First laser engraving on my pug.

Started by yoteslayer31, July-04-21 16:07

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The pug is challenging to make my own.  Here is my first laser job on my Pug.  I'm thinking through what to do on the cylinder and other parts of the frame. 


Welcom to the forum. Nice work.  For the cylinder something based on the Gadsden snake? Not the full thing but a little snake ish work? Just enough that you get the idea.  Snake and the words.  The Gadsden flag is a very rough  rendering of the snake.  Clean it up just a little.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


That would work!  Lets see what I can come up with. 

smokeless joe

I like it! Welcome to the forum


That looks great!  Now I am jealous...



Nice job !  (Welcome to the forum ! )  8)

For the cylinder, I would consider doing an outline of a loaded RF cartridge between every cylinder flute.

Be careful if you follow the masses - Sometimes the M is silent


2 nice lines around the cylinder just behind the flutes. Kinda Wasp like.
I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them."
~John Bernard Books"
― John Wayne, The Shootist


Nice work fella. Looking forward to how you do the cylinder.


Very cool, thanks for posting.


Welcome Yote. The Pug looks great!
Mebbe some laser-copies of the founders' signatures on the Declaration?

Or this...


Do you remember Izzy from Miami Vice?  Said he spells his name with a Z like in  znake.
Death before Decaf !!!!!


O&G, I remember that the show was, but never saw it. I worked full time night shift in the ER from 1975 thru 1995, slept every day from 1400 to 2130, and basically watched no tv. Life.