Legitimate Shot Shell Question...

Started by engineer88, October-31-10 20:10

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Hey guys, has anyone ever shot (and hopefully terminated) a snake with their .22WMR mini?  I have the 1 and 5/8ths version and I currently keep the little extra mag pouch in my holster stoked with the CCI shot so I can switch out when/if I am out in the woods.  I was just curious if I am wasting space and should just put some more maxi-mags in there instead.  


   Again, just hopeful one of you has tried and can relate if it was a success or a waste of time.  Thanks guys!


   Please, I am not wanting this to degenerate into any stopping power conversation on anything but legless vermin.  ;)


Yeah, years ago, I was moving a dog house, underneath was a coiled rattlesnake 3 1/2 - 4 footer.  My son grabbed a .22 magnum lever action Winchester  which I had loaded with CCI snake shot. The first shot at approx. 10 feet hit the rattler just below the head. No effect.  (I could see this as I was running backwards still wondering why the snake didn't strike) Four more rounds hitting the snake in the same area had no immediate effect.  Finally, the snake either died of boredom, old age, or the effects of the 5 rounds hitting it.  And this from a rifle, not a short barrel revolver.  I would never trust the .22 magnum on any snake bigger than a grass snake, and they are not deadly unless i hurt myself jumping when I see it. I would never trust less than a .357 snake shot round, and preferably a .410 or 20 gauge.


I used my Pug to shoot two three to four foot snakes last year. My neighbor was cutting hay and ran them out and into my yard. I don't know what kind they were but I have instructions from my wife to shoot all snakes. I have a holster that has space for extra ammo and I keep five shot shells in it just for this. I shot the first snake with all five rounds and I was close to it but it did the job fine. If I knew I was going to see snakes ahead of time I would of used a shotgun but the Pug is with me always. I would think that if you are not within five or six feet it would not have much effect.


If you are within five or six feet you SHOULD be able to hit a snake with a regular bullet. If you can not you are in need of some target practice. When I was in Florida I encountered a rather large rattler. I was about fifteen feet away in the middle of a dirt road. He was coiled up and ready to go. I missed the first one and the second one exploded his head. A half hour later he was on my grille! : That was from fifteen feet away.  

   If you can not hit a Silver Dollar sized target from five feet practice more. Rat shot is completely useless......


I am affraid of a ricochet so I will stick to the shot shell. Shoot one into a pond and you will see the coverage.


I have to agree with Choprs (did I really say that?)  However, a ricochet is a very real concern.  So, be sure of your backstop.  BTW, never ate grilled rattlesnake, we normally fry them here in Texas, like catfish.


Only rattler I ever ate was fried also. Jim


You all are making me hungry! I shurely do miss fried rattler - not much chance to buy it here in Denver.



   Grow some cojones, or let the snake bite ya cuz even with five rounds of ratshot....out of a one inch or so barrel you stand a good chance of not even hitting him!


   I don't eat fried stuff, it doesn't go well widma Lipitor!


Some time before 1980 a snake curled up on my mother's porch. One snake shot from my 1 1/8 LR and the problem was solved.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


So all this stuff about shooting dogs is just fantasy?


   Based on real the life experiences of those above, this ought to kill (about the only thing it will, from the sounds of it) any thoughts of using shot in a 22 for SD against 2 legged predators.
Old Enough to Know Better - Still Too Young to Care

I "Acted the Fool" so often in School they made me get an Equity Card


Out of my 4" Earl I have patterned rat shot, The only thing I'd use it on is a snake at preferrably 10' or less. 22mag .... the 22lr is way too anemic. Out of a 2" barrel it scatters way too quick. Just my humble 2 cents worth. Out of my 3" 357mag .... yeah baby!!!! Jim


after you all have talked about rat shot, snake shot, bird shot, I found some and did my own test. I do not have any degree that says you should listen to me over any one of the forum members. But this is what I found.  I took out two coke bottles full of coke. I placed them 6to 8 ft from me and shot in to them with the said ? Shot. The bottle did not even fall over. I was using crimped and blue plastic toped shot shells. As I looked at the bottles you could see the marks of the shot hitting the bottle put no holes I then went on shooting the bottles with 22 lr and the holes clearly showed as the bottles burst with foam as the holes went throw the bottle. Now with bottle empty I turned them so none of the shot marks could be seen. And shot them empty (no soda) with shot again. And yes they did fall over but again no holes could be seen. Only marks to show the shot had hit the bottle. I will never use these shot shells in any mini for my or any persons safety IE mad dog or snake


I had the crimped federal I think it was in my mini 1 and 1/8 and fired it at a paper target backed with cardboard from 3 paces.  The effect was to leave marks on the paper with no penetration in paper except for the one large bb per shot!  I was severaly dissapointed.  The wmr cci seemed much better but I was still skeptical.  Thanks for the input guys!  I will most likely have to pick up some shot for my sp101 and keep the sixth round in my speed strip as shot like I have seen many folks do.  


   Looks like it is maxi mags in the pouch starting tomorrow.  Thanks!


When I was patterning the 22mag snake shot out of my Earl I used paper plates thinking the thickness would approximate a snake's skin thickness. It was penetrating out to 15 feet but the pattern density was best at 10 feet or less. The shots taken at 5 feet were concentrated enoungh to make decent sized holes. The 10 feet shots all stayed within the perimeter of the plate and penetrated well I thought. Just me, only a true encounter will tell the tale to satisfaction's sake. But I always carry a back-up with high velocity hollowpoints. Jim


I have killed a few snakes with the 22 lr snake shot out of a Ruger Bearcat with no problem.  They were not huge snakes however, but I am well satisfied with the rimfire snake shot FOR SNAKES, and don't shoot DOGS AT ALL!!!!  Or any other pet that belongs to someone.............


   The only BIG snake I killed was a 5'3" rattler and that was with 38 spl snake shot out of a model 64 4" service gun, and it PUT THE SNAKE DOWN "RIGHT NOW"!  This was at about 6 or 8 feet.


   I guess if I ran into that (in my mind mythical)"aggressive pack of feral dogs" that may be different.  I see lots of wild dogs around here, and the best description of them I can make is "starving pityful creatures" and I try to get them some food when I can.  I hate to see things starving..............


   I think some of the folks (gun writers included) who brag about shooting "feral dogs packs" that allegedly "attacked" them are just dog haters and are looking for something to shoot.  Sort of like an unnamed poster on this forum who kills things for "fun".


   (OPINION):  Snake shot works well for snakes and would probably kill mice too, but I don't try to hurt them either as long as they stay out of my house.....


   As for testing, I have shot empty aluminum soda cans with it at close range (5-10 ft) and it perforates the aluminum easily.  I am sure it will go through skin at the same distance.  I am not sure why you would be trying to use it on a snake at more than about 5 to a max of 10 feet......  


   Engineer88:  The crimped snake shot is pretty much useless.  The above discussion is of the CCI snake shot with the little plastic cartridge.  I have used the crimped stuff.  Leads up your barrel and does not work well at all.




oops, meant to add I used the CCI snake shot with blue plastic nose. Jim


I am not a fan of even the CCI stuff but as Barky said the older style crimped stuff is useless. When I was REALLY young I actually shot a buddy of mine with it thinking it was a blank.....nothing happened. After a few beers we realized that he had a couple small pellets embedded in his clothes and we laughed!......USELESS!!!