move or not to move

Started by tocsn40, April-08-13 08:04

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should there be a moving of post?

Yes ( I like to have post moved )
2 (22.2%)
No ( don't see how it helps to move )
3 (33.3%)
I like how the post work them self out
4 (44.4%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: April-15-13 08:04


If someone wants something saved they should make a folder on there computer and save it there computers. 


Kentucky Kevin

I like to move it move it
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


What are we wanting to move or not to move?
Something dirty and nasty?
Something with a picture in it that you may later want to refer to?

Things that I really want to save, I put on a little 8 gig flash drive.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


I think a lot of threads are a "work in progress." Once in a while, a really great thread comes along that might need to be moved to the proper section.

I wouldn't move just any old thread. We have sections, thread drift not withstanding. A little organization would help the new users seeking something specific.

I think a lot of threads should just work themselves out. Now and then, there are threads worth a sticky.

Kentucky Kevin

I still like to "move it, move it" If I get sticky, I take a shower
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


If we had a topic called "Thread Drift," I could see a lot of threads going there.  :)


I have found the best boards are them which do the least to jack with the content. Thats where I gravitate Got to be right huh?  In an ideal world it should go like this:

1. No illegal speech..i.e. threats etc.

2. No immoral speech or pics (meaning common 4 letter words used to add emphasis is ok if used porno but let us not fail to appreciate the artsty phartsy aspects of scantily clad lady folks.) 

3. Commercial hosted forums such as this should not have to put up with direct links to the competition and other rude behavior..spamming..blah blah blah.

4.  Other than that the less manpipulting..moving and deleting messages the my view. Seen a lot of nasty old brawls which cured themselves when folks was allowed to chat it on out etc. Lassize Faire (sic) method has much to recommend itself to practical applications. Not utilized nearly enough.


Just a guess on my part.
The only threads moved are at request or in the opinion of Admin,
something that would serve our FAQ section. Nothing has ever been
moved previous to my/our request for a section where "we" could file
things that are frequently asked or that we want easy access to.
I look at any thing in the FAQ section as a place of honor on the NAA board,
things the forum sees as worthy of easy access.

Only my opinion.


Sounds highly rational to me Sir.

Kentucky Kevin

Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


It sounds good to me, as well.


Quote from: ikoiko on April-09-13 16:04
Just a guess on my part.
The only threads moved are at request or in the opinion of Admin,
something that would serve our FAQ section. Nothing has ever been
moved previous to my/our request for a section where "we" could file
things that are frequently asked or that we want easy access to.
I look at any thing in the FAQ section as a place of honor on the NAA board,
things the forum sees as worthy of easy access.

Only my opinion.

Exactly, no vote from me because the true reason was not part of the Poll.


Quote from: rhett on April-09-13 18:04
Quote from: ikoiko on April-09-13 16:04
Just a guess on my part.
The only threads moved are at request or in the opinion of Admin,
something that would serve our FAQ section. Nothing has ever been
moved previous to my/our request for a section where "we" could file
things that are frequently asked or that we want easy access to.
I look at any thing in the FAQ section as a place of honor on the NAA board,
things the forum sees as worthy of easy access.

Only my opinion.

Exactly, no vote from me because the true reason was not part of the Poll.

Polls seldom let you answer the question the way you really feel.
That is why I don't trust polls.
They turn out the way the poller wants them to turn out.
God, Country, & Flag

LET'S GO BRANDON ( he is gone to the beach )


Im not sure that is a facter here as im not asking for anything to be done just to see how many peeps liked the moving of there post as they choos to post it somewhere then someone comes along later and post in there post and says something that someone eles says that should go to faq. Just confused seems to be of no use to me just makes more to go through to find what i may want. 


I dunno, they just moved my grip making slide show to FAQ. I'm kind of proud of that.  ;D

They don't move many that I've seen. Sometimes they just fit better under another heading.
Most topics just peter out, so no big there.
A lot of them on here go in so many directions that they could be moved to just about any heading!
Personally, it doesn't bother me as long as they are still available.
Never underestimate the delusional power of irrationality.

Arrogance isn't the same as stupidity, but it tends to have similar results.---David Drake


Guess we have some fairly differing views on what hobby chat forums are all about. Personally..I have never joined on in a thirst for any particular factoids. The way it works on me is I come to bs and have fun and wind up learning new stuff that I did not realize I needed to know..then they get to blabbing and make me want to buy new guns and hats etc. When the list poleece start moving stuff around..I get panic attacks and heart palpitations etc. But thats just Now posting something to the FAQ which is of constant interest and found useful is nice.


When you start directly modifying parts of our guns, that should rate high on our list.

What if some guy showed up with a custom barrel he made himself? Where would we route it?

Kentucky Kevin

Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


The experimental stuff should go in the "Experimental" section. Meaning you are trying something new and fairly unique ..but you aint real confident that it will work as maybe seeking some input and advice from any smart folks and cooler heads in the crowd etc. Once the bugs is fully worked out guaranteed not to kill or main folks of normal IQ levels who try it..gets moved over to the "Tried and True" section. Simple huh?  Thats how new moonshine recipes/techniques get birthed in cyberspace. Should also work for guns.


if we're talking about moving the Show me Your NAA's then that was a stupid move in MHO, as this is a NAA mini forum and we should have a topic on show us your stuff. Its not an FAQ its a place to show your guns and collection .


Sounds like we need a "stuff" thread, and in addition a "naa thread" and also a "naa and stuff" thread.

Honestly, I would find a "naa and stuff" thread the best. "Some weird knife, what is that grip material? Huh? What's that weird thingy with bullets sticking out of it?" Some way of a learning process for the newbs and lurks....

"Other guns"+"Show whatever" would yield some pocket dumps and every-day-carry kind of things.


If we moved each thread by its merits, they would all have the "lock" icon beside them. How would we handle that "thread drift" thing?

Kentucky Kevin

Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."

Kentucky Kevin

Do you mean Clint Eastwood
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Never underestimate the delusional power of irrationality.

Arrogance isn't the same as stupidity, but it tends to have similar results.---David Drake


Hey they had a cool deal on FB earlier...which say John Wayne had a favorite drink which he enjoyed over ice (which he had personally chipped from icebergs on trips in his yacht). The innocent bystanders are supposed to guess the liquid. The choices ranged from Sweet Tea to Tequilla. I guessed Rye Whiskey. Do yall think this is hot or warm? Thanks. 

Kentucky Kevin

The sailors say Brandy
Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."

Kentucky Kevin

Jesus loves YOU all of you
"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves."


Oh no. Do this mean him and Rock were pals?