Crown looks strange on my new this normal?

Started by afultz075, November-18-12 21:11

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Was cleaning my new Pug today and noticed that the crown is nothing like i've ever seen before. When viewed from the side, it appears that the grooves of the muzzle protrude slightly further than the lands. Running a toothpick inside the recessed area confirms this.

These pics are the best I can do with an iPhone4. Hopefully the pics will clarify what i'm speaking of. Notice the wavy appearance at the edge of the muzzle. Is this normal?


Afultz075 - your Pug's crown looks completely normal. That is the way they are made.


yes, all of the ones I have seen look about like that.  As long as it shoots like it should (accurate for what it is) I say don't worry about it.


Welcome lettersandnumbrers
That is a good looking crown.
On the other minis there is no crown.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )



Crown on my Black Widow looks exactly the same.
Not here for a long time, here for a good time!


The rifling is recessed to protect it.  If you drop it and ding the end of your barrel, you haven't dinged your rifling.  It's a good design.