Mini Master Broken Right Out Of The Box

Started by Lothaen, November-05-20 19:11

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Well this is disappointing.

This component was sticking up out of the frame next to the hammer.

On fiddling with the pistol I noticed it won't lock. The cylinder free spins and stops wherever it wants to, the cylinders not in line with the bore. They basically settle wherever they want.

The locking component that stops the cylinder on hammer cock doesn't lift.

Any thoughts? If I can fix this at home I would rather not send it back through the mail system.


I am aware this is awaiting moderation, however I have an update. The gunsmith at NAA is going to ship me part #3 to replace the current one. He gave me instructions and said if this doesn't fix it to send it in. Very nice as well as the receptionist. They appear to value the customers input and time.

Awaiting the part.


Let us know how it goes.

And welcome to the forum. The probation period of 15 posts goes quickly. Hang in there!

smokeless joe

NAA has excellent customer service. I hope your issue is resolved with the new part. Keep us posted. 


Dunno how that gun could get past QC, but in all systems failures can occur. So the fallback is what Smokeless referred to, the excellent customer service that I have experienced from NAA. It's annoying to have to go that path, it could take some time, but they'll make it right. It's a good little revolver and company behind it.
Keep us posted.
Steve in Boise

Wumbey Goomba

I'm thinking it's the fondler, who had to
play with it between NAA, and purchaser.
Dang them!


I have had to replace that spring. It is doable, it just takes a little patience.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


OK Gray, what is that spring named, and in your experience is it something I aughta keep one or two of on hand (like I do the mainspring)?



IDK what nomenclature NAA uses for the part, but it appears to be a cylinder stop spring (part #3, below), located inside near the rear of the frame.

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


I had a major issue with my second Guardian 32, due to NAA getting incorrect castings from a supplier. It took several weeks to get my replacement, but they treated me very well, and kept me posted the whole way. Number Two is every bit as perfect as my first.
"If you get it and didn't work for it, someone else worked for it and didn't get it..."

* Guardian .32 (2) * Zastava M70 .32 (3) * Bearcat stainless (2) * SP101 .22 * Ruger SR22 (2) * S&W M&P 15-22 Sport


Aha Pete, I see. The bolt is no.7, the spring in question is no.3.  I just pulled the grips off my revolver, there it is in its hole in the bolt, kept in position by the frame and grips. If this was broken it'd be easy to replace. Me thinks I should have one in the box o' stuff. Thanks,
Steve in Boise


God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


That's a keeper. Thanks Uncle Lee!

smokeless joe

Yeah thanks for the video link unc. That may come in handy in the future.


Quote from: Boisesteve on November-07-20 16:11
OK Gray, what is that spring named, and in your experience is it something I aughta keep one or two of on hand (like I do the mainspring)?
I hunk it is the handspring, but I may be wrong. I doubt you would need another one, unless this part is outsourced, and a bad batch was received.
Guns are a lot like parachutes:

"If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again"


Hey Gray, thanks for the reply.
Pete posted the diagram and I got my thick head oriented. It's the bolt spring I think, and it looks completely understressed and unlikely to fail.  I took the grips off mine to take a look, and to me the likely explanation of the guys failure was the spring got loose from its place while his grips were installed. OR, the tiny tiny drilled hole in the bolt that receives the spring could have been misdrilled or broke, freeing the spring to wander. Either way, easy to fix. Anyhow....
Stay well all, Steve in Boise


I received the spare today and the smith was quite right. On the phone he said the spring may have been tapered too much and that was the case. The replacement had a very gentle slope and ended blunt where as the broken component was a sharp point.

I inserted the spring easily and now I await the thread locker to dry. I simply brushed the tip in a dot of loctite.


Thanks for keeping us up to date Lothaen, and glad it was easy to make right.
Now, practice practice practice, and beware it's real easy to like these little revolvers and find your collection of them starts to grow.
Be well, Steve in Boise