
Started by Mitchg95, January-11-14 22:01

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Quote from: gunfitrip on January-30-14 08:01
Mitch, Tell your grandpa to come on this website and look at this thread. I'll say right now that a trip to the gunshop with grandpa would be one of those multi-generational events. What I mean is every time you take your kids to shoot that gun they'd hear the story of that trip to the gunshop. The gun would never be sold because you read this thread. Grandpa is memorialized better than if he had a statue in downtown of himself. Your grandpa should be proud of a grand kid that has such an honorable desire to exercise his Constitutional rights in this day. Good luck.

That is a great post!!! And true in every aspect!!! Good job writing that one gunfitrip!!!


I'll show him this thread :)
I got the holster for my mini yesterday and it is awesome
I was just outside, testing out the .177 cal cannon that I machined, I filled the bore with two .22 casings full of triple f pyro des, and man it is loud :)
We can't just settle for awesome anymore- Kyle Gass


Greetings! I am a 55 year old disabled air force veteran from the first Gulf War. I just bought my first NAA pistol today. I purchased a .22 magnum short barrel. With my disabilities, this was the perfect self defense pistol for me. It is well made and fits perfectly in my vest pocket. Thanks to NAA for making these "pocket guns" available!


Welcome to the forum.  Hope your vest has more pockets, because if you hang around here, you may find that you will need more.
I can't imagine a vest with no NAA mini in the pocket, or 2, or 3, or- - - - .


I just checked the traking information, it left Salina ks at 5am and should be in Denver at about 11am, it's is scheduled for Monday, by put it think it might come today or tomorrow XD
We can't just settle for awesome anymore- Kyle Gass


Ok. My gun is in commerce city right now, and will be here Monday.
I was with my grandmother today and got a check for $47 from paypal, then sold my gta5 game for $53 so I had a combined total of $100. She told me to call my grandfather and ask if I could buy his old ruger Mk2 (i think that's what it is), anyway, I gave him the money and I'll have a semi auto 22 pistol and my naa companion buy Monday :)
Thanks guys for the very warm welcome, I love it on this forum already :)
We can't just settle for awesome anymore- Kyle Gass


You are off to a great start on a big future of a lot of fun, Unfortunatly it can be expensive but still fun all the way!!! You sound like a great young man an I wish you the best!!!! I started collecting a lot younger than you and am now over 50!!! Even if you asked I could not tell you how many guns I own!!!


Lol, I hope to say that someday :) right now, I own 3 guns. The naa, the ruger from my grandfather a a early 1900's j Stevens arms and tool co 12 gauge single shot break open shotgun
We can't just settle for awesome anymore- Kyle Gass


Mitch i didnt get my first gun until i was 36 so you are off to a good start
It's too bad that our friends cant be here with us today


My father got his first gun, the .357 when he was 40. I think it was my uncle that got me into guns, I remember when I was maybe 8 or 9 years old, my mom was sick with the flu and my uncle just randomly showed up at our house with out warning and game me a daisy red Ryder. My mom was not happy, but man that thing was awesome, i still have the thing, it's not as accurate as it used to be but it is still pretty good :)
We can't just settle for awesome anymore- Kyle Gass


Thanks Goatpacker for the kind words. Mitch, that Ruger .22 will be one of the most accurate guns you ever lay your hands on. It looks to me your grandma and grandpa had something like this planned all along. I had a grandpa like that. What a Blessing. Tell him we will try to emulate what he did for you. Back to that Ruger. You practice with that gun and you'll be able to hit a quarter at twenty-five yards. Good stance, two-hand grip, sight picture, squeeze slow, Bang. Nothing better than a gun that shoots as good as you. I'm genuinely excited for you. Now to try to find some cheap .22 ammo. One other thing, remember to keep your hands below the slide. The Ruger's got a good design to help.


I found a local place that sells Remington yellow jackets in a box of 50 for $10, about 20 cents per trigger pull, not the best but that's the best I can find locally. That is unless I find walmart with the American Eagle federal rounds at 3.27 for a box of 50 but that's a one in a million shot.
I'm looking for some good open land to go shoot that way I can spend more money on ammo and not have to pay 17.50 an hour at the range.
We can't just settle for awesome anymore- Kyle Gass


That's too much on range fees.  It's more fun to shoot out in the open anyway.  Watch out what's behind where you shoot.  That .22 will go a looong way.  You'll find those Federal shells will treat you right.  Those Yellow Jackets have what's called a truncated cone bullet.  Some autos have a hard time feeding them, but I bet your Ruger will do just fine.  Try a few of those yellow jackets and put the rest up.  Shoot the Federals.  Oh for the days you could buy a case of shells for $160 (5000) rounds.


I wish 22 ammo was more available like it was when I was 10 years old
I'll go find a open spot in the national forest when the weather warms up.
We can't just settle for awesome anymore- Kyle Gass


The ruger marks are good fun guns. Reliable. Accurate. Fun. Just need to learn the little trick when replacing the bolt after cleaning.

In an outher thread, about just having one gun, it would be hard for this not to be it, for me. Mine is a mark 2 bull barrel. Many, many rounds thru it. Many rounds between cleanings. Am very accurate with it. Very reliable. Nope, it doesn't make a big hole, but it makes a hole where I aim it.


For me, if I was limited to just one gun, I probably would go for a 12ga shotgun because of all the options that go with it.
I can't wait to go out and shoot my ruger, I have shot it before, about 6 months ago. I did find a site selling the bulk pack (555) rounds for 50.40$ shipped to my door, so that is about .09 cents per round, I might go with that if I can save up the cash. Right now, I'm trying to save money to spend in Germany while on vacation with my family, I just keep buying guns and ammo lol.
We can't just settle for awesome anymore- Kyle Gass


But you cannot really suppress a shotgun effectively.
Wounds of the flesh a surgeon's skill may heal but wounded honour is only cured with steel.


  I'll never catch up with what I want and need . But I gotta have one of those FOR SURE . :) :)
TO ARMS , TO ARMS the liberal socialists are coming . Load and prime your weapons . Don't shoot till you see their UN patches or the Obama bumper stickers , literally . And shoot any politician that says he wants to help you or us .