Revolver-man, November-22-17 15:11

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I wasj ust woundering how well other people shoot their mini revolvers compared to other pocket/mouse guns?

I currently own the following pocket sized guns. This is how i rank them in regards to. Overal accuracy (for me)

#1 NAA black widow
#2 Glock 42
#3 kel-tec p32
#4 kel-tec pf9
#5 S&W bodyguard
#6 NAA 22 mag 1-1/8

I can consistently make head sized shots at 50 feet with the black widow. That distance gets cut in half with my double action micro pistols. My little 1'1/8" guy is accurate out to about 10 feet, but I don't shoot it much. With more range time, I think I could extend out to maybe 15 feet for a head sized target.

How well can you shoot your mini revolvers compared to other tiny guns?


The .22lr mini's are the only pocket guns I have. The others are a S&W model 63, S&W model 617. The 8 round J frame is carried in a high ride holster on right hip. The mini is always in my right hand pants pocket, and most times it's the only gun on me. About 7 yards is the most range I would trust myself to with such a tiny gun. And that's okay, every social problem I ever had was at arms length. I'm not worried about someone 50 feet away from me. I mostly practice convenience store counter range.


I went from a Ruger LCP to a Mini because the Mini is more accurate.  No, correct that, I am more accurate with a Mini than with the LCP.  My most likely threat is snakes and I can hit a snake in the head at ten feet with the Mini.  I had gone to the LCP from .38 Derringer because the LCP was easier to shoot.  A few months ago I tore up a shoulder and now can't raise my arm over tit high and that with effort, so I have been carrying my short, but so far haven't needed to use it.


I have an affinity for pocket pistols. I own several. I shoot my little 380's better than I shoot my minis. I am confident that the minis will do what they are built to do, get someone off me at close distance. I have carried a mini as a primary but usually they serve backup duty. Today I am carrying my RM380 with my Sidewinder as backup.


I think about the same. I can fire the mini autos a bit faster though and they definitely reload a bit faster.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


I wouldn't compare my Minis to semi-auto pocket pistols.  My Minis are belly guns; semi-auto pocket pistols I'd use at the 7-10 yard range.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


But . . . . How are you going to be able to claim self defense at 30 feet???   Knew a guy, since passed, that claimed his 4 inch 357 was the perfect carry gun, in his gym bag, because "I can hit a soda can at 40 yards with it."  I told him I would come visit him when he was in prison.


Quote from: LHB on November-25-17 19:11
But . . . . How are you going to be able to claim self defense at 30 feet???   Knew a guy, since passed, that claimed his 4 inch 357 was the perfect carry gun, in his gym bag, because "I can hit a soda can at 40 yards with it."  I told him I would come visit him when he was in prison.

When someones pointing a gun or shooting at you from 30 feet.
40 yards is far enough away to plan an escape, but my living room is longer than 30 feet. I could think of a milion situations where 30 feet is not far fetched at all.


Well, first I can shoot my pocket guns pretty well out to 30 yards.  But to this second thing, I don't move very quickly anymore so I might get away from someone who is 30 or 40 yards away and I might not.  I don't really run well, I tend to fall down if I try.  So running isn't something I think of when trying to avoid trouble.  For me, I tend to keep my situational awareness up so I can just not go somewhere I might be in trouble.  I find this has been a good way for me to avoid trouble.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Quote from: Revolver-man on November-25-17 23:11
Quote from: LHB on November-25-17 19:11
But . . . . How are you going to be able to claim self defense at 30 feet???   Knew a guy, since passed, that claimed his 4 inch 357 was the perfect carry gun, in his gym bag, because "I can hit a soda can at 40 yards with it."  I told him I would come visit him when he was in prison.

When someones pointing a gun or shooting at you from 30 feet.
40 yards is far enough away to plan an escape, but my living room is longer than 30 feet. I could think of a milion situations where 30 feet is not far fetched at all.

I just measured 34 feet from my bedroom door to the front door. Pretty much the longest strait shot in my home, so it's possible a defense situation could be over 30 feet. But at that range and inside my home, I'd be sing my Marlin rifle, so it's a duck shoot. But out on the street, most likely situation you will have is going to be in your face.


My kitchen is well over 30 feet long; I could see many a situation where one could need shooting at over 30 feet away.

Ex: "this bacon is burned!" Blam Blam .....................  ;) Just kidding but If someone where coming from the front door via the kitchen I would not think I have to wait for them to cross half the kitchen to deserve a couple of well placed rounds.  :o
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Quote from: LHB on November-25-17 19:11But . . . . How are you going to be able to claim self defense at 30 feet??? . . . . . . .

Missed the point.  My Mini is a BELLY gun; reach out, stick it in his belly, and fire.  Why would you shoot someone at 40 ft?  Lots of reasons as explained above, but I still can't see the reason to compare my Minis to pocket guns.  Just two different tools IMHO.
Never Take anything Too Seriously . .Just Enough Will Do.


Quote from: Ruger on November-26-17 12:11
Quote from: LHB on November-25-17 19:11But . . . . How are you going to be able to claim self defense at 30 feet??? . . . . . . .

Missed the point.  My Mini is a BELLY gun; reach out, stick it in his belly, and fire.  Why would you shoot someone at 40 ft?  Lots of reasons as explained above, but I still can't see the reason to compare my Minis to pocket guns.  Just two different tools IMHO.



Quote from: Ruger on November-26-17 12:11
Quote from: LHB on November-25-17 19:11But . . . . How are you going to be able to claim self defense at 30 feet??? . . . . . . .

Missed the point.  My Mini is a BELLY gun; reach out, stick it in his belly, and fire.  Why would you shoot someone at 40 ft?  Lots of reasons as explained above, but I still can't see the reason to compare my Minis to pocket guns.  Just two different tools IMHO.

Have you shot a Black Widow? I think where this conversation is foggy is the notion that there is a HUGE difference between a standard 1'1/8" mini and the widow with it's larger grips, 2" barrel and real sights.

My standard mini is a belly gun for sure, but the Black widow is considerably more accurate than a double action pocket pistol like an LCP or a Bodyguard for most people including myself. It's more on par with single action pocket guns like the baby Sigs or a colt Mustang.

Anyways, the point of this thread was to see how well people shoot their NAA mini revolvers compared to other pocket guns. I was just curious how well other people can shoot the Black widow, mini master Earl etc....... and if anyone shot their standard 1'1/8" or 1'5/8' mini revolvers as well as other pocket pistols, as I don't shoot my standard mini too much and was curious how accurate they can be with practice in the hands of a competent shooter.


Quote from: Warty62 on November-26-17 10:11
Well, first I can shoot my pocket guns pretty well out to 30 yards.  But to this second thing, I don't move very quickly anymore so I might get away from someone who is 30 or 40 yards away and I might not.  I don't really run well, I tend to fall down if I try.  So running isn't something I think of when trying to avoid trouble.  For me, I tend to keep my situational awareness up so I can just not go somewhere I might be in trouble.  I find this has been a good way for me to avoid trouble.

I can still run fast enough to get away from most situations, but when I consider the effective range of a carry gun, I'm more concerned with an active shooter type situation at work where I can't get away. The odds of such a situation are next to nothing, but if I'm forced to pocket carry because I'm not allowed to carry a real gun at the office, I like the idea of being able to reach out and say hi from behind cover at distance rather than simply being able to possibly take the bad guy with me when he gets to my cubicle with a gun that will undoubtedly be much bigger than mine.

20 years ago, I would never have even dreamed of such a scenario, but we're living in a different world these days. There has been two mass shooting in my city this year alone.


Many of you think only of human threats.  My most memorable draw and shoot came the night I walked in on a rabid fox in my barn.  You can't out run them, you can't scare them and I think the pucker factor matches any human threat.  There are a lot of scary things out there with more or less than two legs and they come at different distances.


While SD situations are often quoted as being at very close range, I have to wonder at what range they start out, I'm sure people getting shot at close range has a lot to do with the time involved in realising what's happening, deploying the gun, deciding you will have to shoot and so on. If the other person is also armed then there is every chance you may need a longer accurate shot. Although almost all of my practice is at short range, I usually try a few shots at 20 or 25 yards just to see what I can do, because I think there are situations where being able to hit something further away could be essential to your safety.

Comparing minis and semi autos is a little unfair since the caliber, recoil and type of trigger all come into the equation. The minis being single action make the part of getting the shot off on target much easier than it is with a Guardian 380, however definitely at 7 yards an attacker would get 7 rounds in the right area rather quicker than 5 from a mini.

Generally I find I'm more accurate with revolvers than semi auto's however I find the Beretta 950 in 25 acp to be as accurate as any small handgun I have fired of such diminutive size, but that comes back to it having a very short trigger pull and low recoil. The minis are definitely accurate as small guns go, in most people's hands, but if comparing a similar size for sighting radius I think it would be a wash between it and the Beretta. Something like a Black Widow with the better sights etc. would definitely be better for longer range, but again can't match the firing rate and capacity of a small semi auto.

Interestingly, talking of longer shots a stock 25 acp 50 gr round travelling at 760 fps at the muzzle is still doing 730 fps at 50 yds with a bullet drop of only 1.9 inches. So while we think of such small calibers as belly guns the reality is even at 50 yds the 25 acp round is about as "deadly" as it ever is going to be, so if you can hit the mark a long shot like 25 yards is not out of the question. One could imagine a 22LR or Magnum having similar down range performance, but I've never seen any figures to back that up.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Fairly accurately: challenged to the Cabin Fever Match some time ago. Pulled the Mini out of one of the vaults (had not shot it in more than a year) and 7 yards, standing, free handed and somewhat quickly.

Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Do we ever do a shoot here on the forum?  I love those and used to hold one on a forum I was a moderator on for a while.  I would gladly enter but I doubt I would ever win because I am not the best shot.  At least with a handgun, I am more of a rifle shooter.  I would be in though so please, let me know.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


This one was here some time back. I believe only a few participated but I cannot truly remember; it has been a little while.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Think it was called a "Cabin Fever"  Shoot?

First day in the spring with the snow low enough to set a target at 10 yards? out the back door?

Having not fired all winter you take the FIRST 5? rounds cold. That is your score.

Some of you work out the rules (keep it simple ;D) and a  time frame (not all can shoot out the back door).  Pics are proof, GOD is the witness.

Now I'm getting excited.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


Look up the 5x5 drill... a 5" circle, 5 shots in 5 seconds at 5 yards.  Great for seeing what you can really do.  I found the SA mini is not even in the running - too hard for me to shoot quickly.



I would be willing to do a shoot here.  Maybe even try to run one but I would have to see.  Cabin Fever sounds like a good one, wish I had been around for it but I am sure I would have wound up pretty low in the running.  I shoot rifles most of the time, they were what I first had and learned on and have always been my favorite to shoot.
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


How about this----

A Ranger 2 shoot.

  Open factory sealed box
  Load 5 rounds
  Fire. One target at 10'.  That's your score.  Pics are proof/God is witness.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
-Albert Einstein


Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.