Teddy Roosevelt's suppressed .30-30 levergun

Started by TwoGunJayne, October-10-13 12:10

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  Your putting bad thoughts into my head .  :-X :-X :-X :-X . What I could do with one on my 7mm Remington mag , oh boy  .
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .


Just remember. Suppress a subsonic and it's all good. The narrower the bore, the better it is. If all you hear is clicking and cycling of the action, it's time to "shroud the gun" to get quieter.

A bottleneck rifle cartridge with a hand's length suppressor won't be a "cat sneeze." (That's a hint for you young'uns.)

Suppress a supersonic? Not so quiet, but better...

Only in the movies can a fist sized suppressor turn a .50 Ba rette into a "mouse fart." (That's another hint.)


I'm not even playing. All joking aside. We're both "serious" and "just sayin' " here.

If Theodore Roosevelt had one of the most wicked hunting rifles ever (which he did,) what in the WORLD are the more recent presidential weapons????!?!?

Yeah, we'll never know until 100 years from now or whatever. Is it safe to ask what Ronald Regan's Presidential Weapon was? Carter probably just had a shotgun, knowing him.

Oh crap. This now belongs in "Politics and Religion." Back on topic. Presidential weapon.

We already know what Obama's "Presidential Weapon" is. He can't even keep a secret, can he? He's got ZERO style compared to Teddy. Was it all in the newspapers while he was in office as to what the deadliest North American hunting rifle (most particularly the Eastern Americas) was that the time? Drunk on peppermint schnapps and with two broken arms, Teddy would KO Obama in less than 15 seconds.

Teddy knew better than Obama: Always identify your target, do not take over-the-hill shots, always be aware of your round's backstop. Teddy never personally blew up any children. This is the difference between a hunter, statesman, and Real American... versus... well... whatever. Pull the trigger yourself. It's the only way to be sure. Only a stuffed-shirt self-righteous anti-gun anti-American, anti-Constitutional, anti-Bill of Rights, anti-Christian, Antichrist, sheep******-ing coward hypocrite will choose to order someone else to order someone else to fire a remote weapon by remote control as their "personal weapon." It indicates a lack of personal responsibility and an insult to the core values of America. To "take credit" for stuff, to smile and laugh about it with a big toothy grin like you did something personally like this in America is called a "serious lack of balls." This is because that's what we call it. Just because you saw it on a TV screen from a bunker doesn't mean you have the guts to knife the enemy. I trust Teddy about 5 or 6 orders of magnitude in this regard over Obama... and Teddy isn't even breathing these days. Teddy is still more likely to take responsibility and be a Real American than that sock puppet in office right now.

I'll designate my own targets, thanks. I do it right. Here's what scared the Old World most about the Americans. We used to have a reputation for eating our hunt and that's why there was once a total fear of a real American Rifleman. It's a subtlety from TR's time that's completely lost on a city-slicker Chicago-gangster-made Caliphate. We're not eating people mind you, but we hunt... and we eat what we kill, as opposed to... well... you get the idea. Anyone wanna really fight us for real? We win our own fights when we're serious about them and make no mistake... there *IS* a fight coming.

Our massive Welfare rolls do *NOT* impress hostile foreigners. A "gun behind every blade of grass" and every one of them a Real American rifleman is the true power of the 2nd Amendment.


Roosevelt had an estate in, I think, Long Island.  His neighbors, the Vanderbilts or some such, objected to his shooting.  Hence, the suppressor.  They never complained again.


yes in oyster bay. not far from me. beautiful property, Sagamore Hill, i have hiked all over it. I dont think Teddy would like the SAFE ACT roo much.

It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


...so how far do you think Teddy would explode if he found out 46 legislators voted to give all of our gun rights and 2nd Amendment to foreign powers?

I think a bit of his pinky finger might eventually fall on a president's head in 2046, assuming that America lasts that long.


Simple. Teddy would have taken 3 boxes of rifle shells (that's 20 rounds each) and then proceed to fire his rifle 3 to 5 times, killing all of them. The remainder of the ammo would be used for hunting or sent to some troops who were running low. Teddy didn't need that much ammo.

I think he'd have gone with the .405 on that hunt. That's just my opinion, you'd have to ask him.